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Posts posted by Bonzaijoe

  1. 7 hours ago, oilmandan said:

    1 Are you surprised at how well Vegas has started this season?


    Only a little! This offseason I felt really good about the way our team was performing and really clicking, so I felt that our team could perform well during the season. The amount of success we've had though is really cool and I'm absolutely loving the way we're flowing as a team


    7 hours ago, oilmandan said:

    2 Are you liking the moves that the jubo is making to try to put this team over the top?


    Absolutely! There's been a couple great free agent signings like the Denver Wolfe move that have really added a lot to the locker room and this team as a whole. Jubo has been really welcoming and has been picking up the right people to help put in as much effort as possible night in and night out


    7 hours ago, oilmandan said:

    3 How has your player performed so far? 


    Pretty solid! I've only had 3 starts, 2 of which I'm happy about. You have those off games though. It's all good at the end of the day though, I hope to make more impact in the future.


    7 hours ago, oilmandan said:

    4 What kind of player are you hoping to be?


    My dream is to be a total shutdown goalie in this league who can come onto that ice every night I can and do what I can to give my team the best chance possible to win. I've been working hard at my TPE and I won't stop now!


    7 hours ago, oilmandan said:

    5 What other sim leagues are you involved in?


    None, actually! This is my first and only one, and I am loving it

  2. GM Jubo07 of the Las Vegas aces has called Denver Wolfe "The last piece of the puzzle." in regards to the Irish youngster signing a contract with the Aces recently. Wolfe, who has already been placed on the second defensive pairing, said that he's "happy to be here" and that recently, to improve his game immediately after signing, he's been doing "quick earning" to better himself as a player as quick as he can, since he's joining the season slightly after the first games have been played. Las Vegas is excited with the Wolfe signing and the locker room seems to be clicking with him instantly. Wolfe should be a great fit for this team, who needed one last strong defenseman to fill out a roster that was almost complete to begin with. The Aces are playing well so far this season, and having Wolfe in that already strong lineup is a recipe for a great team who can put in some damage on other VHLM teams as this season continues. Vegas has been improving with great force, too, as the top two earners this week on the "most improved weekly" list in the VHL are Wolfe and Aces backup goaltender Joe Nixon. With the strong showing from these players and the rest of Vegas, the team is looking to only get better as the season rolls on!

  3. 1. Is Dick a nickname for Richard? If so, why do you choose to use the nickname when your last name has such lewd connotation when paired with the nickname?


    2. Is there a medical condition I should be concerned about when asking you these questions?


    3. You had a two goal game the other night! How was that experience? How do you think that game went for you and your team?


    4. Do you feel good about how this season has started for your team? How far do you think your Halifax team can go this season?


    5. Who do you think can take home the Continental Cup this year? What's your outlook on how the VHL season is going so far?

  4. We sat down once again with Vegas Aces Goalie Joe Nixon, fresh out the VHLM draft coming from Pittsburgh to do our weekly segment in which we've been dubbing "The Youngster's View"!


    This week's edition is a special edition, featured on VSN rather than VHL.com! Venture over to VHL.com to read the rest of our saga with Joe Nixon if you enjoy what you've read here today!


    Today, we sat down with Joe after he came back into the locker room following his first 60 minutes on VHLM ice against Halifax in which the Aces took a 3-1 loss. We asked Joe how it went, and he said quite simply "Eh. Not what I was hoping for." When I asked for some more detail, he said "I wanted to be able to come out there and steal a win for the boys. It was looking great in that first 40 minutes but the third period hit, we broke our stride a little. It was tense after no scoring in the first 40 but once they scored that first one, I was done for." We asked Joe how he could improve his game and be ready for the next one, which he answered with, "Just practice, really. I need to stay sharp, focused, and play a full 60 minutes next time I'm out there. I can't collapse and let in 3 in the third period, I can't allow that many in. If I stay on top of my game I have full faith in my ability to stop that puck and take home some wins for this team."


    Feeling for Joe, we brought up how the rest of his team performed. We told Joe that one goal isn't much to work with and he shouldn't put it on just himself, as the game is a team effort. His response was "1 is enough to win a game. 1-0 works, I know that. It's not my place to talk about how the rest of my team performed, I just need to go out there and be my best to help these guys out. If I can take a game and give that other team 0 points, I will. The guys in front of me are putting in their work, I'm putting in mine. It's my job to keep that other team to as few goals as possible, regardless of how many goals my own team gets. I'll just have to come in hot and ready for the next game. No days off."


