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Everything posted by BladeMaiden

  1. Did I not add in that you ask for perms to talk to me ? I totally meant to make that clear. You have nothing to apologize for Muff, any other season that move would have probably worked out as I honestly never stopped feeling bad about how it went down. I don't blame you at all, you were a new GM and we had enjoyed talking. You have a bunch of my long term sim friends on your team. Why wouldn't I sign? It was a pretty calculated risk and If @Jubo wasn't leaving Helsinki I would have ended up in Warsaw, hell i almost gave him my best wishes over it because i didn't want this kinda story line carrying on in the future. Congrats on your win in Warsaw, you deserve it. Just proves nothing can hold ya down Muff. We'll see if i can stop putting money on the wrong pony with V or if I'll effectively move her away from anyone who wins lol
  2. It's never easy and you got way more than a scrub like me is worth. Tops i'm a couple of 3rds Bella and V are always gonna be soul sisters
  3. @BanackockV is gonna miss her twin in Seattle. made this just before the trade lol
  4. You were bidding against Seattle fyi, and I'm surprised that trade went through as my NTC was in place. I was not asked if i was going to sign with you and somehow bana was allowed to talk to me yet you weren't. That whole situation made me very uncomfortable and pressured, FA is tough enough choosing between many good options and I do realize I was spoiled for choice but i also work my ass off to be a desirable player and I don't need my reputation getting any blacker over things I honestly had zero control over. for your sake i kept on hoping you would ask to talk to me, but i couldn't reach out and tell you to ask for perms to talk to me without risking you getting hit for tampering anyways. Honestly idk what i was suppose to do, i was screwed if i did anything but sign with you. Maybe that is on me, but trust me I didn't enjoy process any more than you did.
  5. Got to love how "Warsawing" is a verb now... literally if Muff had asked he would have been told that I was going to FA and determined to make my decision on based on my experience. I could have allowed myself to be pressured into a signing, and yes i could have saved them, but I'm not sure how that makes me a risk. I am nothing if not brutally honest. That being said I decided to make us forum official Sorry i was so hard to get (But you know that is just how V is ), but you know what they say the good things in life are worth working and waiting for lol
  6. A young boy doesn't want to go to bed. The hockey game is on! “What if I can't fall asleep?” the boy says. “Don't worry,” says his dad. “You will.” After his parents have tucked him in and turned out the light, he shines a flashlight on his prized hockey possessions around his room: the posters of his favorite players, the pennant for his favorite team, the puck. Then he decides to listen to the game on his bedside radio, which he places under his pillow. With the familiar drone of the announcer's voice for company, the boy drifts off to sleep. He dreams he has joined his favorite team on the ice --- where he scores the winning goal! And the boy smiles as the announcer exclaims, “What a play! What a goal! What a game!”
  7. at least your getting a good bedtime story fishy lol
  8. When I'm not on the OP power waggon I usually like a good underdog as well lol As far as my taste goes that must explain why i enjoy you so much LMAO never a dull moment with you around and i love it.
  9. Toxic is a point of view thing. Ask one member and they'll sing my praises, ask another and they'd condemn me. You can point fingers all you want but we are not the "bad guys" for enjoying our win and neither is any other team. Can it be rubbing salt in a wound in some circumstances? You be your ass it is! but guess what? That is part of it. I've been here for 3 years and it's been this way from day one. You can choose to be salty, you can choose to take a loss with dignity, you can choose to gloat or offer the glove and you can even choose to be a whiny pain in the ass... you do you but if you try to rain on my parade, i'm just gonna dance in the puddles
  10. Simmer Down: Trollin With Da Bears
  11. Jardy, i though you had better taste buddy. lol
  12. they had them on sale, he cleaned them out just like he did Chicago never pass up a two-fer lol apparently they pay dividends .
  13. If only our sim gave a shit about lore or logic... You would be better off telling them to try to steal whatever lucky bear paw @Banackock has been hoarding for 10+ seasons. Honestly at this point I'm starting to think Bana and Simon having a torrid love affair lol
  14. 7. What piece of clothing or accessory can a pro athlete wear that immediately makes you have a bad opinion of them as a person? 8. What’s the fullest you’ve ever been before a game? Did you regret it? 9. What behaviours make you think a teammate / opposing player is creepy? 10. Who is a person in a leadership position in our league seems the most down to earth? 11. What’s the funniest or most amazing cell phone cover you have seen a fellow player sporting? (Who was it?) 12. Which Team in our league is greatly overrated? 13. What franchise do you wish would go out of business? (What is it about them that gets to you?) 14. What’s the perfect temperature to set the thermostat at in a Locker Room (do ya like it hot or cold?) ? 15. Who around you has the worst luck and what should they do to improve it? 26. What’s your favourite sounding word? 23. What’s the weirdest thing that has happened to you in a car? 24. If you could fit your whole career into one picture what would it look like?
  15. Pics or it didn’t happen…
  16. Review: How many ways can you love a graphic? let me count the ways with this beauty. I honestly don’t know if i just love seeing Hilary this much or if it is that your seamless graphical stying that gives me the chills. Yellows and browns can easily get muddy but you managed them beautifully in this card! Thank you for taking the time ti honour a significant playoff memory for my player! 9.5/10 the .5 off is because i wish we were still on the same roster, i miss ya bestie!
  17. I’d be down to do that, if you think the vhl could take that kind of heat.
  18. I can’t tell if you want to fight or want me to dedicate a podcast to flaming you? #ChallengeAccepted
  19. Congratulations, you are going to be fantastic!! Can’t wait to see you win your first cup!
  20. Last Second Tasks on Sunday, Do you like to live dangerously? Old Link
  21. Review: This is clearly a beautiful graphic, I think this looks polished and that it has everything I would be looking for in a stylized graphic. Colour work is really great. Everything looks so smooth buttery and rich, you have a lot of dark's and lights playing well and i love the end effect. 9/10 keep up the great work
  22. No arguments here, when you are right, you are right. Power to the ppl and #WaterIsAHumanRight
  23. Review: Hello Frank, we meet again! TI really don't have much to critique here, your render looks hella clean. and I like that you used yellow in such a big way here. The play with the colour blocking and texture is really cool. It plays even better with the fade out text that honestly looks pressed into this graphic. Over all this things is clean and punchy, if it was mine I would be showing it off to all my friends. 9/10 Literally the only thing i don't like about this is that it is better than my graphics by a landslide
  24. There is something about a Davos Uniform that will always scream "I am le trash" Well when i wasn't on Seattle i would have said Seattle @Banackock but i guess Moscow going away on a "long trip" wouldn't make me sad either @Spartan Leering, and just weird amounts of eye contact and intense focus. @Jubo @rjfryman @Ricer13 and @diamond_ace, this is the top of a very long list of amazing VHLers i know. I think it was a Galaxy fold, the screen fold on it ... Sam Smith, i jut hear him and think... "wow this music is blah" but if you love his stuff you keep doing you.
  25. 1. What piece of clothing or accessory can someone wear that immediately makes you have a bad opinion of them as a person? 2.What company or franchise do you wish would go out of business? 3. What behaviours make you think a person is creepy? 4. Who in the VHL seems the most down to earth? 5. What’s the funniest or most amazing cell phone cover you have seen? 6. Which musical artist is greatly overrated?
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