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Everything posted by 8Ovechkin8

  1. 1. D FENCE 2. I think so far so good. It's good to make steps forward for the team. 3. anything is better than 0 points in the vhl 4. I think we have room for one player so i mean sure but also how aggressive can we actually be 5. yes 100% 6. Hell ya brother he can
  2. After an atrocious season by Astro Singh he has some how, some way, managed to get a call up from London United. When we could up with Astro, it was fair to say that he was shocked when he saw the press release on twitter. However, with the standard ESPN tweet, he noticed there was another tweet that gained more attention, and put a spotlight on him in a way he had never experienced before. "I was getting out of bed after a weekend bender, still drunk as fuck and all of a sudden I see this "ye" motherfucker tweeting about Jewish people and me getting called up. I didn't know what to make of it." We were confused as Ye, formally known as Kanye West, has more than likely never watched a game of hockey in his life, however, Astro Singh has seemed to caught a stray from his recent twitter rants. When asking Astro on how he felt being called out by such a public figure, he had a lot to say; " I hope he makes a song about me. You know there would be nothing more bad ass than rocking a diss track made about you by one of the world's most famous artists. I also, however, think this guy is off his fucking rocker. If he wants to come to London this season to watch a game, someone tell him I have two tickets waiting for him. Hopefully that will open his eyes on how good I am and can be in the future. Who knows, maybe he even offers me to be the first athlete to wear Yeezy skates? Actually scratch that, Jordan's are better anyways and I think we can all agree on that." To prove him wrong, Astro will need to do some major work this offseason as he will be limited in minutes and be playing with competition that is vastly greater than what he is use to. It is known that his defense needs improvement, and needs it fast. With only 16 blocked shots all year last season, he's lacking on a big part of the game where he could have an advantage, and that is his speed. Another area he looks to improve on heading into next season is his scoring. His scoring has seen steady improvements which the small sample size we have seen so far of his play however as we know, the VHL is a whole different animal and he will be needing to prove himself night in and night out to keep his roster spot, as well as advance in the line-up to get the 1st line minutes he desires going forward. There is a lot to live up to for this young 18 year old, lacing up the skates to tackle a league full of grown men. With the attention he's drawing, not only from the league but from the public, its safe to say that Astro loves the pressure and looks to prove everyone wrong going forward in this league.
  3. It's 2022 and there isn't a hockey team in Delhi and it is outrageous. This all may change in the coming seasons. The steam has built up for the Delhi Pickles and there is no better time than now to be on board as the Pickles have all the Indians they could possibly need on their team to begin a movement like no other. There is only 3 ice rinks in all of Delhi, 2 of which have been inhabited by homeless people. However the 3rd, is the gem. The team plans to play at least 2 games there this season to build up the hype for a possible move. They have recently released their Diwali special edition jerseys as well which have gone over very well with the league as well as all of India. One thing to keep in mind for the players as the rinks are built in Delhi, DO NOT eat or drink any rink water/ice. You will get sick. You will shit yourself on ice. It's a given. Please keep a big pot and a portable propane stove with you at all times so you can boil everything before putting it in your mouth. We look forward to seeing you all, in Delhi for the S96 home opener.
  4. 1. Getting back into gaming a bit more and back in the gym! 2. I want to make sure scoring and defense get boosted before the next season starts! 3. Playoffs and being competitive! 4. A little more involved now since I have more time on my hands! 5. He will update more often that's for sure! 6. How active it is! a lot of players and a lot of updating players!
  5. 1) We play Moscow first, which team will score the most goals in the series? WE GOING WITH THE DELHI BABY 2) Which player on Moscow will have the most penalties? I feel like the entire team will have an equal amount of penalties. 3) How many games will the series go? 6 games, i feel it in my heart. 4) Will either of the goalies get a shut out in the series? No but there will be a goalie fight. 5) Can you predict who the most valuable plyer for the series will be? Molly the Cat LETS GOOO 6) Final question: Which team will win the series? LONDON 4 LYFE
  6. Looking back on this season, it was a disappointing one for Astro Singh to say the least. With 20 goals and 20 assists, and well below a point per game average, Astro Singh looks to make his rookie year in the VHL a good one. He knows that he will need to have his head in the game more next season, as this season he missed weeks of practice or partially practiced. Coming into the season he was on pace to cap out the VHLE, however he is now just shy of the 400 cap mark. This development was a sure let down for London who had high hopes for Astro heading into his development season. However, Astro wants it to be known; he's back and with a authority. He is ready to take the league by storm and reach a respectable 500 heading into his initial VHL season. His progression will be one to keep an eye on.
