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Everything posted by BladeMaiden

  1. What’s the most memorable book you’ve ever read that helped you with your mental game? What’s your favorite color? Does it relate to your Fav VHL or VHLM or VHLE team? What song do you most associate with the toughest moments that hit you on the ice? What major historical event took place the year you were born? What is your favorite on the road city to visit in the VHL or VHLM or VHLE? Do you think sports jobs will be eliminated by robots? why or why not?
  2. Scotty Kaberle d @bukss_a ur up for two I’ll update the list when i get home, out at the cottage atm
  3. use the template please, it makes everyone's lives easier. It does that by making it so that no digging through the thread is required to see who was selected and insures there is always an up to date list. I know it is an extra step for us all but it's well worth it in the end. 1. (one skip) bukss_a F - F - F - D - Robin Galante Nilsson D - Chris Hylands G - Doug Dimmadome 2. (one skip) BladeMaiden (Group Manager) F - Aloe Dear F - Venus Thightrap F - Valtteri Vaakanainen D - D - G - 3. Jtv123 F - Christian Mingle F - Luke Thornton F - Cabe McJake D - D - G - 4. JardyB10 F - Groovy Dood F - Taro Tsuijmoto F - D - Hard Markinson D - G - 5. Matt thunder F - F - lee xin F - Patrik Laine D - Kasper Kankkunen D - Linus Zetterstorm. G - 6. Tate F - Red Lite F - F - Dakota Lamb D - Alex Letang D - L G - @JardyB10 this list is updated
  4. 1. (one skip) bukss_a F - F - F - D - Robin Galante Nilsson D - Chris Hylands G - Doug Dimmadome 2. (one skip) BladeMaiden (Group Manager) F - Aloe Dear F - Venus Thightrap F -Valtteri Vaakanainen D - D - G - 3. Jtv123 F - Christian Mingle F - Luke Thornton F - D - D - G - 4. JardyB10 F - F - Taro Tsuijmoto F - D - Hard Markinson D - G - 5. Matt thunder F - F - F - D -kasper Kankkunen D - linus Zetterstorm. G - 6. Tate F - Red Lite F - F - D - Alex Letang D - G - @Jtv123
  5. to keep things updated i'm going to ask you all copy the list below insert you pick and tag the next person. It will eliminate a lot of issues and help keep things moving. @bukss_a you still need to pick. @JardyB10@Matt thunder @Tate @Jtv123 @bukss_a if you have any issues feel free to PM me on Discord 1. (one skip) bukss_a F - F - F - D - D - G - Doug Dimmadome 2. (one skip) BladeMaiden (Group Manager) F - Aloe Dear F - Venus Thightrap F - D - D - G - 3. Jtv123 F - Christian Mingle F - Luke Thornton F - D - D - G - 4. JardyB10 F - F - Taro Tsuijmoto F - D - Hard Markinson D - G - 5. Matt thunder F - F - F - D -kasper Kankkunen D - linus Zetterstorm. G - 6. Tate F - Red Lite F - F - D - Alex Letang D - G -
  6. I'm ok once i realize it's up and running lol
  7. He has 2 picks in a row Jardy, 12hrs then 12hrs. I had the same thought but he technically picks twice in a row unless they changed the rules. “If someone has two picks in a row and fails to do the first one before 12 hours pass, tag them and give them another 12 hours for the second pick in a row.” See the rules at the top of this page
  8. @bukss_a you will be skipped and disqualified if you can’t can make your picks within 8 hrs, at this specific time you have been skipped once. You have till 11 EST.
  9. Aloe Dear F Venus Thightrap F @bukss_a
  10. I’m here now and will pick in a sec, I didn’t even know this started up yet do me a favour and hit chill.
  11. I think your mood lighting is effective, this reminded me of some coloured art stills i've seen. I think the soft light really added to the over all image. Whatever you are doing it is working. I look forward to your next one, I wish half my stuff looked this good .
  12. Review Hey Steve! First of all i would like to mention that i always know which graphics are yours, you defiantly have a style and lets be honest i am here for it. Idk if you did it on purpose but your use of primary colours and soft halo lighting does a great job at making the viewer's eye move around the graphic to different focal points. You did a great job at ensuring that the main focus is on the render, i do love the glow and blends you have going on around him. that being said i do find the image a tad sparse on detail, i feel like your grey area needs something to make it more finished. that being said this reads beautifully from a distance and i'm sure anyone would love to be sporting this beauty. 8/10 great job keep them coming.
  13. Hell froze over again, Today I agreed with the blue team.. Honestly feeling like i am on Reddit and should be posting in TIFU lol @Beketov @Quik @bigAL This is dedicated to you. https://anchor.fm/huddlehussy/episodes/Why-Does-hell-keep-freezing-over--I-agreed-with-the-blue-team-wtf-e14lu38
  14. I was going to tag you directly but i knew you would find my gift, take it and a hug and run even Uncle Phil and Aunt Viv approve lol
  15. Happy Birthday, props for doing it up right blue team!!
  16. For the lols This is why I’m always happy to see a notification that you’ve commented on my terrible podcasts
  17. I’m in and am offering to run a group
  18. @PatrikLaine not even 24 hours after me and you are also traded off. I would tell @GustavMattias what an amazing player he is getting but from the looks of that trade he gets it! Good luck in Davos to you both @Rayzor_7 nice to see you didn’t forget to charge extra to trade in conference lol I hope you all are excited about this one!
  19. @diamond_ace it's a beautiful thing
  20. As you heard there is no drama to be had i was happy in Seattle and am happy to be going to Prague as well, this is what happens when you are spoiled for choices. I am still thankful for my time with the Bears, you guys are a shot of life and i would 100% recommend the experience to any player. #ForAGoodTimeCall @Banackock
  21. Review: As someone who has worked with gifs a lot all i can say is well done for doing something we don't see much in these parts. That being said is a a strait up copy paste job and i know because I've done my fair share of them. the composition is sparse and there is no existent blending that brings the image and video together to make a cohesive signature. I do give you major props on your cut and for having exceptionally great taste in players and teams to feature being a sens fan. I do appreciate that you did modify the tone of the image so karlsson fits in.In the end i think different text probably could have saved this for me. Good job this gets a 7/10 for me. I know you probably put in some good work (and time ) but there is just too little actual graphical skills shown here to warrant a higher grade in my personal opinion.
  22. https://anchor.fm/huddlehussy/episodes/Traded-Again---nothing-to-see-here-e14a41h am i too valuable to keep or just terrible to have lol?
  23. 1. What actor played their character so well that you can’t watch them in any other show or movie without seeing that character? 2. What is the most fun thing someone could have in their backyard? 3. If you had to break a vhl record to get paid (good bad or ugly), what record would you try to break? 4. What first world problem do you have? 5. If the police raided your house right now, what is the most incriminating thing they would find? 6. What would you put inside a personal mental health first aid kit?
  24. What’s something that can’t be found or bought on the internet? What should the first Hockey League on another planet be called? If you put out a magazine, what would you name it and what would be in it? If you were challenged to a duel, what weapons would you choose? What villain do you really feel for? What is the most interesting thing you could do with 400 pounds of cheddar cheese?
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