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Everything posted by Greg_Di

  1. Review: Nice article about the goals you set for your player and how those goals progressed through the season. I usually only follow my player and seeing how they're doing so its great to see articles about other players and how they have been progressing. Looks like you made most of your goals which is great. Keep up the great work and look forward to seeing you in the VHL soon! Not a nig thing but only thing I would add is maybe pictures of graphs or season progress to see some of the goal progression. 9/10
  2. 1) Not a fan of rom-com but wife made me watch palm springs and it wasn't half bad. I guess it was a mix of genres though and not strictly your typical rom-com though 2) Wrong guy to ask haha, mostly listen to EDM (Trance, Techno), not many love songs there 3) No, Roger Eagles is just focusing on his game and has no time for a VHL Crush Questions: 1) What are your thoughts on the recent Louth punishments in the VHL? Justified or unjustified? 2) Are you watching the 4 Nations cup? What do you think so far? 3) If you had a chance to rename the seasons (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter) what would you rename all four?
  3. Roger Eagles was spotted in the stands watching the entertaining series between Seattle and Vancouver come to a conclusion in game 7. When asked why he decided to attend the game... " Players in the Eagles dynasty have played for both teams and won cups with both teams so I was just out there showing my support" Roger said " Both the.se hockey teams have great memories for the Eagles family, my Father Henry actually played for both franchises and won cups with both of them. The first Eagles, Greg, also played for Vancouver and won a cup in season 67. It was great also to go out and see some entertaining hockey. I am hoping that us in LA can get back to the playoffs and have these types of games. They are great playing them as players but just as great watching them from the stands. It's " After the game Roger quickly left to fly back to LA where he is starting his early off-season training for next year, lots of work will need to be done in order to help the Stars get back into playoff contention.
  4. 1) Seattle does it again and manages to pull off a huge upset, what went right for Seattle and Wrong for Vancouver? 2) Are you a team-first type of player willing to give it all for your team or a me-first player trying to get as many personal achievements as possible? 3) Do you find priase or criticism to be more motivating?
  5. 1) Playoffs are around the corner in the VHL, who do you think will win it all? 2) Which wildcard VHL team do you think has the best change to win it all? 3) If you had the opportunity would you end all wars or end world hunger?
  6. Another season has come and come for the Los Angeles Stars player as the backup takes the duties on the last remaining games. It was another season to forget as Roger had his worst W-L stats to date going 11-44-5 and also his worst Goals Against Average as a goalie with a 3.64. The one positive this season was that he set a personal best in save percentage ending the season with a .921 which beats last seasons .919 save percentage. Overall while the stats didn’t look so great it was a very solid effort on a team who knew it would struggle this season. "It was a tough season for the team but we knew that heading into the season, we knew it would most likely be on of our worst seasons since I got drafted and thats how it panned out" Roger said "It was a good opportunity though to learn to deal with adversary as we slowly begin our climb out of the bottom and turning this team into a playoff team. We have some great prospects comming up and they will be a big help to our team next season. I am excited and looking forward to next season and hopefully I can set some new personal bests"
  7. Roger Eagles has 11 games left before the backup goalie takes over for the rest of the season and it couldn't come at a better time. With an expected bad season and heavy shot total on Roger, he is looking forward to the small break. " It's been a long season and i'm looking forward to finishing it out on a good note, I think next season will be much better for us" Roger said "I think after the last game I am going to go on a 1 week vacation somewhere and just decompress before getting back into preparing for next season" This season Roger has put up stats of 10 wins, 38 losses and 4 OTL. As well as a .921 save percentage, 3.54 GAA and 2 shutouts. The GAA has been the worst so far of his career but the save percentage is a new career high. "Save percentage is a bit higher this year just based on the amount of shots I have been facing, which is around the 42 shot per game average" Roger continued "and the GAA well, with a weaker team in front and a high amount of shots you let in more goals"
  8. 1) Another slow trade deadline day with not many deals, what is your one idea that can help hype up trade deadline day? 2) If you were GM of your team, what trade would you have made at the deadline to cause a big splash? 3) If you could make one food taste like something else, what would it be?
