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xsjack last won the day on March 28 2019

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    Einar Mathiesen
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    Winnipeg Jets

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  1. 1. The biggest surprise to me so far is San Diego I for sure thought they were going to be a top 2 team and right now that's not the case at all meanwhile Mexico City and Halifax have come out the gate strong and have done better than I expected. 2. Houston but that's probably cause half of the games we have played so far have been against them. 3. definitely the playoffs 4. No I'd probably mess something up and cause the ship to run aground or sink. 5. I want a Canadian team to finally lift the cup again so I'm cheering for Edmonton unfortunately. 6. Relish by default since I've never had Hollandaise.
  2. So Mathiesen got traded and what a turnaround it is went from Las Vegas a team that has 0 wins and only a point in eight games to Miami a team that hasn't lost yet and is tied for the most points in the VHLM a team that I would probably bet on to win both the Founder's and Prime Minister's cup Miami doesn't seem to a have weakness after the trade. It reminded me of another time I got traded it was actually the first time I got traded and like this one it was in the VHLM kind of a similar situation then to an Ottawa team that was going in to a rebuild but my player back then Jack Lynch was in his 2nd year in the VHLM and was a top player that season and was dragging Ottawa to wins as much as he could eventually around halfway in to the season Ottawa sent Lynch to Houston for a player and picks not sure who won that trade since Houston unfortunately couldn't lift the cup hopefully Mathiesen can do what Lynch couldn't and lift the Founder's Cup.
  3. 1. Defence and skating the most but a few things as well. 2. VHL: Moscow they have a very nice offensive core and a good goalie, VHLE Stockholm all around good team VHLM Miami picked very well in the draft plus picked up a nice goalie and I'm a bit biased 3. Two half sandwiches 1. Favorite sport that isn't hockey? 2. who has the best logo in each of the three leagues? ( VHLM/VHLE/VHL) 3. what team has surprised you the most so far this season?
  4. I am cutting it pretty close for not having a media spot or graphic this week I could just claim welfare but that would ruin my little streak of doing a 6 tpe task for 3 weeks straight 4 if I include this one and I was trying to write something but just wasn't feeling it so I thought why not just talk about something I was kinda of excited for this week the S94 VHLM dispersal draft I watched most of the live stream and saw some things I liked and so here I am deciding just to jot down some of my thoughts on something that felt like it happened a month ago instead of just earlier this week. Well let us start with a team who I thought certainly won the draft hands down and that was the San Diego Marlins They had 5 picks in this draft all of them being within the first 3 rounds and even two within the top 5. With the 1st pick in the draft, the Marlins went with Speedy Defenceman Ahsoka Tano who is right now sitting at 190 tpe and based on their previous earning I would say they should be hitting the VHLM cap pretty soon last year they were pretty solid for Miami having a goal and 10 assists along with 44 shots blocked and 32 hits in just 15 games so pretty solid I think this is a great pick for the Marlins. The Marlins with the 4th pick would select Center Nicholas Sunderbruch Jr a nice all around Center who sits at 175 tpe and like tano should hit the cap in no time he was decent for Las Vegas last season putting up 2 goals and 5 assists along with 49 hits in 25 games also had positive +/- of 3 so another good pick I would say. Now while I like their 1st round picks I feel the Marlins really hit on their later picks In Belle,Rike & Dancalot all of whom are S95 and have been solid earners since creating and should all be decent contributors to a strong looking contender in San Diego. I am not sure at all how Tim Robinson wasn't a first round selection but I'm sure Miami is extremely glad he wasn't as he is an absolute steal in my opinion sitting at 170 tpe now was 162 at draft this guy is a great and consistent earner also his build looks solid to me getting both him and Sakic out of this draft is an extreme win for Miami and looking at their roster they look like another strong contender this, especially after the signing of Goalie spider panda I expect a great season from this Miami team. My player Einar Mathiesen was selected in the 1st round which came as a welcome surprise Las Vegas does kind of seem a bit bare at the moment and I'm not entirely sure how we are gonna do this season I doubt we will be as dominant as I expect Miami and San Diego to be but I'm not gonna rule us out of a playoff spot before we've even played a game yet. a couple of other selections I liked were Danny Ross by Miami and The Legendary David VanHousen by Houston. 555 words
  5. 1. Well I do think we have been quite good in the first 2 games we still find ourselves down 2-0 but I believe we could take it to 7 and win there. 2. Very didn't really expect to get picked where I did and by the team that picked me but happy nonetheless. 3. Yes I already like the GM and the locker room seems good as well so I think it will be a great fit. 4. Yes would be very interested. 5. Definitely been pretty fun so far and that's with my player being pretty garbage so next time should be even better. 6. 1 season love the M but it's a developmental league after all and I'm hoping to be at the cap asap.
