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Everything posted by BladeMaiden

  1. @PatrikLaine omg!!! So happy for you, you deserve this!!! FINALLY!!!!
  2. Add me please
  3. Venus Thightrap F Chris Hylands D @Otto Numminen @JigglyGumballs I’m taking over for the IA just so you know!
  4. 1. Thoughts on Seattle winning the cup? I am happy that my new teammates had success but obviously i am sad for myself, would have been nice to win one in Helsinki. After all one ring is not enough for me. 2. What was the reaction in the locker room? I am guessing moods were high here in Seattle but Helsinki had a really emotional off season. I think the worse part was when management came to me after our loss and told me that my contract was too expensive to keep, which was pretty devastating. That being said I got sent to the now defending cup champions and I am happy to prove why I am a must have play on any roster. 6. What are your thoughts and the odds on the Bears going back to back? I didn't come all the way to Seattle to not win a cup, I say we go for a threepeat. This season and next are Seattle Cup Season 7. If not anyone from Seattle, who could the MVP for playoffs be? @Jubo Vak played amazing for us. Definitely your my Helsinki MVP 14. Did Champion Rose @Hex Universe send runner up Rose @MattyIce a cheer me up gift after losing? If so, what? He did, it was a framed picture of the cup at the Seattle team celebration and had a card attached telling @MattyIce to dream big, little did @Hex Universe know that Matty would be coming back to the bears... time to win Matty and I our Bears cup. 15. What you have for supper? I love asking this for ideas sometimes you know? I think my fav recent creation was butter chicken wraps, made home made naan and used that for the wrap. Chicken smothered in that delicious sauce with some vegetables mixed in, just YUM
  5. Review: This Red galaxy landscape image seems to give an out of this world vibe to the whole sig. It it the most original idea ? No but it looks pretty damn good so I'm not about to call you out over it. The red is a fun twist on the typical blues and purples you usually see in a galaxy image and the different texts really do something fun together. I would totally rock this bad boy and i hope greg loves it. btw your render looks fantastic probably the best part for me 9/10 - great work
  6. Review: As the first ever Reaper's GM I can say the logo holds a special place in my heart. I love the idea of a new welcome graphic as i can assure you graphics media and branding were a large part of the teams original success. The layout here is very simplistic and clean looking, this graphic tells a story of what it currently means to lace up you skates for the organization. the only gripe i have is it echos on things that have been done before but that does not negate the fact that it has been done well here. Good job 9/10 I'd like to see a twist on this classic.
  7. 16. What did you get up to this weekend? (past one) I wne hiking out at the cottage it was really nice to get away from everything and just be out in nature #NoScreenDream 17. What are your thoughts on the Bears trading for and signing Venus Thightrap @BladeMaiden? That Scrub, why did we pick her up? How can you improve upon perfection? 18. What were your thoughts on signing Free Agent James Rose @MattyIce? See the last question i ask in Q17. ,Matty ice is how you improve on perfection. 20. Any surprises to you in the S78 VHL Draft (links all above)? I was surprised to see @Jubo still drafting clever as a fox that one. 21. What is something you're looking forward to in the next little while? I am looking forward to racking up some points with my face render twinsie @Banackock 22. What are your goals for your player in the upcoming season? (goals, A, points, hit amount etc) It's all about the points, lets rack them up
  8. You know me I like to keep it interesting lol
  9. Come on my podcast and I'll show you how rough i can be lol
  10. @Jubolooks like @Victor couldn't find you without the 07 lol come get ur TPE
  11. I'm pretty sure half the roster would go down saying "I wouldn't spit on her if she was on fire." and from my personal experience that is the best place to start when your moving to a new team, lol but to be fair I can be quite polarizing especially if you aren't a person with the benefit of knowing me well. But seriously I hope I can just help Seattle keep doing what they have been doing. Venus has been really good, but as she is likely my last player I would love to see her reach HOF. It's honestly along shot and she just might end being very good, but I think I'm hoping to leave behind a fun name in the VHL History books. The Thightrap that won't be forgot has a nice ring to it lol
  12. you’re breaking my heart Laine, you know that regardless of where my player is you all hold a piece of my heart in Helsinki.
  13. Ngl I’m in it for the cups and personal stats!!
  14. @Jubo how many times does it make it that you’ve traded a player of mine off your team? I’m starting to think you don’t like me j/k Lol But Seriously thanks for having me in Helsinki, I seriously consider it one of my best vhl experiences to date. Having AGMed for a while with you in Helsinki I had been dying to actually making the roster and being part of that Helsinki magic! Again thank you for everything and specifically sending me to a competitive team. @Banackock considering my history with sign and trades you have balls of steel for making this move, but I think I’ll let the VHL in on the secret that I have agreed to sign with the bears so people don’t start ribbing you. Thank you so much for bringing me on your very successful and well built team, i am so happy to be playing with my player render twin again, lets go get you some more cups, i want you double stacking your rings by the time i leave. My only thought on this is actual bans come with PT bans, from my point of view it was definitely a wrist slap. And it was done at 9 est this morning if i am correct lol so i think i was still in timeout when this was processed but bek your point still stands it wasn’t like I wasn’t coming back.
  15. @Frank this is why I like you lol funny cause it’s likely true!
  16. I do love when you roll up and come prove my point. You should know by now I say what I believe and I stick by it. By all means try to chastise me for having an opinion, but at this point you’re only adding fuel to fire. The funny thing is i use to get that lame line fed to me a lot but I realized it was being said to people imposing a system and beliefs I could not buy into. So I’ll say what i want and to hell with you for trying to tell me to have my voice! l said what i said, full knowing i was going against the grain and their could be consequences. Long story short: don’t patronize me.
