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Roger Eagles was named to the Eastern European team for the World Cup and is expected to start game 3 and 4 against Canada "I know I am the backup for this version of the world cup and I am happy to be here and get an opportunity to play in a few games" Roger said "we had a rough start in our first 2 games but I am confident we will still do well in this tournament and surprise a few people. Giorgiy is a stellar goalie and he will help lead this team to a medal for sure. Looking to gain some valuable experience from him as well" Eastern Europe started off with a 4-1 loss to Team Nordic and a 5-2 loss to Western Europe. "I just think we were a bit rusty, we didn't play bad but need to do better going forward" Roger continued " I think in the next few games we will get back up to speed and pull out some wins. Don't count us out. Next 2 games are against a strong Canada team but I know we have the players to match them in each position"
1) Super early Continental cup champion prediction, who do you think it will be and why? 2) Are you following the world cup of hockey? Predictions for who you think will win the gold? 3) If someone told you “This sentence is false.” Is it true or is it false?
Day 1!
We welcome back Roger Eagles to the studio to discuss the upcoming season and his thought on how his team, The Los Angeles Stars, will do. R: Welcome back Greg, so how have your preparations for the new season been going? RE: Great to be back. Preparations have been great. We are in the middle of my off-season camp for our players. We have had some great participation and the team will be ready to go come the new season. We are all excited for it to start and to welcome some new draft picks R: How do you think the team will do this season? RE: We had a few set-backs the last few off-season so I think we will still be on the outside looking in for the playoffs. I think we need an additional 2-3 seasons to get back into that playoff contention picture and be patient as our prospects develop. Time will tell but I think we are back on the right track. Even with a depleted team we still played fairly well for what we had. We can only get better. R: You're coming into your final year of your entry level contract. Has their been any discussions on renewal? RE: Nothing yet, I usually like to do negotiations in the off-season so that it does not distract from the season. It's still early but I know we should be able to work something out. I want to sign and I know management want to get something done as well but it may not happen until after the season. I am not worried about it and I don't think anyone else should be. R: Your team holds 4 first round picks in this entry draft, any idea who management is targeting? RE: I have not been part of those discussions and I shouldn't be. All I know is that we will get 4 players to accelerate the rebuild and hopefully they will be able to bring the team a much needed boost in the next few seasons. Things will start to get exciting again for the fanbase. R: You were just announced to Team Eastern Europe for the World Cup of Hockey, how do you feel? RE: It is always great to represent your nationality and we have a great group this year with a good chance of winning. I will be backing up Costanzov but hoping to get a few games in just to see how my off-season training has been working. I am looking forward to this tournament, should be fun. R: Do you think Eastern Europe has a change for the gold this year? RE: I think we do. On paper it is a very solid team. I think if we don't end up with a medal then it will be a big disappointment but the goal is to get the gold. I think the first few games will tell us how far we can expect to go. R: Thank you for your time Roger and good luck in the World Cup RE: Thank you and see you soon!
Transaction ID: 1XU83640FV087222W Free Week (12 TPE Capped) - Claimed 12/23 5 TPE Uncapped - Claimed 12/12 Doubles Week (6 TPE uncapped from a PT being done) - Claimed 12/12
Roger Eagles was spotted in a different sort of uniform yesterday as he gave up the Los Angeles Stars uniform and swapped it for a Santa Clause outfit. Roger had volunteered to dress up and give up gifts to those at the Los Angeles sick kids hospital. "I will always offer my time to give back to this community and especially to children" Roger said "These kids are going through mounmental battles and if getting a gift from santa can bring a smile to their faces then im all for it. Nothing in the world comes close as to seeing those kids faces light up when they get to see Santa" Since being acquired in the draft by Los Angeles 2 seasons ago, Roger, has volununteered more then 100 times in that time and also donated over 1 million dollars to various groups and charities. "I have always been the type that prefers to share in the privaledge that I have and that won't change because I am not a more well known goalie" Roger said " I will always to my part to help out and there is a lot of great groups and charities in Los Angeles who deserve that time and money to help those out that need it the most"
Roger Eagles missed last weeks off-season camp he has organized for the whole team throughout the whole off-season but with good reason. He travelled back home to spend a very early Christmas with his family due to commitments in LA over the actual holiday season. The Eagle's Christmas celebration this year was held at the Eagles training facility in Wroclaw, Poland. Over 60 family members and friends gathered to share in this special occasion and get the whole Eagles family together. Lots of food and laughs were shared as well as talks about the progress of the latest Eagles to play in the VHL and how he has been faring as a goalie in his first two season. "I got a lot of great feedback on my play and it means a lot to me, guys in this family like Greg, Tom and Henry have all been through the VHL journey and all played very well so I respect what they have to say" Roger said "I'm excited to take all their feedback and apply it to my game next season. I think you will continue to see tremendous improvement out of my play" The other big highlight that followed on the second night was the annual Eagles Christmas game where the players from the Eagles dynasty inivte the top hockey players in Poland and play a few games with and against them. "It's always a fun time, its meant to be fun and not as competitive. We don't really follow any rules and its more like a game of shinny. The players we invite are either the top polish players in the league or the players that have given back tremandously to the hockey community" Roger said "Greg Eagles started this tradition back when he played and we continue it every year. I think this is a great way for us to give back to the Polish hockey community and it gives the top prospects a chance to learn and play against some past and present all-star calibre VHL players" "Giving these young players and opportunity and foundation to showcase their skills here is a big step for them" Roger continued "There is not much coverage or scouting of the Polish hockey game here as Hockey is far behind the likes of soccer and basketball as a top sport here in Poland. We are hoping to change that by helping these guys reach their potential and knowing that if they succeed in the future it will continue to grow the game here" After the celebrations and annual game, Roger spent another few days with family before packing up and heading back to Los Angeles to continue his off-season camp for current players and any new players that get aquired through the upcomming draft. "Maybe in the not so near future we will see some of these young polish players that we invite up to the facility start being draft in our VHL drafts "Roger said "That is the goal and hopefully one or two of these guys can even play here with me in Los Angeles before I hit retirement, I think that would be amazing. We need to keep growing the game in Poland and need to show the world what kind of athletes we can produce."
