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Everything posted by gorlab

  1. boring series, i will shatter either team to pieces next week
  2. why thank you Frank!
  4. I added extra cheek on this one tbh.
  5. Stannis making boss moves. =D> =D> =D>
  6. Oysters, clams and cockles!!!
  7. cheeky submission to try and catch grader overlap
  8. beautiful
  9. What did Lunaro have to say on the issue? )
  10. Bushito is inactive? No wonder i've been getting the odd 6/6 on graphic PTs lately...
  11. im in & studying every move babadi makes
  12. give us a free doubles week to make up for it IMO
  13. 4-3 cologne
  14. Legion Dynamo Bears Meute
  15. I was at 50 goals and now im only @ 40
  16. this boy wylin
  17. HC Davos should have drafted me when they had the chance.
  18. dracula
  19. I did this cut randomly figured I would upload it here. Yes it's a touch rough in a couple spots but idgaf.
  20. gorlab

    HSK/TOR ; S43

    So what's this big special reason then?? Why tf is it a big secret? Also, VHL Financier should get a raise for having to wade through this shit.
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