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Everything posted by InstantRockstar

  1. A lot of people have spoken up about these topics, many times over the years, and today they still lead to a constant debate. As such, I would like to speak on these topics and speak my mind because I feel like a lot has gone on here in the past that has either been overlooked, taken in poor terms, lead to members leaving and such, and so I would just love to explain my personal experiences with both these topics, as despite being a white male, I've sadly had to experience both. On January 27th 2010, my best friend in the whole world came out as gay. I've known this kid since I was 4 years old, and I was the first person he told. I was very accepting of the matter, as its none of my business to what he does, and I was proud of him for taking that leap. He hadn't told his parents yet, who are very strict Christians may I add. He also hadn't told anyone else at school or told anyone else really at all, so he was still very much 'in the closet'. Keep in mind, we were like 16-17 here, and bullying was unfortunately as big if not worse back then for anything deemed out of the social 'norm'. So come our final year in high school, he finally outted himself, and the bullying was surreal. I got suspended in school for beating up a kid who beat up my friend, I shoved them in a locker and locked it, but I was mad that my friend was being bullied for his choices, it sickened me. I got the worst call of my life 8 days after my birthday, July 19th, 2012, we had just graduated literally a month ago... and I get the awful news that my friend couldn't handle it anymore...and hung himself in his closet. He left a note, you could literally see the tear marks left as he was writing this damn thing, and I still have it to this day because its the last thing I have of his, as well as some pictures. To this day, I regret that I could not protect him more, and pride month, pride in general, I always support, not just for him, but all of the people in the world just like him facing the same horrible reality. So how does this tie into BLM? Well, I've always been the kind of guy to just want to be friends with people, Idon't care your gender, your race, your anything, if you're cool, if we share the same likes and interests, its very likely we'll become friends because I just am that type of person. My friend, who was from a broken black family, was also a very, very close friend of mine, for years, we met in grade school and never lost touch. One day, he was with his other group of friends, and as they told me due to their recollection, someone or a group of people started opening fire on their group. Keep in mind, they were barely adults, this was around college time. More information came out about this, it was a very "white" dominated group that shot into that group. I lost my best friend because of the color of his skin...all because someone felt they were better than them. It came out that it was 100% a hate crime towards his race, and they didn't even know who he was. He was just in the 'wrong place, at the wrong time'. So why am I posting this? Well, because I have experienced both ends of it. I've lost a lot of friends along the way to this bullshit we call a society and the 'norms' of society. I am a white, straight man, but that doesn't mean I don't see what kind of shit is going on in the world. To anyone, who falls into the categories that are always attacked on a daily basis, please know I stand with you, I support you, I am with you all the way. And if you need an ear, a shoulder, someone to talk to, I will talk to you. I will NOT give up on you.
  2. @Revo Welcome to the league! You have joined us at such an exciting time, we have just concluded the draft and now you get the change to choose your destiny! Many GM's will come to you and offer you a position on their team, myself included. I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins, and how would you like to begin your legacy? That's right, we're a rebuilding team at the moment but with a lot of activity and perseverance, we could come out a contender. At the end of the day, we're here to have fun and allow you to enjoy the league. Because we are rebuilders, we'll guarantee you maximum playing time and we'll ensure quality time as needed. If you want to have fun and play a lot, quote this and accept! We'd be honored to have you.
  3. UPDATERS: please note, Quik is allowing me to back-claim this gfx as there was an error with a previous claim on the week of 5/11 - 5/17. Please reach out to him if needed.
  4. @aCrypticPancake Welcome to the league! You have joined us at such an exciting time, we have just concluded the draft and now you get the change to choose your destiny! Many GM's will come to you and offer you a position on their team, myself included. I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins, and how would you like to begin your legacy? That's right, we're a rebuilding team at the moment but with a lot of activity and perseverance, we could come out a contender. At the end of the day, we're here to have fun and allow you to enjoy the league. Because we are rebuilders, we'll guarantee you maximum playing time and we'll ensure quality time as needed. If you want to have fun and play a lot, quote this and accept! We'd be honored to have you.
  5. @Ninjaboi Welcome to the league! You have joined us at such an exciting time, we have just concluded the draft and now you get the change to choose your destiny! Many GM's will come to you and offer you a position on their team, myself included. I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins, and how would you like to begin your legacy? That's right, we're a rebuilding team at the moment but with a lot of activity and perseverance, we could come out a contender. At the end of the day, we're here to have fun and allow you to enjoy the league. Because we are rebuilders, we'll guarantee you maximum playing time and we'll ensure quality time as needed. If you want to have fun and play a lot, quote this and accept! We'd be honored to have you.