    Lastly, we asked how it felt to get his first start. Nixon said, "It was great! I'll keep talking all night about my performance but it's really special to be able to go out there and play for my team, regardless of the outcome. I'm so happy that my GM and Coach have the confidence in me as a player to put me in that net, and I'm so unbelievably blessed to be able to come out here and play the game I love as a job. It truly is a dream come true. I can't wait to be able to represent my team as the season rolls on."


    Thanks to Joe Nixon for sitting down with us again this week! We look forward to talking to him again soon, on next week's edition of "The Youngster's View"!

  5. Player Name: Joe Nixon
    VHL/VHLM Team: Las Vegas Aces

    Cash you have: 6.5 Million
    Purchase Name: The First Generation
    Cost of Purchase: 500k
    Cash Left: 6 Million


    Cash you have: 6 Million
    Purchase Name: VHL.com Upgrade
    Cost of Purchase: 3 Million
    Cash Left: 3 Million

  6. On 12/31/2018 at 9:11 AM, oilmandan said:

    1. What are your thoughts on why the VHLM season has yet to begin?


    I think the delay was an issue with scheduling and travel around the holiday time, but I totally understand why it was necessary. It's a crazy time of the year and now that we have the games up and going, we should have a smooth rest of the season. 


    On 12/31/2018 at 9:11 AM, oilmandan said:

    2. Does the boiling feud between the Vegas and Ottawa GMs make this the best and most exciting rivalry?


    I agree, the battle of the GMs not only has upper management at a battle with each other, but it trickles all the way down to us as players, trying to prove the other team and their management wrong in every game with each other. It's starting to get fierce and fun, and I look forward to every chance we get to prove our team to the others.


    On 12/31/2018 at 9:11 AM, oilmandan said:

    3. Why do you think that asking 5 questions is worth only 1 tpe, yet answering only 3 gets you the same 1 tpe?


    I think that, as a reporter here asking me these questions, your job may be a little more open ended and doesn't require the same amount of experience and ice-level knowledge as detailed answers of the questions. It's still a little weird though, I'd agree. The TPE system is a little odd in regards to asking questions, but it's understandable.


    On 12/31/2018 at 9:11 AM, oilmandan said:

    4. What VHL player are you most closely hoping to resemble with your build?


    Kriketers is a frickin' wall out there in front of his net. He's definitely one of my favorite players on the ice in the VHL and I hope to train as well as him.


    On 12/31/2018 at 9:11 AM, oilmandan said:

    5. How did you find out about the VHL?


    Recruiting events through reddit! I was scrolling through /r/coyotes and took a peek at the post that was there and it sounded extra interesting to me, and I immediately signed up!

  7. Game one of the VHL’s 64th season happened the other night when the Meute of Quebec city went into the house of the Seattle Bears and gave the Seattle team a rough night. Quebec went on to win the game 5-1 despite only recording four shots in the opening period of the game.


    The first period was a defensive showdown, with Quebec City only recording 4 shots on goal, and Seattle only tossing 8 in the way of the goalie. Some might say the defense came up big, but some might say the offense was slow. Despite there only being 12 shots on goal in the period, the shot attempt counter sat at a combined 23 between the two teams after the first 20 minutes had come to an end. The only goal from the period landed in the Bears net when Veran Dragomir of the Meute missed the net twice in a row within 4 seconds, with the rebound off the boards landing right on the stick of Marvin Harding for the Meute’s mid-period tally to break the opening tie. The period featured a ton of missed shots and a surprisingly small amount of blocks despite the low shot on goal conversion happening throughout the time frame.


    The second period was when the forwards for each side started realizing where they were supposed to be shooting the puck, as a total of 23 Shots hit the net on a listed 55 shot attempts. The conversion percentage is still low, but the volume of shots being sent in the general direction of the net was exponentially higher. The 55 shot attempts, 23 shots, and 3 goals in the period made an exciting one, but the Bears never really got their groove in this game, while they went down 3-1 as the 2nd frame of the game was coming to a close. This period had actually eclipsed the first period in shots and attempts before the halfway point even hit. This period was filled with high paced action, and a very close, competitive game between two very competent looking hockey teams. Seattle actually notched the first goal of the second period early, to tie the game at 1 before the tie was broken at the 9:45 mark of the period by Quebec City’s Samuel Gate.


    The third and final frame of the game needed to be a big one from Seattle. They came out of the locker room staring a 3-1 deficit in the eye and were determined to attempt to tie it up in a big fashion and pull a W out of somewhere only they knew. This attempt was stopped short by the Meute, however, as the offense was considerably powerful for Quebec City, who recorded 20 shots on goal in the period, leaving Seattle with a measly 8 in their big 20 minute attempt to tie it up. The barrage of shots coming toward Seattle goaltender Roger Sterling was too hot to handle at times. Sterling let two goals in during the third period. B. Louth and Gate’s goals put Seattle away for real for the rest of the game as they coasted to a solid 5-1 victory over the Bears in the season opener.