  7. Hold on we're in the playoffs im drunk
  8. Great piece here. It's pretty difficult to use between colors like the ones here but you did a fine job my friend. My only complaint would be that I feel like this sig needs more lighting, whether with more stocks or with some contrast brush work to really have there be a central focus in the sig. There's a slight monotone feel to it due to this. I like the contrast in text, I feel like it goes well together and sets a good balance within the sig. Well done overall! 9/10.
  9. Review: This is a great piece. I like the colors used and I feel like they blend in with the render very well. I do feel however there's some spots where the sig has been cleaned up too much of the white splatter and in other parts its in excess, so I would try to clean and even it out for the most part. I feel like the text is very well done here and fits the overall style of the sig as well. The border was also nicely executed and gives a bit of a throwback to sigs back in the day that used a similar style. This is a solid 9/10. Good work!
  10. With the season coming to an end and playoffs coming soon, some have wondered where the heck has Astro been and why has he drastically fallen off of his training. Well ladies and gentlemen, life. Life has gotten in the way as for the last month there has been an accumulation of tasks with work and life that hasn't allowed Astro to perform at his peak. With the bulk of that behind us now however, Astro is ready to do some damage heading into next season. Piling on almost 80 unused points earned, he is ready to make the noise that most expected to see during this season, for next. He'd like to apologize to his teammates in Vasteras. He knows that if he had used those 80 points sooner, the team more than likely would be playing in the post season now as they only missed it by one point. "I'd like to say I'm super sorry as I feel guilty that I'm the reason we more than likely didn't make the playoffs. Having a 380 TPE player instead of a 300 TPE player throughout the season would have made a huge difference during our push and I just wasn't there to be a help."
  11. Or just quit being a bitch its honestly not that hard
  12. Could we Change the Game in Online Simulations? With the use of crypto and NFTs hitting an all time high in 2020 and 2021, it appeared to many that it would be the way our world would work going into the future. However, with the inevitable economic crash, not only has everything gone down in value in our day to day lives, so has the crypto and NFT craze. Even with the entire crypto market being in a low spot now, using this time to think of a way to implement it's uses into our league may benefit the league long term in terms of it's real dollar amount revenue and it's ability to stay alive long term in a sustainable fashion, that doesn't rely on donations by our members. There would have to be many steps for this integration, and in this piece I will jump into some of the things I think need to happen before we can even consider this a possibility. The other thing that will need to occur is compliance. How much will our community actually rally behind something like this? Would it be worth the effort that we put into it long term. Finally, every plan needs a safety net, what will those be in this case and, once again, what would be the sustainability of it. First lets look into the introductory measures that would need to be taken place before this could even be a possibility. There needs to be a use. Making and NFT is a lot of work, with anywhere between 100-10000 unique images needing to be created. With this amount of work being put in, a use for the NFT would need to be the first step forward. In the real world, we have seen NFTs being linked to experiences, merchandise, exclusive events and/or opportunities. What could the league offer that could provide this type of "hype" and desire to obtain one? In my opinion the first thing that would need to be associated with a VHL NFT would have to be a player perk. The most prized NFT may allow the player to do one point earning task a week to earn a full capped week, where as weaker NFTs may be more along the lines of 2 capped TPE each week for life in the VHL. Going on the theme of player based perks, having additional salary come in because of holding and NFT can also be an option. One important aspect to all of this however is keeping it a secret as to what each NFT's perk is until the initial auction is over. This is something I will get into soon here. Other things that could be associated with the NFT is exclusive VHL merch such as having your player's draft year jersey, draft hat, favorite all time player jersey, or a VHL all-star jersey sent to you when you purchase it. Again, these perks must be reproducible so if merch is associated with an NFT, it must be sent each time the NFT is sold, thus driving up the price. Now a big part of the ideas shared above will have to do with desirability and people wanting to buy these NFTs off each other. When NFTs have their "perk" announced to the public, their value will begin to increase. Not only would this make it attractive to resell as the owner would look to sell to make a profit if they desire, the league would also get a % of all sales as well thus making it a revenue source for the league. In my opinion, 50% split of profit would be a number I would think about first as it would defer people from selling strictly to make money, however when there are sales, the league would benefit greatly. Now with all this being said, we would need to address activity of NFT holders. It will be absolutely critical that there be activity rules around NFT holders. They must be involved and not just wipe out a specific perk/revenue source in the league. We also do not want this to be a reason why someone feels like they can become inactive due to their perk as well. This factors into the issue of compliance. You need to have people using the system and be active with the system. This is, by far the biggest hurdle for an idea to take off. Most people in the league these days are logged in, do their tasks, leave. This goal focused engagement may hinder the importance of this on one's mind to allow them to gauge the market for their asset and potentially sell if they deem it to be appropriate. With the issue of compliance comes the other issue on how much of these should their be made? Most often, NFTs are made in the hundreds or thousands, but for this specific use that would be silly. We would need to do a full analysis on our active members in every given month, and rank groups based on their activity. If we count the most active group, what percent of those people would constitute a good number for the amount of NFTs to be made? This is an important factor because if too many people have one, the value drops and it's no longer a coveted addition to the league, however if we don't have enough, will people lose interest? League member numbers and activity data historically fluctuates a lot as well, making it difficult to come up with an accurate model. Now lets talk about the safety net. If all of this fails, we could always go back to the old system correct? Well yes, but no. People will more than likely be upset that their initial investment went to waste, but in my opinion, that would be the nature of the game. Adding additional buying and selling in a membership based site adds potential liability as well making the league a space where minors may not be accepted. With this wrinkle, would it be even worth it to add additional screening and verification methods when members create their profile? All of these of course are just thoughts and ideas at this time, however with a little work and commitment, could become a league changing implementation if the league ever decides to go this route. We all could agree, it would be the first of it's kind, anywhere.
