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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. Welcome!! @EthanSea611 GG in the recruit
  2. We both know the answer to that (the finals) lol
  3. Bearzz
  4. What a shit schedule. Same couple teams it feels like again and again but I guess nice to get them done? not a bad sim tho
  5. No Seattle content
  6. Seattle tanking
  7. Nice wins.
  8. Banackock

    SEA/LDN; S96

    Thanks, @Baby Boomer. Welcome @Trazan
  9. Bana's S96 Quick Q's - #2 Press Conference Rules Seattle Bears Team Page This season's PC's (if you need to, you can answer past questions): S96 - #1 *Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! 10. Halloween is coming up. Team Halloween party. What are you dressing up as? 11. Of all members in the VHL, which would be the scariest Halloween costume? 12. Some scary shit has been happening in the Bears arena. Some say it's haunted. What's been happening? 13. The Bears are throwing a big fundraiser for Halloween and the City of Seattle. What candy do they hand out? 14. What's your favourite candy or chocolate bar? 15. You find some bones behind the zamboni. You pick them up and a demon pops out and grants you 3 evil wishes, but on one condition. The wishes must be evil in VHL spirit. Example, putting a curse on a star VHL player to make them only be able to skate in reverse, steal all the VHL store money that Beketov keeps in the vault - thus becoming a VHL billionaire, etc. 16. Do you have any plans for Halloween? 17. How do you feel that it's a few days away from Halloween and the massive tsunami that is Christmas music, decor, etc?
  10. is seattle ok?
  11. BANA BLABS #104 Another Blab brought to you by Talk-to-Text, an easier way to do this. Thanks, Siri. Despite your many, often simple errors. I appreciate you. You have made this easier and I wish I would have given you a try all those seasons ago! Severus Targaryen Player Page (Bana's Player) Seattle Bears Team Page Bears Discord - General. Come join the fun! That's what the VHL is all about :) Submitted before it was even started - classic! I guess that's the universe telling me "No, it's okay, Bana. You don't have to get back into writing like you used to". It's been awhile since I consistently wrote anything but I think that's because life's been way too crazy mixed in with a little bit of recruitment on here. September and partly October, I ended up working 23 days straight, lost a family member, went on a mountain trip, found out my dog could be very sick but it's VERY expensive, moved to Edmonton and so much more. Battling a bit of a sickness right now too - nothing crazy, but there's something there. For the VHL, S96 is underway and the league is feeling okay right now. Excitement is going up as the temperatures are going down. Moscow is a beast this season and if you looked at their forward/Defense group, wouldn't shock you. It didn't shock me until I looked at their goalie and seen that they had two back ups playing for them. I think we've unlocked the new meta where you can trash the idea of spending 5M+ on a goalie and instead have two lower guys in net and simply stack your other 10 players better to carry your team. Seattle is doing good. We went from being a contending team, to selling off significant pieces for some picks/youth and rebuilding, to sitting in a 3-way tie for 2nd place with a record of 13-5-4. Team is clicking fairly nice and I think we're only going to get better. 4th d-man will come. Patience could pay off. We have 4m in cap space, 7F/3D/1G. As the season progresses, so does the salary cap retention rate. Bears Milestone watch: @Josh Jasper Davis 1 goal off 250 (249)/12 points away from 600 (588). @Nykonax Eno Velvson 1 goal off 50 (49). @Victor Gianfranco Del Rocco 6 assists away from 100 (94). @Hogan The Phantom of the VHL 4 assists away from 100 (96). @zepheter Simons Worst Nightmare Congrats on 300 points last sim! BOTH shots AND shots blocked are sitting 3 away from 1,000 (997 x2). @Mongoose87 Giorgiy Costanzov is 4 wins away from 100 (96). 1 shutout away from 10 (9). 296 minutes played away from 10,000 (9,704).
  12. Great name. Hopefully will have a great career. Welcome to the VHL!
  13. 111 ffff
  14. From best player in the league to non-existent. Wonderful.
  15. Same mate
  16. Bana's S96 Quick Q's - It's been awhile... AGAIN.. AGAIN.. OKAY LAST TIME I SWEAR! Press Conference Rules Seattle Bears Team Page This season's PC's: *Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! 1. Did you know that one weeks when I don't ask questions, you can go back and answer any weeks prior, in any seasons? 2. How has your player done so far this season? 3. Thoughts on Seattle play? 4. Who is S96's VHL underdog? 5. What team in the VHL is surprising you the most? 6. Thoughts on the VHLE folding and no longer around? 7. Thoughts on all the Bears moves this off-season? 8. If you had to make lines for a game for Seattle, how would you do it? 9. Do you think Seattle should go after a 4th dman, or keep trucking with 3? If 4, who would you target in the VHL?
  17. Two 7 goal games. SEATTLE.
  18. Welcome @XavierMusketeer how you doin?!
  19. Beat VAN Lose to LA skid marks
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