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Everything posted by BladeMaiden

  1. https://www.spreaker.com/user/14744502/league-structure-are-we-doing-it-right @Acydburn @Victor Talking about our "New League" Congrats to you both on being commies
  2. They say Victory flies on wings, lets hope we'll finally see some imaginative team names. Valkyries, Harpies, and Sirens are all represented in European lore, I can't say I'd be upset to see Berlin brewers either...
  3. Review : Lets start with the basics ... do i like this ? Yes Do i think their could be more epic rainbow in this? Yes Do I think Overall this was a Cool idea? Yes. If you can't tell i really like the idea of playing around and doing up a custom rainbow logo for Pride. I myself and am a more is more kind of girl, so i just wish this hit me with more of that rainbow flair. That doesn't mean i don't like this more subtle version, in fact i get what you were going for and i find it fairly successful, there is something about how thin the colors are on reapers that makes me wish the rainbow was more of an over all wash but that i must admit is a personal preference. 8/10 - this is very very clean but i'm wondering about readability when it is small. Love the idea and feel effort was put into this swap Great Job
  4. Review: I'm not gonna lie for someone who just said "I made that at 1:30 AM and it really shows." I have to disagree. I think this is a simple and clean Player card and guess what it looks pretty legit. Is there a logo swap ... nope but at least you covered up the old logo and TBH that is all i really care about. I often struggle with making a card look like a card and not a sig and you did that very well. I would love to see this as a series. Please stop being so hard on yourself Drew. #BullsAlumni #HoustonFam #GreatGraphic 8/10 - great job that is a solid A grade
  5. Robin Winther, she just gets under my skin on and off the ice. Something about her face makes my blood boil. I have 18 PIM and they are all dedicated to things i would like to do to her. Water, rope, snacks/rations, tent and a long range weapon. Vat of Acid @Jubo Vaak will know why lol Where to go in FA, when you are spoiled for choice it becomes hard to know where your home should be. Helsinki was a great place for me then but i am also happy to be a bear now. I am always forgetting my mouth guard glows in the dark, it really seems to freak the guys out lol My competitive nature, i want to be the best and inspire my team to be good as well. I am a good listener and always have constructive comments and ideas but only give them when my advice is solicited
  6. @PatrikLaine Hope you like it V2
  7. Review: Can you feel the RUSH? Because i can with this sig. looking at it sends a RUSH to all the right places if ya know what i mean, and if you don't i mean my eyes because this thing is a F*ing beauty too look at. This sig is a symphony of blues and the biggest pop is in the form of the logo ans sleeve accents, which i love because it brings your eyes to the render, I think you were smart to use such a visible text because it really balances out the sig and moves you eye across the image. 10/10 for me on this, i think it is slick but simple and tbh i just love love it
  8. @Vkobe-v Review: First of all thank you for choosing V to do a graphic on. I know that female renders are hard to find and sometimes harder to work with because of the hair. I like that you went with a very feminine colour palate. It is clear that you were trying to bring emphasis to her name since you did it in a neon style and i do find it interesting that her name is on it twice, but with a name like Thightrap who wouldn't want to say it more than once? 7/10 i think the render needs to ve brightened up so we can see more of her face but the over all feel of where this was going is still there. Amazing work I look for ward to seeing more out of you
  9. now you have me sweating bullets lol
  10. I'm happy it ended up working, I myself like a nice surprise from time to time so I hope this gave you that feeling that someone was thinking of ya.
  11. Who would you really like to just punch in the face? We all have special player we think needs to learn their place, who is yours? Name the top five things to take with you during a zombie outbreak. How would you quickly dispose of a dead body in a hotel room? I'm totally asking for a friend..lo What’s the toughest VHL related decision you ever made? What are you always have you forgetting? What do you bring most your team friendships?
  12. Review: Hey Ricer, don't think that just because your my AGM in SF (in efl) that it means i'll go easy on you for this one lol In all seriousness I really love the background although it does pull visual interest from your render because the player looks so gritty and the background looks so crisp. I find it very cool that Reylynn is also so crisp and Reinhart is again rough like your render, It makes me think that your choices were very well though out and intentional although i feel like i would have flipped them personally. This is a really good graphic that played with colours well and has a great logo swap in it. 8/10 keep up the great work
  13. Review 9/10 - This is a great looking graphic with some hard contrast and great color play.Yellow and blue are a power couple and you did them proud in this Helsinki sig. Vaak is such a solid player for his team and i love that you chose a render that reflects @Jubo's love for his team. Seriously i saw this and ad to review it, it just fits the team, the player and user. Amazing job .
  14. @jRuutu some Prague swag, i forget who your render is lol
  15. @Lefty_S Review: I know this must be art because I am overcome withe the complexity of your render. I like the effort you put in to give Mr. Duk his helmet and stick although i do believe he is missing a jersey and skates but i guess he is just living his best feathery nude fantasy on the ice. In all seriousness i love the background effect and the way that Vancouver logo looks like it was painted on. Somehow you got the mixture of complex and simple images to work and i am just baffled at the how ... 9/10 quacks, because you quack me up lol
  16. @Jubo #HelsinkiLegends #What-A-Winner
  17. G-Ajay Krishna @Otto Numminen
  18. F- Valtteri Vaakanainen @solasx2 picks
  19. @Steve Review : There is a part of me that thinks you missed an opportunity to call this the birth of the blue man group. It looks very artistic , something very odd and almost alien about a blue toned human with a bald head but I kind of love it for that reason as well. I like the LA tattoo on the neck and the seemingly simplistic background just works in this context. I think this is a fun one and I can't wait to see more from you. 9 Stanley nickles out of 10 Schrute bucks, and additional Stanley nickle if you get the reference lol
  20. @Banackock The twins are back in action together, thought this would be a great way to commemorate it
  21. @Renomitsu Made this for my V's sister from another mister, I miss being on your team and hopefully you can tell I think you are out of this world.
  22. Speak for yourself I loved that horse it is better than the current Zebra from the prairie ...
  23. D-Jolly green giant @Otto Numminen
  24. F- Addison McLaren @solas
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