  13. 1) Prediction Question, with 8 games left in the season does London United Make the Playoffs? I say gimme a HELL YA 2) Who do you think will be the top playoff team in the North American Division? Probably Vancouver, they look pretty good right now 3) What color is your players hair? blacker than black 4) Do any of the London United win individual awards this year? Nah we are too young. They hate the youngins but just wait a couple of seasons and we'll be all over the board. 5) If we win the VHL championship, what should Dil do and post a picture of in our discord server? Send all of us chick-fil-a. 6) Do you have a pet, if yes what is it and what is its' name? I currently do not but I have a crow that caws at me every morning named steve.
  14. In todays VHL, the art of being a General Manager has changed to a more tactical approach rather than a social approach. As a veteran of the league since the seasons were in their teens, you could tell early on that to be a successful General Manager in the league you needed to have the popularity across the boards. There was no discord and there wasn’t necessarily track records for any general manager at the time as well so being a successful General Manager was mostly a social game rather than strategic. However that has changed as we are seeing GMs be with teams long term as well as assistant general managers becoming a role that is more valued as well. In the past, assistant general managers weren’t necessarily a big role, and mostly just given to people on the team as a social distinction with no official task list or duties to fulfill. That however has changed, as assistant general managers tend to be the first line of communication with a team and their management. Gone are the days in the VHL is a popularity competition between General managers and members with high post rating and in are the days where long term success and simulation structural planning is the key to success. When we look at roles on teams however, could there possibly be a role as a president on teams now? When we look at what a general manager does, we see that they deal with transactions and interactions between players, teams and the league however would it make sense to add a president role to help with administration and team structure? This would allow general managers to focus on trades and player building rather than having to worry about any of the team’s inner workings. Another thing to think about, is the league ready for team owners? The big question for this would be would we have real life people buying the team or would we use a currency in the league to create a new dynamic of the VHL? How could we add a value and a dollar figure to teams and how would teams generate money? Could this possibly be a situation where we as a league could adopt NFTs as a form of adding value to our league and potentially providing an income source to keep the league alive for years to come. How this could work would be that each team could have an NFT of higher value, and each player could have a player card as well. Having possession of this card or certain cards would allow a return in TPE, and potentially cash if the person was to sell their card down the line. Potentially looking at “power up” abilities per card is something that could be an interesting addition to what we know our league to be today. With all these thoughts stemming from the role of the general manager, we can see that our league relies on them and they are an integral part of our future.
  15. Great looking graphic here and you can tell there was a fair amount of effort put into this to achieve this look. I think overall it’s amazing, the lighting is great the text works well and the effects on the render look great too. I think that the sharpen tool could have been used to your advantage here however because the face specifically looks like it’s lost some of its crisp with saving or what not. Other than that, the dog is great. I’d maybe try to darken the corners a tad however that’s more personal preference with black and white sigs than anything else. Great work and 10/10!
  16. 5th overall Astro Singh has started off his VHLE career with an underwhelming amount of production. This isn’t due to a lack of effort however. Astro has been putting in the work and has only taken limited time off to deal with the world outside of the VHL but he’s looking to get back on track next week. “It’s been tough doing all of my video and study work off my phone due to my lack of computer at the moment. Life has just grabbed me by the balls as of late and it’s been tough to set aside as much time as I’d like to be able to contribute. This is all temporary however and like always, I will bounce back.” These are encouraging words for not only Astros current teammates but his VHL GM as well who must slightly concerned with Astros engagement the last few weeks. London GM Dil was seen swearing at his phone earlier this week in multiple languages as he tries to organize his roster for years to come. Astro is more than likely contributing to the grey hairs that are likely to come.