  6. Going in to the S94 VHLM dispersal draft Einar Mathiesen had more than a couple of teams that had already shown interest in selecting him with their picks in the rounds to come and while he held out hope he was mostly sure that he was not going to be selected in the 1st round of the draft due to his lack of experience playing in North America. Mathiesen looked right in his assessment when the Las Vegas Ace's selected David Pastanap with the 10th pick in the draft which is the last pick of the 1st round but then it came down from the League office that Pastanap was actually ineligible to be selected this draft due to some missing paperwork the Ace's front office then went back to their draft board and would select Defenceman Einar Mathiesen much to the shock of Einar himself as 5 VHLM teams reached out to him for interview's before the draft and Las Vegas was not one of them despite that Mathiesen seemed thrilled with the selection. "I was going to be happy no matter what round I was picked or what team I ended up on but the honour to be selected first round I feel is quite special I'm going do everything I can to prove the Ace's front office right in selecting me where they did, I'm very excited to get to work and join the team." 238 words.
  7. Einar Mathiesen has been quite busy this off-season between participating in the junior showcase tournament and fielding interviews from VHLM GMs who are considering using one of their draft picks on him in only a few days, The Defenceman knows that he still has much to prove to scouts and GMs, especially after a pretty lacklustre performance in the Junior showcase tournament. Some may wonder if he just isn't ready yet to the make jump to the VHLM in the 30 games for the brigade he was able to net a goal and 4 assists and had 49 hits along with 13 shots blocked and a positive +/- of 4 while the Brigade were able to secure a 3rd place finish which would see them matchup against the 2nd place steel in the 1st knockout round of the tournament, that series is split 1-1 after the Steel took a tight game 4-3 where Mathiesen was able to get an assist meanwhile in game 2 it was the complete opposite as the brigade came out on top 4-0. Mathiesen doesn't seem distracted at all that his future may be on the line for all he seems to care about at this moment in time is that the brigade repeat game 2 three more times and come out of this series on top although that's easier said than done. 226 words.
  8. 1. I think the regular season has shown that the Steel and Us are quite even and I think we take it in 7. 2. From what I've seen I'd say you've done a pretty decent job. 3. Im hoping in the first two rounds I've been a steady earner since returning so I figure that should in part make up for the TPE difference between me and some of the other guys in front of me. 4. Nope Not yet. 5. I believe we definitely have a shot it's gonna be difficult though for sure. 6. Yes It was something new for me It was nice to have something to do in the offseason.
  9. congrats Seattle what a great series
  10. Even though the Regular season is finished Einar Mathiesen is not after coming off a hot season playing over in Sweden, Mathiesen would enter in to the Junior Showcase tournament Mathiesen would be selected by the Brigade and has so far helped them to be currently 3rd and only behind the 2nd placed Steel by only 3 points so far in 15 games The Icelandic Defenceman has notched a goal and 2 assists for 3 points. Before He entered the tournament I was able to catch up to Mathiesen at a Reykjavik rink where he likes to practice when he comes back home where we talked a little about the upcoming VHLM draft and how he was preparing for it. "Well I'm out here every day working on improving every aspect of my game, I wanna show and prove to all the scouts and coaches that I'm worthy of a high draft pick I know I'm one of the least experienced players in this draft class but I think in the few years I've played I've done well and should be ready for the transition to the VHLM and I look forward to it." 194 words.
  11. Truly a devastating day for the league hopefully Seattle can pull it back and save us all
  12. 1. Rough start for us but we will bounce back, and with that, the first question is: Where do you think we will finish in the Regular season? I think we can defiantly finish top 2 it's not gonna be easy at all though but I'm sure we can get it done. 2. Were you happy with the Captain selection? Yea I think the three selected are great leaders and will hold us all accountable to play our best. 3. Who do you think will finish with the most points on our team? Either Cook or Khan its a toss up really for me I know they both can get it done. 4. Were you happy to be Drafted to the Brigade? Absolutely Im just glad to get this opportunity to show out and have fun and hopefully come out of here with some medals. 5. Who do you think will win it all? it Definitely looks like the Warriors at the moment but I wouldn't rule anybody put right now. 6. What is your favorite pre-game warmup? Quick 10 minute mini workout along with some stretches to get going and ready.