  6. @Rocket, Welcome to the league! You have joined us at such an exciting time, we have just concluded the draft and now you get the change to choose your destiny! Many GM's will come to you and offer you a position on their team, myself included. I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins, and how would you like to begin your legacy? That's right, we're a rebuilding team at the moment but with a lot of activity and perseverance, we could come out a contender. At the end of the day, we're here to have fun and allow you to enjoy the league. Because we are rebuilders, we'll guarantee you maximum playing time and we'll ensure quality time as needed. If you want to have fun and play a lot, quote this and accept! We'd be honored to have you.
  7. @dolanders, Welcome to the league! You have joined us at such an exciting time, we have just concluded the draft and now you get the change to choose your destiny! Many GM's will come to you and offer you a position on their team, myself included. I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins, and how would you like to begin your legacy? That's right, we're a rebuilding team at the moment but with a lot of activity and perseverance, we could come out a contender. At the end of the day, we're here to have fun and allow you to enjoy the league. Because we are rebuilders, we'll guarantee you maximum playing time and we'll ensure quality time as needed. If you want to have fun and play a lot, quote this and accept! We'd be honored to have you.
  8. @Mrpenguin30 Welcome to the league! You have joined us at such an exciting time, we have just concluded the draft and now you get the change to choose your destiny! Many GM's will come to you and offer you a position on their team, myself included. I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins, and how would you like to begin your legacy? That's right, we're a rebuilding team at the moment but with a lot of activity and perseverance, we could come out a contender. At the end of the day, we're here to have fun and allow you to enjoy the league. Because we are rebuilders, we'll guarantee you maximum playing time and we'll ensure quality time as needed. If you want to have fun and play a lot, quote this and accept! We'd be honored to have you.
  9. @AzukiBeans, Welcome to the league! You have joined us at such an exciting time, we have just concluded the draft and now you get the change to choose your destiny! Many GM's will come to you and offer you a position on their team, myself included. I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins, and how would you like to begin your legacy? That's right, we're a rebuilding team at the moment but with a lot of activity and perseverance, we could come out a contender. At the end of the day, we're here to have fun and allow you to enjoy the league. Because we are rebuilders, we'll guarantee you maximum playing time and we'll ensure quality time as needed. If you want to have fun and play a lot, quote this and accept! We'd be honored to have you.
  10. @yaboiaidan14, Welcome to the league! You have joined us at such an exciting time, we have just concluded the draft and now you get the change to choose your destiny! Many GM's will come to you and offer you a position on their team, myself included. I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins, and how would you like to begin your legacy? That's right, we're a rebuilding team at the moment but with a lot of activity and perseverance, we could come out a contender. At the end of the day, we're here to have fun and allow you to enjoy the league. Because we are rebuilders, we'll guarantee you maximum playing time and we'll ensure quality time as needed. If you want to have fun and play a lot, quote this and accept! We'd be honored to have you.
  11. hey there @dart You joined at an opportune time where the draft has just ended. This means you get to pick where you want to go. I am going to be honest, I am rebuilding, I have 0 players and am going from the ground up, but this means you get TONS of playing time, tons of help from me, and a promise that I will do my best to pickup more players asap. If you want to join San Diego quote this, however GM's will ask you too so you can wait
  12. 1. How did you feel the season went for San Diego? 2. What was your favorite moment about the season? 3. How do you feel your player personally performed? 4. What do you think could have been done differently to advance further in the playoffs? 5. With no draft picks next year, will San Diego struggle? 6. What one teammate from the team do you wish could be on your VHL team, and why?
  13. https://efl.network/forums/index.php?/topic/50-donations-guide-index/&do=findComment&comment=209842 free week in EFL, using +6
  14. Viktor Mjers is currently a defender in the VHLM and is going into his second year after becoming a late bloomer in the VHLM last year with the San Diego Marlins. Ahead of his draft curve, Mjers released the following information which could prove very worthy to potential GM's at the VHL level: While I joined this league as a defender [he said], I have no concrete plans to stay here, and I am very, very versatile at switching positions for the sake of my success but also the franchises success as well. This means, if you have a hole to fill at center, or at left wing, maybe even right wing, and you need a top-tier player, do not count me out or let me slip because of it, because I will fill that need. Please note, this means I am delcaring for the S73 draft and, I will be here for anyone to select. That was all we got from him...
  15. thanks Quik and all of the VHL for all of the work you do ! it does not go un-noticed!