  17. 1. Dogs because they are are best little angels on this planet and deserve life more than humans 2. Helsinki because Finland seems like it could be a good time. Not sure if I’ll like the food though. 3. I think we will just barely squeak in and that’s because I feel like we have the talent to do so and as the season goes on the team will be a lot better and we’ll hopefully hit a hot streak. 4. his Brownness 5. it’s 12 however I’m in the midst of a move and a lot of things are on the back burner rn so hopefully I’ll get back to doing 12 soon 6. Vancouver, I’m there all day errryyyday
  18. 1. I use studio beats or AirPods. It’s so hard to beat how convenient AirPods are haha. 2. My discord picture is the avatar for an NFT I have in the pipeline that’s basically completed, I’m just waiting for the crypto market to bounce back a bit. 3. Step Brothers. All the one liners are great. 4. CUP OR BUST BABY 5. Dairy Queen because I’m a whore for blizzards 6. all starts in net!!
  19. London United continues to make changes to their team and program to help develop them into contenders for years to comes. A few weeks ago, we saw the steps that management and the team took to help improve the fan experience at the arena by having Stormzy as an official ambassador of the team. Today they have made further steps by hiring an entire sports science team to aid in the training for their players and prospects. Not only will there be a focus on getting better, there will be some major changes made to make sure the team can remain healthy each and every season. This will become especially important as the team comes out of their rebuild next season and beyond. The first change that had been implemented involves the team pre-game and pre-practice stretching routine. The team now has a structured ballistic stretching routine to be done before, opposed to the standard static stretching. What ballistic stretching is, is movement incorporated stretching rather than holding stretching for prolonged periods which is static stretching. It has been found that this form of stretching, which tends to be the more traditional method, are more likely to create injuries during game play when done prior to strenuous activity. The second change that has been made is the teams nutrition. A higher protein diet has been applied to all players, allowing them to train hard but not lose as much muscle mass. The inclusion protein in a diet has been linked to help with the reduction of muscle mass in sedentary individuals and individuals that have a consistent caloric deficiency. Not only will it help preserve mass, it’ll help players that are trying to lose fat as their body will default to use fat as it’s primary source of energy. Meal plans are now a standard and each player has been assigned a person chef to help monitor and create meals that fit the standard laid out by the team. Lastly, London United’s newly hired sports science team has added an additional training session which focuses on plyometrics. Plyometric training has been associated with higher power production in a sport specific setting which in turn has been linked with better sport performance measures by individualized statistical goals. This implementation will allow players to perform movements, faster and stronger, thus leveling up their game play to a new level. With this recommendation, the training facility has had to make many purchases and upgrades to the space to make sure that the athletes are able to train to the standards of the sports medicine team. Boxes, a turf field, parachutes, and force platforms have been spread apart across the facility so athletes can have access to the latest technology and equipment. These changes will surely enhance not only the player experience but also the fan experience as well as the game play quality will increase tremendously. All of these steps will help London United become a force in this league. It has been seen time and time again in professional sports that the little things can really impact the outcome not only game by game, but an entire season.
  20. Taking a page out of the Toronto Raptors' playbook, London United has hired a celebrity to help endorse the team and create a buzz for the team heading into the next few seasons. With this move, Stormzy has become the first British born celebrity to involve themselves with the team. His contract includes 6 half time performances throughout the season and on three special days, he will sing the national anthem of Britain and India. Yes, you heard that right. As rumblings continue about London potentially re-locating to Delhi, management has implemented a few small measures going forward to gauge interest in the team's potential move, starting off with a famous British rapper trying to sing a national anthem in a different language. Not only that, but on these days, it is rumored that these nights with be green and orange theme nights. We tried to reach out to management to ask why these two colors, however the only response we got from them was "because they are pretty colors". We will continue to add to the story as more develops, until then... Get ready for the show!
  21. Week Ending: September 11, 2022 1. The season is about to start, do you have a personal goal for this season? I want to be a top scorer in the VHLE for shizzle. Low key side mission of leading the E in hits too. 2. Ivan Retoslav ( @eagle_3450 )'s babysitter has cancelled! Who on the team do you think would best be able to take care of the little booger? Dil because he'll probably just play hockey with the kid so he'll be distracted enough. Don't know how he would feed him though. 3. As we know our team captain, Molly the Cat ( @JCarson ), is a cat. What do you think the league should do to encourage more felines to play the sport? Cat-Nip bonuses. Would that technically be promising drugs as bonuses though? 4. SCENARIO: You and one of your teammates are in a plane crash! You manage to escape the crash unharmed and find yourself lost in a jungle. You have to find a way to safety and get back home. Which teammate do you want with you, and why? Gustav probably because he seems like he may have a lot of stories to keep us busy until we decide to eat each other's legs off. 5. Our AGM, @Gustav , is planning on hosting optional yoga classes for the team, are you going to be attending? No fucking way I'm the least flexible person ever and I would be in pain the entire time. 6. Team management recently decided to make the queen the team's mascot, which received some backlash. What would you rather see as our mascot? Fries. Brits love fries. I don't know why not right.
  22. Gawd dang it was really going for the video game of choice
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