    The three stars of the game were well deserved, those of which being Quebec City’s Samuel Gate, who finished the night with 2 goals and no assists, his first goal being awarded as the game winner. The second star of the game may have even been more deserved than Gate’s first star, as Veran Dragomir helped his teammates a ton, notching a team-high point total of four assists during the 60 minute contest. Dragomir played extremely well on the ice tonight, and the recognition he gets as second star is more than deserved and possibly a little underrating how powerful his performance was throughout the game. The third star was also a member of the Meute, as Marvin Harding launched one puck into the net and grabbed an apple on another play, assisting on Gate’s 2nd goal, and Quebec City’s 5th goal of the game.


    All in all, this game was a solid start to the season and it showed me, as an analyst, that this Meute team is not here to mess around, and some of those guys have some hot sticks that can seriously put some pucks in that net! These two teams will meet again in game 7 of the season, which is the next time both of these teams will be playing hockey as well. They’ll both be on even rest and will have the same amount of film on each other. Will the next game be another big game from the Meute? Or can the bears get the rebound they need from this loss to take their revenge? Find out soon, as the opening night rematch is coming up!

  8. We sat down once again with Vegas Aces Goalie Joe Nixon, fresh out the VHLM draft coming from Pittsburgh to do our weekly segment in which we've been dubbing "The Youngster's View"!


    Today, I wanted to get some insight on what it's like for a new player to walk out onto that practice ice with the team for the first time and how they feel overall about how they're performing with those early-practice jitters. "It was weird at first, for sure" Nixon told me on Tuesday evening, "Sometimes I had felt nervous, even just in practice, because obviously I'm trying to make a good impression on the coaches and everyone. It's a lot of pressure for a young guy but I like to think that I handled it well."


    I asked Nixon how he felt now that he's got a few more practices under his belt and they're looking forward to some of the games starting up soon. Nixon told me, "I feel better, I'm in the rhythm, I've met my teammates and started the whole team bonding process, I'm comfortable." Nixon assured, "The team has good chemistry and we're able to execute plays exactly how we should!"


    Nixon looks forward to the upcoming season a lot, saying "The team looks good! I feel good, and I'm confident I could get some icetime! All in all, I'm just excited. I want to play games for real and get out on the ice in this beautiful jersey in front of that crowd. It'll be an amazing atmosphere."


    Thanks to Joe Nixon for sitting down with us again! Looking forward to talking to him again next week! We here at VHL.com share the same excitement in looking forward to the season!

  9. On 12/25/2018 at 9:21 PM, oilmandan said:

    1 what did you ask Santa for, for your player and for the aces?


    Me? I asked for some new ice skates to get back out in the hockey leagues next semester! Looking forward to starting an ice hockey career of my own haha

    My Player? New team? New pads baby. The green and yellow team customized pads. Beautiful.

    The Aces? More success, I guess. This team has some chemistry going into the new season and I think if everyone keeps doing their part, this strong squad can make it far!


    On 12/25/2018 at 9:21 PM, oilmandan said:

    2 before the season gets started, who is your pick for the Founders Cup finals?


    Would it be too homer to say the Aces? I have a good feeling about this season and I think we have some solid power to work toward the cup. Not to be too homer again but watch out for us! Ultimately, I'll have to go for the Aces and the Lynx.


    On 12/25/2018 at 9:21 PM, oilmandan said:

    3 same question but for the Continental Cup ?


    I think after this past year the Wranglers are on a MISSION. I think they want that cup baaaaad. I think Wranglers are gonna take it over the Reign in a finals rematch! It should be an exciting one that I'll look forward to watching but at the end of the day I think Calgary is gonna come out of the gate this season lit on fire from the finals loss.


    On 12/25/2018 at 9:21 PM, oilmandan said:

    4 which VHL team do you hope to play for next year? If you're drafted already, how do you think you'll fit in with your VHL team?


    Whichever team I can fit the best on, if I'm gonna be honest. I've stated before that I'm lucky to have some GMs believe in me and my future as a VHL goalie, and I'll be happy wherever I'm wanted. If I had to pick one in particular though, it may be Toronto. The city is great, they love their hockey, and the team itself is one of my favorites... Without playing too much favorite here haha


    On 12/25/2018 at 9:21 PM, oilmandan said:

    5 how many points will you get this year?


    Hopefully I'll grab an assist or two! I'm feeling good about my offensive production this season :)

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