  13. Einar Mathiesen Age: 20 Position: D Height: 6'4 Weight: 210lbs Einar Mathiesen was born and raised in the Reykjavik area like many other Icelanders, His parents were hard working people with his Mother being a teacher at the local high school and his Father being a fisherman like many of the men in his family before him it was expected that Einar would follow in the steps of his father and ancestors and become a fisherman as well thus his father would bring Einar out on his fishing boat as much as possible and teach him the ways of the trade. Einar had bigger ambitions than fishing for the rest of his life though for from a very young age he was obsessed with sports he would try and start matches at the parks or signup for any team at his school or community center but there was one sport that stood above the rest for Einar and that was Football one of the most popular sports in all of Iceland and one that the Icelandic National team was improving at and was even having success in European competitions and even Made a World cup recently, It Was his dream to play for a top football club in Europe and become the greatest athlete Iceland had ever seen and lead the national team to even more success. Einar's dream of becoming a pro football player looked well on its way to becoming a reality as he did well in the youth levels and would start gaining attention from local professional clubs youth scouts in the Reykjavik area and would eventually be signed to a youth contract at just 14 years old by one of Iceland's top football clubs Valur FC to play defence as he was quite tall for his age, Everything seemed to be going great and Einar felt like he was on the right path to accomplishing his dream he would sometimes even see National team u18 scouts at his games albeit he wasn't exactly sure if they were there for him but he would do everything possible to get on their radar. At 16 Einar Graduated from high school and was glad that he could finally fully focus on Football as that was his last season playing for Valur's u16 team and was looking to get promoted to the u18 team or possibly even the first team all throughout that season he was waiting for the coach to pull him aside and tell him he was going up yet that moment didn't come until after the very last game of the season except it certainly wasn't what Einar Hoped and expected was gonna happen the coach told him he wasn't gonna be promoted and was to be cut from the team he just wasn't good enough, Einar would end up getting in contact with every team in Iceland's top division and try to secure a spot in their u18 teams as he wasn't just gonna give up after one rejection unfortunately most teams wouldn't even respond back and the ones that did told him no after months of trying he felt he had to face the truth that he just wasn't good enough and that his dream was just that a dream. Einar would go on and work with his father on his fishing boat after realizing he would never become a professional footballer he didn't mind the work it wasn't bad but it certainly wasn't what he had envisioned doing he always thought he would be on a bigger stage playing football and less than half a year after his football career ended and he started working with his father he come across a flyer advertising tryouts for a local Ice hockey team in Reykjavik that played in Iceland Professional League he considered signing up and ended up going through with it although there were a few problems he didn't know how to skate and he would have to find a place that had ice to learn because despite the name Iceland doesn't really get cold or have much Ice, Using money he got from working with his father he would buy his first pair of skates and a stick and would pay for Ice time at a local rink he found where he would teach himself how to skate and play the game of hockey. At the tryouts he was the least experienced of anyone there yet he still impressed the coaches and they invited him to practice with the team and see if he actually could matchup well enough after a couple of practices it was determined by the coaching staff that he had the talent and potential and he was signed to a two year contract his first season was a learning curve as he was playing against older and more experienced players but by the end of his first season he showed great progression and won League Rookie of the Year by the start of his second season he was the best player on the team leading the team to their best record in history and their first ever championship and was named league and playoff MVP putting up 56 goals and 70 assists for 126 points in only 21 total games. After Such a dominant season in Iceland's domestic league teams in Europe were calling and Einar would end up hiring an agent and sign for a Team in Sweden as he felt they were the best option to help develop his game and get his name out there to teams in the VHL as now he had found a new Dream and it was hockey that was going to succeed and let the whole hockey world know his name for that to happen he knew he had to make the VHL and do great things there, Sweden while much better than Iceland in terms of hockey Einar still dominated the league and once again lead his team to a cup and won both league and playoff MVP after much deliberation between staying another season in Sweden Or Declaring for the S94 VHLM Draft Einar chose the latter and entered his name in to the pool of draftees. Words: 1,000+
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