1) At the beginning of the regular season, did you think the Vancouver Wolves would be this seasons champions? Why or Why not? 2) You are tasked with coming up with your teams gift to your GM. What do you get him/her? 3) What makes the best last minute Christmas present?
Was a pleasure playing under you with Henry Eagles and trying to win the cup! One of the top Gm's in the league, You will be missed by Malmo!
With American Thanksgiving this week, Roger Eagles, decided to give back to the Los Angeles community by sponosoring a turkey giveaway. Roger and his Los Angeles team-mates filled up a truck with frozen turkeys and went around to the communities that needed it the most and handed out 20lbs turkeys to everyone. "It's nice to be able to give back to the community we play for, we are very lucky to be able to play the sport we like and make a living from it, but there are many others who are not as well of and need a cheer around this time of the year" Roger said "With the way the economy is now, many people can't afford Thanksgiving dinner and myself with some of my team-mates decided it would be a great idea to give away to those in need. I encourage those that can to give back to their communities" Roger and the team gave out over 150 turkeys in multiple areas along with $100 gift cards to the local grocers so that the families can also get whatever sides and other items they needed to have a proper meal with their family and friends.
1) Davos upset Moscow 4-1, were you at surprised at this outcome? 2) What is the one hockey game that you can re-watch time and time again? 3) What would you eat most often if every type of food was healthy?
1) Who is your darkhorse playoff team for the VHL and VHLM. Why? 2) What are your off-season plans for your player? 3) If you could only say 3 words to your younger self, what would you say?
The Los Angeles Star players today cleaned out their locker room after another uneventful season. While there was many positives this season, it was still not enough for a playoff run and this has seen Roger Eagles now miss the playoffs in his first 2 seasons. Something that no other Eagles has ever been through. The past 3 eagles players combined only missed 3 playoffs. If Roger is to build his legacy in the VHL, he needs to showcase what he can do in the playoffs. The question is, can he do this in LA? " I don't know why this constantly gets brought up, I will cement my legacy my own way and it will be done here in Los Angeles" Roger said " The media outside Los Angeles keeps trying to build this narrative that I won't become a top goalie in the league if I stay here or they try to compare me to the past Eagles player who made the playoffs pretty much every season. To me what past Eagles players did does not effect me, I am focusing on myself. We are building something great here in Los Angeles and I am happy to be here and looking forward to eventually signing my extension once it is offered" It does seem that Los Angeles is quite a few seasons away from playoff contention, depending on this upcoming draft and how quickly those players develop, and many are wondering if by the time they reach the playoffs if Roger will still be at his peak capacity or will he be on the down hill from regression. " That does not bother me, the way I train and the way I have setup my future training even through the regression periods should not affect how I play as I get older "Roger continued "I will always play to the best of my ability and be in the top shape that I can be. I have no worries on how long it will take for Los Angeles to make it back to the playoffs, I just want to ensure I am here for that to help them bring home a championship. That is the goal" Roger will be entering the final year of his entry level contract this upcoming season and will be looking to continue to build on his personal bests that he set this year. Los Angeles will be looking to him to help guide the upcoming young stars that will be drafted into the team and hopefully get them to their full potential as quick as possible. This is the 5th consecutive missed playoff by Los Angeles; so the fans, management and players want to get back to it. "I know its tough for the fans as they have been going through a 5 season rebuild, but I promise them we are almost there" Roger said "We improved so much this season even with a depleted roster and once we get some reinforcements that want to stay and play here, then we should be able to get back to our winning ways and challenge for the cup. It has been longer then expected but we see the light at the end of the tunnel."
With 2 games left in the season, Roger, is already making his off-season plans. He usually travels back to Poland to continue training during the off-season, but this season he has decided to stay in LA to help the team out with checking out prospects as well as running his own off-season camps for any current LA players or new draft picks that join the team after the draft. "I want to get the team ready for next season, running a camp all off-season will help us be prepared better and help integrate our new players to our style and system of play "Roger said "Everyone wants to make this team better and it starts with putting in the effort in training, not just in the regular season, but in the off-season as well. If we want to be the best, we have to start training like the best" The camp is expected to run all off-season with players attending expected to commit to a minimum of 4 weeks of training. The Los Angeles Stars coaches have already all signed up and will be ensuring preparations for next season are going to plan.