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Hogan last won the day on April 11

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About Hogan

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    The Phantom of the VHL
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  1. 1. How do you react to the new trades? 2. Is anyone even going to be answering my questions anymore? 3. Which team do you think is going to finish the season with the best record? Will they win the cup? 4. Who are you going to miss the most on the team? 5. If the VHL were to introduce a new way to earn TPE, what do you think they would add? 6. Whats the most unique or cool equipment your player wears?
  2. The LA stars litteraly suck but guess what I do not care. Whenever I SEE THE SIMs I litteraly only check if I scored and nothing else. I dont care about winning right now because I'm litteraly the only active player on the entire roster I just care about being a 400 TPE point per game player (Christian Swol?). Next season when all my friends get called up the league is going to be hit hard by the Stars. IR is going to be GM of the year and I am going to be the Kanou winner with 60 points in the playoffs. . I love being the best player on my team, and It doesnt even matter if thats true or not because I do not check! Cant wait to get first overall again this season and draft yet another piece to make us back to back to back cup winners these next 3 seasons!!
  3. Congrats gustav! Second biggest L.A announcement of the day
  4. ANSWER 3 QUESTIONS FOR 1 TPE, 6 QUESTIONS FOR 2 1. There have recently been discussions about teams being unfair with some having 4 players while others have 10+, can you think of any solutions to help this? 2. Would you rather go to an amusment park or a water park? 3. Whats going to happen with your player next season? 4. Do you think Ottawa is going to make any trades before the trade deadline? 5. If a new league was to be added to the VHL, what do you think it would be called and where would it be? 6. How does your player celebrate a goal?
  5. @vincentlg2007
  7. The Christan Swolistiliger award (rookie of the year) needs to be CHANGED! People who played in the VHLE last season are NOT rookies!! Its like when Kaprizov won the calder at 25 or even worse in 1990 when a 31 year old MIDDLE AGED MAN won the calder. I feel like both of those guys competition right now. How is the rookie of the year going to have 700 TPE when I'm a true rookie and dont even have half of that (dont fact check). I'm litteraly tied for 4th on the rookie leader board right now and they're all a season older than me. UNFAIR! I am the true top rookie. Also the guy 1 below me was litteraly drafted like 5 seasons ago, what the hell? That guy is closer to retirement than he is to his true rookie season. The LA Stars are booming right now and just wait until the other draftees get called up and we RUN the league!
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