  9. In most sports there is hype around the trade deadline with sports channels showing half or full day coverage of prediction and moves. In the VHL, it seems to pass by just like any other day. There might be a VSN pre-trade deadline article or post trade deadline but nothing to really get people excited for the day of the event. Half the time if I don't see it on the upcoming events section of the forums, I don't even know what day it is happening. It comes and goes like nothing has happened at all only to find out a week later via a post trade deadline article that some trades were made. Now the question is how can the league hype this up? My own personal thoughts are below and might not be feasible every single season but once in a while could be good! I know this will take effort and participation but trade deadline (even if for a few hours) should be handled like the VHL Draft. Have someone from VSN setup a twitch chat, invite some guests, interact with the chat and just discuss all things regarding the trade deadline. Discuss rumors from the GM chats, discuss potential trades that can help teams, discuss any blockbuster trades that have happened and anything in between. Involve some of the players and interview them on any potential rumors of where they are going or even make up rumors just to see how the players react. The interaction with GM's and players will help with hyping up a deadline that doesn't see much interest other then for a few GM's. With more hype this can potentially lead to more trades during the deadlines as well. I believe (may be wrong) but last few deadlines there wasn't too many crazy moves, most of the moves were done before the deadline. With hosting a deadline day type of show / broadcast this may lead to GM's waiting to the deadline or even make moves just for the sake of getting on the show to discuss why they are making the moves and how the negotiations went down. I am sure there would be a good amount of viewers interested in the thought processes of how the GM's went about making their trades. If Twitch is too much then have it in Discord. We have a draft central channel, lets get a trade deadline channel and start hyping it up in there. All the things mentioned above can be handled in the Discord as well. I think this could lead to more discord traffic (I am mostly forum user vs discord) but I always hop on during the draft. If there was a trade deadline channel and event, would make me login to discord and be a part of it. This might go for quite a bit other users as well. I believe hyping up the trade deadline and having GM's and players participate will give the deadline day more coverage and lead to more user interaction for what is quite a big deal in most major sports.
  10. Review: Don't follow too many other players other then myself so this was a great writeup about your player and how well he is doing. It was great to see how you rank within the conference as well! Looks like Bridges IV is making progress and should be a pretty high pick in the upcomming draft. No real improvements to add, maybe a picture or graph to make it a bit more visually nicer but honestly no complaints. 9.5/10
  11. Eagles has continued to play well even though he is avering a total of 42 shots per game. During the week of games 321-334, Roger faced 107 shots in 2 game which seems excessive. This has mostly been the same story for this season. " I don't mind the shots, keeps me busy and keeps me focused on the game" Roger said " Media might make a lot of out of it but I enjoy it. Helps me battle for the team when I have that many shots and I am on pace to set a new best record for save % which is something to look forward to in a season that we all know was not going to be the best" Roger, even in a losing season, has put up some pretty decent stats. So far he is 8-32-4 with a .926 save percentage and a 3.32 GAA. Many might think these stats are not that great but being on a rebuilding team that is last i ntheir conference with not too many players, these stats are actually pretty good. Los Angeles is not expected to battle for any playoff spots this season or next season but Roger is showing that he is willing to fight for this team no matter what.
  12. 1) Theme week is comming up, what do you think this seasons theme week will be? (if theme week has already been released answer before looking!) 2) What are your thoughts on having only one conference in the VHL where top 8 make playoffs and bottom 8 don't? 3) Would you rather sit in a $700 nose bleed seat to watch your favorite team or sit free in the front row but you're not allowed to eat, drink or use the bathroom for the entire game?
  13. 5 massive wilf fires are ravaging the Los Angeles area with an estimated 5000 homes being destroyed and many familes and pets being displaced. Roger Eagles today announced he is donating 500k to the Los Angeles humane society and 500k to fire victims to help them rebuild once the fires have been controlled and put out. "What is happening currently in Los Angeles is just sad to watch. Many people are losing their homes and all of their personal belongings. Luckily I have been one of the lucky ones but there are many more people out there who need help and I just needed to do something" Roger said "I encourage my LA team-mates to also contribute if they can to try and help everyone get back on their feet" During the fires, the LA Stars have also announced the next 2 home games will be free for anyone affected by the fires or to the emergency responders who are currently helping by fighting the fires. Those that would like to attend need to contact the LA Stars ticket booth to get their tickets on a first come first serve basis. "We need to give back to our community and while it's not much atleast those out there who are helping put out the fires or those that have lost almost everything, can come out and have some joy put back into their lives with a free game and free concessions" Roger said.
  14. Another season and another annual season interview with Roger Eagles. Today we talk about LA's progression, his new contract and charity. R: Welcome back Roger for another chat, how have you been? RE: I have been doing great. Little tired with an average of 44 shots per game but still in good spirits. R: We noticed that too but you have been playing pretty well regardless. Tell us how do you see LA in terms of the teams progression so far? RE: I think we are on the right path. We will have a couple of prospects ready to go next season and another couple more the season after that. If things continue the way they are I see us competing in 3 or so seasons. If the prospects develop like we think they will, this team will definately be a force to be reckoned with. May not look like it now but just wait and see. R: Speaking of long term, you just recently signed a 4 year extension contract with LA. Many didn't expect such a long term but when it was announced a lot of people were surprised. RE: I don't know why people were surpsied. I have always said since I was drafted to LA that I wanted to stay here and help them win a cup. Yeah these first 3 seasons have been a little rough but that has not deterred me. I am always team first and trying to achive the team gold. I don't need the invidivual awards to prove myself. It's a great team to be on and will be even better over the next few seasons and I wanted to be a part of that. R: Many people were also surprised with the draft pick of Ricky Lafleur when the team already had it's goalie of the future in you. Do you see any issues in the next few seasons when Ricky is ready to play? RE: I don't see any issues, competition is always good. Ricky is a great guy and ill happily do a 1a/1b type of goalie situation with him if that is what the team wants. Once again I want whats best for the team. I always see it as a smart tactical move to have 2 goalies that can come in and play well. The other team will never know who is starting and what to expect. R: You have been a part of many charity drives over your short career here in the VHL. Any other charities you are looking to work with currently? RE: Right now I am donating what I can to help those out in need from the LA fires happening in multiple locations. Many people have lost their homes and valuables. Many pets have been abondoned or injured. So I am splitting what I can to help support fire fighting efforts as well as the humane society to help those pets. R: That's great to see a young player always willing to help out in the community he plays for. That's all the time we got for today. See ya next time! RE: Was a pleasure to be here and look forward to the next one!