  16. V I K T O R M J E R S | D E F E N D E R | S A N D I E G O M A R L I N S DESCRIPTION Viktor Mjers is a stocky defender with a lot of upside and positivity in his play. Anyone who watches Viktor knows right away that he dawns from greatness and his abilities truly have shined since he joined the league. Though Mjers was a late bloomer to the VHLM, he was almost a point per game as a defensemen while being significantly behind in practice hours which really goes to show that he knows his stuff and his work ethic is truly paying off. Going into the Season 72 draft, he will leave the Marlins to go join a different squad who will hopefully have a shot at winning the championship and getting him the glory he is so desperately chasing at the minor level. Mjers is from Russia and is used to performing under strict regiments which translated to his game in the VHLM, something else to take note of is that he is the son of the highly coveted VHL defender Radislav Mjers who had many successes throughout his 8-year career including a couple of championships both at the VHL and VHLM level as well as some individual awards for his play. This is where VIktor is poised to be and will do whatever it takes to follow in the footsteps of his father at this time. PROS Scoring Ability - One thing that VIktor prides himself at, is his uncanny scoring ability which a lot of defenders really cannot compare with at such a young age. He has learned the ins and outs of putting the puck in the back of the net and this has caused him to get many goals from the blueline and secure his spot as an elite two-way defender. A lot of people do not see his shot coming as he does not need to wind up heavily before his shot and is very quick at getting the shot off, which is something that makes goalies uncomfortable but his coaches love it, as they can use this massive shot to get quick opportunities. Shutdown Defender - On the other side of the puck, Viktor is phenomenal at playing his position properly and really ensuring that no one is getting by him. His shots allowed against him becomes less and less which the goalies love because he will make sure to put his body in the way before allowing someone to shoot it on net. This also means he is incredibly good at shutting down the opposition when it comes to taking the puck and not really giving it away, causing his end of the ice to be his "fortress" of sorts. Passing Ability - While he is able to score, we cannot forget that his ability to pass is just as up there within the mechanics of being very good. Viktor has a keen eye for finding holes that other players may not even be able to pick out, and his long stretch passes with scary accuracy really makes him a threat on the breakout. Overall, if you want a guy that can find the open man and give them a chance to go out on a break, this is your man, no doubt about it. CONS Face-Off Skills - Obviously being a defender, his care/lack of care for face-offs is at an all-time low. While some scouts would love to see him raise this a bit in the future, while he continues his journey in the minors, don't expect it to raise. There has been rumors swirling however that he would be interested in making a jump to forward potentially in the near future, maybe during his pro debut, however this is all speculation for now, and so we'll keep this as a CON. Hitting - While he is very much a two-way player, his hitting game is again kind of a lackluster priority because he finds that it can cause more harm then good. Viktor loves to be in position at all times, meaning if he goes to throw a hit and things go south, he is now failing his position and not doing his job effectively. Expect him to be more into throwing hits potentially again in the pro league but for now in the minors, he just wants to do his thing and this isn't it.
  17. using doubles/free this week
  18. One way to improve a team, is to draft your team, but when drafting doesn't get the job done and there is still holes to fill, and plenty of playing time, the next strategy...is to recruit. And when the Marlins management team seen all of the influx of talent coming in around trade deadline, he went all in, putting all his money in the basket to try and fill those holes as best as possible, and the result was quite astonishing. The Marlins were able to nab four high-tier players, all of which should be near the top of their draft class, and they are the following: Jacob Tonn - Goalie - Starting from the goalie out, Tonn was added due to his agencies work ethic and ability to produce good players. A starting goalie who can almost max out during playoffs will be crucial for the run, and this will really help the Marlins chances to go deep as he continues to prove himself. Tyler Walker - Defender - As our second pick-up approached, Walker was added for a very similar reason to Tonn, their agency is known for producing elite talents with good work ethics and being that defense was a key need for the team, it was a no brainer to add him to the squad. Walker should provide some instant star power on the line and again referencing work ethic, you can't help but know he will be good for it Viktor Mjers - Defender - Based on positional need, and the fact that he is my player, there was a no brainer that aside Walker comes in Mjers, an elite defender who should follow in his fathers footsteps who is a multi-cup champion and various award winning defender in the VHL. Marshall James Frostbeard - Frosty and I have known each other since his ADing days, and have talked various times throughout our time in the VHL, it seemed fitting as a final addition to bring Frostbeard in, as his desire was to play with Walker on the same team. This proved to be easy once Walker was set to be on board, and it has been a masterpiece ever since. Overall, I am very happy with the recruitment drive and how it went for the team, now we just need to finish strong.
  19. t's my final season ?
  20. Hey all, Just gonna post here. I feel like there is a ton of good applicants but one stood out to me. His tenure was taken away from him, which is whatever, but I feel like he didn't deserve to not be AGM anymore, so please allow me to announce my new AGM @Viperxhawks19 who I know will be excellent for the job.
  21. I'd like to start by saying thank you to @fever95 for constantly being around, active and happy to help out with the team. I am very happy we got to team up again with one another in the management pool and kick some butt. Unfortunately, Fever has told me he has stepped down for other commitments and I totally respect that. With that, I will be looking for a new AGM Out of respect to the Hounds GM needing to be found, I will wait until that is selected to make my selection.
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