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Eudaldkp last won the day on November 22 2018

Eudaldkp had the most liked content!

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About Eudaldkp

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    Carles Puigdemont

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  1. You should get @Bobby Bummhole a notification with the offer, you have to accept it again in the portal!
  2. Man last two games were rough, 1 goal losses and one in OT. Fuck
  3. As Jenton said, we would be thrilled to have you on board! We are looking for another Dman to fill our lines and I think this would be an amazing opportunity for you to learn the ropes in the VHL and grow your player, while playing lots of minutes and having a big role in our team. Come join us @Bobby Bummhole
  4. Tough game man. Where the fuck is Carles lately? Jeez
  5. Feels like every game we win is this close... I'll take it tho
  6. Good one Stormbros!
  7. Big oof, although Philly is one of the best teams in the league
  8. Hey man! Here in Minny we are looking to fill our second Dline, and we are looking for someone like you. You would have tons of playing time and we will do our best to teach you the ways of the VHL:) Hope you join us @Carl Swaglin!
  9. Sending an offer!
  10. Thompson ripped us a new one in the 1st period lmao
  11. Szita catching fire, wtf man lmao
  12. 50 Moscow Menace @ New York Americans 51 Seattle Bears @ Malmo Nighthawks 52 Moscow Menace @ Helsinki Titans 53 Vancouver Wolves @ Seattle Bears
  13. EASTERN CONFERENCE (A2) Boston Bruins vs. (WC1) Carolina Hurricanes Winner: Boston # of Games: 6 WESTERN CONFERENCE (C3) St. Louis Blues vs. (P2) San Jose Sharks Winner: Sharks # of Games: 7
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