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Everything posted by BladeMaiden

  1. @Banackock and @diamond_ace said I could have a clone because of draft issues. So no chance of me being able to test my lines and not being forced to metaphorically stumble through this like a blindfolded hunter trying to get out of the forest surrounded by bear traps.
  2. Have someone who was a simmer on my team and they offered to test my lines for me, thought it was worth a try. Just trying to be a through GM and give my team their best chance. My fish Clone link-------> https://vhlportal.com/players/playerfocus/1433
  3. No because he isn't even on the portal he is 100% missing now. Plus any way I can get access to the .sth file?
  4. 2 weeks worth 6 now and 6 later What teammate of yours is the best to follow on Twitter, and why? What is the most bizarre question you have been asked in a press conference during your career and who asked it? Who would win an arm wrestling competition on your team? Who is the biggest practical joker on the team and who gets picked on the most? A story of the best prank pulled would be nice. What is the craziest thing a puck bunny has ever done for your attention? What was your first car? Now that we have played a few games, what do your think our team strengths and weaknesses are ? What are your suggestions? If your entire team had to do an Ironman Triathlon (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 mile run), who would finish first and last respectively? Would your rather be more talented or have a high "Hockey IQ" Best hockey player of all time and why? Best quote from your Twitter feed that you posted after a game. If you could steal the skills of any active player in the league, from who would you steal?
  5. You are a human trash compactor and i don't know why i hired your for VSN j/k You are funny as hell Glade don't ever change!
  6. I would like to thank everyone for applying to be my AGM, there were no bad choices tbh. Hard choices had to be made so i decided to go with someone who I have worked with in the past and who I knew would be excited. He is sure to bring a burst of energy to my Locker Room, not that it needed the help lol. @DilIsPickle You are my 3rd and hopefully final attempt at hiring an agm! Hopefully 3rd time is the charm. -Blade
  7. You would have never got him He demanded first line lol
  8. Hey @Bushito Come Make History with the Philadelphia Reapers, I am offering you a a first line position with top Minutes. Your reputation precedes you and your experience will be appreciated in our locker room. Help us make a go for the cup. I think we both will be exponentially better with each other. Come be the star of the reaper show! -Blade
  9. What teammate of yours is the best to follow on Twitter, and why? What is the most bizarre question you have been asked in a press conference during your career and who asked it? Who would win an arm wrestling competition on your team? Who is the biggest practical joker on the team and who gets picked on the most? A story of the best prank pulled would be nice. What is the craziest thing a puck bunny has ever done for your attention? What was your first car? Now that we have played a few games, what do your think our team strengths and weaknesses are ? What are your suggestions? If your entire team had to do an Ironman Triathlon (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 mile run), who would finish first and last respectively? Would your rather be more talented or have a high "Hockey IQ" Best hockey player of all time and why? Best quote from your Twitter feed that you posted after a game. If you could steal the skills of any active player in the league, from who would you steal?
  10. I feel ya on that one. Just looks like it was a rough game, poorly timed but it happens.
  11. 3 Stars 1 - Brick Wahl (MER) 2 - Jake Davis (MER) 3 - Dan Wilinsky (MER) I got a star and i get to share with Josh and Dan
  12. You win, some you lose some, and we def lost this one ! gg
  13. @Jubo07 First goal of the Game congrats
  14. Forget me and Peace you seem to be in on the action too. ???
  15. @Peace nice goal, Assist to @Josh. and @Elhandon you guys scored the one one we got GG boys!
  16. Looking for a AGM, +1 capped a week Looking for someone who wants to be highly active in Philadelphia Reapers franchise. Looking to learn lines, do drafting, waivers and participate in a fun locker room. Show me what you got, as you will be the next in line to the reapers throne. Blade
  17. Hi, @Conor I'm BladeMaiden Philadelphia Reapers' GM. I would like to offer you top 4 spot on my defensive line. The Reapers are a very good spot to start growing your player. There is lots of room to move within our organization and I am always available to help with explaining how to use the site (Gaining and applying TPE and Player Builds). We have an active Discord LR where our team goes to chat and relax as well as a formal one here on the forum. Philadelphia is looking to build our base in this our inaugural season, and show the rest of the league what the reapers are capable of. If you like to have fun and want to go to a team that will help your grow, respect you as a player and still have a lot of fun the Philadelphia Reapers is the right team for you! Just quote this post and Type "accepted" to join the Reapers and become a part of VHL history by playing with us in our first season!
  18. I just sent you instructions, if you still have problems msg me back. After you do it once it is simple.
  19. @Tyguy_31 You have no idea how happy i am to welcome you to my team
  20. Hi, @Tyguy_31 I'm BladeMaiden Philadelphia Reapers' GM. I would like to offer you top 4 spot on my defensive line. The Reapers are a very good spot to start growing your player. There is lots of room to move within our organization and I am always available to help with explaining how to use the site (Gaining and applying TPE and Player Builds). We have an active Discord LR where our team goes to chat and relax as well as a formal one here on the forum. Philadelphia is looking to build our base in this our inaugural season, and show the rest of the league what the reapers are capable of. If you like to have fun and want to go to a team that will help your grow, respect you as a player and still have a lot of fun the Philadelphia Reapers is the right team for you! Just quote this post and Type "accepted" to join the Reapers and become a part of VHL history by playing with us in our first season! -Blade
  21. I wanted the set though!!! Lol have fun on your team
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