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Everything posted by gorlab

  2. first
  4. graphic floodgates are open and can't be closed
  5. can't hear you with my two VHL Graphic Ranks trophies plugged in my ears.
  6. 1. At a bar on a Friday night, what's the first drink you ask the bartender to make for you? I don't often attend bars, but when I do and I'm in drinking mode, I will alternate between shots of Jack Daniels whiskey and any available Canadian light beer or pilsner style beer. 2. What made you choose the username you currently use? Quite a long story, but in my youth, a group of my friends fancied ourselves as a "crew" and my rap name / graffiti tag was gorlab, based on the capcom Street Fighter video game character Balrog. 3. How often do you exercise or try to stay active in a week? About a year before pandemic, I started doing 30 minutes of outdoor walking into my daily routine. It gets very cold in Sask, so some days I skip it, but in the summers sometimes I will go for 2-3 different walks a day since I work from home. It's very bare minimum but I have noticed it's been beneficial to my health. 4. You have a chance to create an ad about whipped cream. What would you do to make this whipped cream sell? ............. WTF is this question Blazzy?????? but, I think about whipped cream and think the biggest market for it would be cooking, specifically baking. So I would take the ad money, and use it to bribe a very famous cooking/baking TV show program to product place my whipped cream in their television show. Like Cake Boss is one, I think? I think reality TV style shows about cooking/baking competitions are quite popular, so it will draw lots of attention to GORLAB'S WHIPPING CREAM (name pending). 5. How do you unwind and relax after a long day of work or classes? I like to use some cannabis/marijuana in a recreational manner. It allows me to relax and enjoy whatever I am doing. Very beneficial to my mental health, but it is definitely not for everyone, and especially not for anyone under the age of 21. 6. if you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? I would only eat air/oxygen, so that way, I would never have to worry about eating food/drink to sustain my being, and thus, become rich/famous as the man who never had to eat anything.
  7. Realistically I'd start thinking about it at 10k (usd) 100k and I'm outta here quicker than 80% of new creates.
  8. 1. If management ever plans to upgrade our home arena, what would like to add to the space? I think we should build a little section of the arena that was sealed off from everything and has super industrial grade ventilation, so our fans would be able to smoke cigarettes while watching the game. 2. What would you say to players that get upset because they get less ice time? Suck it, win 5 continental cups like I did before you even think about complaining about ice-time. (I'd say this to them as I myself am complaining to Jeff about ice-time). 3. With our good start this season, how confident are you that we can keep it this way? Very confident. Chicago is now a playoff lock and cup contender team and it will be that way for the next 3-4 seasons minimum. 4. Newly signed FA Adam Syreck is back. How will he contribute to the team once more? No idea but he is a nice lad. Maybe he could help R out with some league of legends training which is said to improve hand-eye coordination and overall ice hockey strategy. 5. Which VHL team/teams have impressed/disappointed you the most this season? I haven't been following the league standings too closely, but I am both impressed and disappointed that Vancouver is still winning games. 6. If a hockey equipment company wanted to sponsor you but you have to use whatever they gave you. No requests or customs. Would you agree to this sponsorship? Depends on the money, but yes, most likely. I will shill myself out for literally anything if the money is right. I'm not attached to any of my current equipment, especially if I can make some good money!
  9. @HoF Committee @Victor
  10. Not really that happy with any of the following sigs, no offence or disrespect to any of the VHLers depicted, it is what it is. Instead of highlighting my misses in their own thread, I'm just dumping them all as one single PT. Enjoy.
  11. talk your shit @Steve !!!!! Some people are here to win, not lollygag and hoo-ha. Toronto Social Club
  12. sign me up as GM for quebec mounties
  13. sorry gritty, this shit was like 2 months ago, I can't remember what I smoked 2 hours ago.
  14. I love how casually BOOM mentions his 11th overall multi. gonna be a classic ep for sure
  15. also happy birthday to @a_Ferk and @McWolf because Jan 27th was apparently an epic day for sim leaguers coming into this world.
  16. Yes, today is the birthday of VHLM legend @Da Trifecta everyone wish him a happy bday!
  17. F - Christian Mingle G - Ajay Krishna gj on the draft -- good luck all !!! @bigAL for ur last pick
  18. well shit, happy bday big fella!!!
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