  15. 1) Is your player doing as well as you wanted him to be doing so far this season? Why? 2) What one trade would you make if you were GM of your team, to help your team have a better shot at the cup? 3) If you could eliminate one fear from your life, what would it be?
  16. Roger Eagles is quietly becoming one of the biggest workhorses in the league, seeing an average of 45 shots per game so far this season. Just recently he faced 100 shots in 2 back to back games vs the Calgary Wranglers. He is only behind Pipo Popa who has seen an insane average of 55 shots per game. " This season I knew with the team that we had that I would be getting a lot of shots and that is what I focused a lot of my off-season training on. Endurance and Agility" Roger said " It has definately helped and I know the eventual wear and tear during the season will come at some point but right now it's just like any other hockey game to me. Facing that many shots per game has really helped me fine tune what I need to work on to continually get better" While he may have to continue with the onslaught for the rest of the season, help seems to be on the way, but not until next season. A slew of great draft picks from last seasons drafts should be making their way to the Stars next season which will hopefully propel Los Angeles into a fight for a playoff spot and bring that shot average for Roger down to the 30 range.
  17. Roger Eagles recently signed an extension with the Los Angeles which will keep him in LA for another 4 years. The netminder signed the deal a few weeks ago but only recently have the details been released. Many have wondered with the deal taking longer then expected if Roger wanted to return to Los Angeles after the start of another rebuild which started halfway through a rebuild that didn't go well. "I always said I wanted to be here and it was a no brainer signing here for another 4 years. I love this city and I know the team will be competitive in the next few season" Roger said " We have a lot of talented young guys coming up, management has a great plan and also with the drafing of Lafleur, I know in a season or two I will have someone pushing me for that starting role which will only make me better. It's an exciting time to be a Los Angeles Player" Many are wondering how the dynamic will work with up and comming Lafleur in the next few seasons and Eagles who will continue being a top netminder in the league. "I have no worries about this, we will work out a system for both of us to get our games in. I am here for the team first and have happily welcomed Lafleur to the team" The deal was signed before the start of the season, which included a 4 season extension, a long with a 1 million dollar bonus for the young netminder. "For me it's not about the money but it was a great gesture from the team, my only goal is to help the team get back into the playoffs and compete for that cup" Roger continued "I have always said I will sign team-friendly deals as long as it helps the team move the needle forward. We all know this will be the last rough season for us and everything going forward will breed a culture of winning, that is the type of culture I want to be a part of" The team and Rogers haven't started of great this season but that was the expectation with most the team still playing in the development league. Los Angeles has been giving up 40+ shots a game and just recently gave up 100 shots in back to back games versus Calgary. Usually this high workload tires goalies out but Roger seems to be doing well. "It's still early in the season so it's really not as bad as it sounds, maybe closer to the end of the season it will get worse but I still feel great and hey, its been really helping with my save percentage this season" Currently Rogers sits with a .933 save percentage but a disappointing 3.32 goals against average. "I knew coming into this season that my goals against average would most likely go up compared to last season as we are running with a very diminished team but that's just part of the game. Sure it's not going to win me any awards or get me into the hall of fame but as I always have been saying, my goal is to help Los Angeles win the cup....that is all"
  18. 1) In the VHL season preview, Chicago was rated #5 in North America, but have come out to an impresive start to the season. Do you think they can hold on and finish in the top spot? Why or Why not? 2) In the preview as well, Seattle was ranked 6, outside of the playoff spot but have come out flying as well. Do you think they make the playoffs at the end of the season? Why or Why not? 3) What would you say if you had to sum up your life in 15 words or less?
  19. G - Ryan Artyomov @der meister
  20. F - Pierre Marc Bouchard @wcats
  21. F - George Richmond @der meister
  22. F - Riley Martin @wcats
  23. D - Felicia Hardy @der meister
  24. D - Jillian Woods @wcats
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