  17. The sarcastic part of my brain : “I love it when ppl play stupid.” The savage part of my brain : “ You know he ain’t playin’ “
  18. You know me bek if i see a loophole I’ll use it, also think when ppl make claims that are questionable people deserve to know the alternative perspective, you seem to allow speculation to run rampant everywhere elses I really don’t understand why this topic would be different. more than happy to discuss this further on discord if you would like.
  19. You’re not even in the general locker room at this time. In fact when Jubo took over It looked like you just left to lick at your wounded pride for not being chosen to replace Quik. I guess you just bring up your ‘history’ when it suits your cause, which hey I can’t blame you for the hustle but don’t believe you earnestly kept that love for Helsinki with you after you bounced but hey that’s just my opinion. It is my hope that someone who presently has a connection with the team gets the position and not just some whiny, well connected Board member, but again that’s just me
  20. Thightrap Hitting FA : Again????? Back when I signed with Helsinki In FA I don’t think anyone questioned it for a second (well a few might have and that is because they were doing a really good job pitching to me making my choice hard, my hat off to those GMs). I tam trying to not sound to colloquial but everything just fit, I had my cup (from Vancouver) and I was hell bent on joining another successful team (because I want a few more) . Those of you who may not have known me from my last player Brick Wahl II, may not know why it was so important for me to join teams that actually had a shot at a cup. To put It bluntly I played my whole past career on middle of the road teams and regardless of the amazing people I got to play with, there was something missing from my experience. As a competitive person I wanted that test of putting myself toe to toe with the best. I needed to prove I could stand out on a powerhouse team and having put in my time and loyalty with Brick, Venus has become my gun for hire. I will start by admitting that my luck with Venus in the Sim has been much better. Somehow I won a cup with Vancouver within my first 3 seasons and have reached my personal goal of being a PPG for my career as of this season. Now, you would think that that kind of start would have satisfied my itch for greatness; in fact, the cup alone was something that I hadn’t had the fortune of receiving in my whole last career. But as any successful , driven person can tell you, enough is ever enough. Which brings me to why I signed with Helsinki in the first place. Was I that competitively hungry or was there more to it? After winning my cup and seeing that Vancouver destined to change, especially with their GM quitting ( and yes that makes it 2 GMs I have retired in this career alone) I was itching for someplace I could get that competitive edge that I swore I wouldn't stop looking for with this player but Helsinki also offered something I must admit I was starting to miss, Helsinki had that homey feeling. I admit my attachment to the team probably came from my times served being the AGM for Helsinki. I knew that LR very well, knew the GM style and lines i would be subject to while on the team and was excited to be part of that pattern of excellence. No matter how much I loved all the players it was very important to me that i was not just falling back into old patterns at the time, because I could have easily signed for many players and GMs into situations that would not have been ideal for me as a user or player. I counted myself lucky that i didn't have to convince myself that I wasn't sinking into old habits, Helsinki is a very competitive team so it’s not like I chose to sacrifice my stats or goals for friendship, the truth was it was all wrapped up in one big package. I bet on what I knew was a sure thing, a well run LR, with a smart GM and amazing people. It’s not like the other teams didn’t have the same things to offer, hell Seattle really could have won me another cup. Even in hindsight knowing what i do and wanting V to be the best she can, I would not have chosen any differently. Any one who would say that that is crazy, is disregarding the amazing season we had in Helsinki and the extraordinary people in that organization. The fact remains, that my memories I built this season with this team have reminded me of the value beyond in sim excellence, and i do not regret a single second of this season with this team . I consider myself so lucky to have played for my first ever VHLM GM in his last season of VHL GMing. I think we all have to admit that there is something poetic about the stories we write here with the friends we make through this simple game. There is something fitting about honoring one of the people that gave me my start by being with him in his last GM hurrah. That all being said this leaves be back where I was only a season ago, a FA after only signing a one-year contract with the Titans. A fresh gun for hire yet again facing a difficult choice as she head into the off season. At this point there is no clear-cut path for Thightrap. No doubt last FA period has burned some of my bridges and I’ll say it from the get go I’ll be surprised to have more than a handful of offers. Having had a taste of whhat i call a dream situation in Helsinki where I could both compete and feel comfortable, I wonder if i can again find a similar arrangement that will satisfy both. To put it plainly this FA period V is looking once again for a competitive team with a ride or die attitude. Thank you to the titans for an amazing season and whoever takes over I’ll look forward to talking with you about my player. Let this be a reminder to us all that the winds of change strike unexpectedly in the VHL and that we are all susceptible to their wrath. My best wishes to @Jubo you are one hell of a GM and Friend. Thank you for my prefect season.
  21. https://anchor.fm/huddlehussy/episodes/Helsinki-GM-_-all-the-Cookies-e10j880
  22. 1.) It's not a long Off-season for me but i have my 2nd round of FA to go through and I definitely plan on some golf. Time at the cottage will be pretty amazing too, i love the summer. 2.) I dressed up as Poison Ivy, the entire titans team did DC themed costumes it was amazing 3.)I usually get out in nature and go take some hikes, when that is not possible i take long bubble baths and call up my besties 4.)I would help my GM with scouting, I like to draft and have been told i have a knack for making players nervous in interviews so they tell us more facts 5.)I would like to see the leauge acknowledge more members for their contributions. 6.) T-bone medium rare, with a good steak sauce and some salt and pepper #YUM
  23. If you think your views could take that heat I would be happy to take you up on that offer Jardy. Feel free to play that OBoysC card whenever you want me to pop off and remind the VHL what my reputation was made on, probably to my own detriment I do not fear much.
  24. You obviously didn’t hear about my FA experience. Can’t say I would describe it as fun. All i can say that it is proof that i attract drama like flame attracts moths to it.
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