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DoktorFunk last won the day on December 5 2019

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About DoktorFunk

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    Chip Stone
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    Missouri, USA

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  1. Bout time! Drinking from my Hounds mug tonight
  2. Chip Stone - DC
  3. DoktorFunk

    HSK/SEA; S89

    Love ya man! Thanks for having me! It was magical! Excited to get to know Helsinki!
  4. 1. Gotta be Seattle, baby 2. No, but they make the finals. I'm thinking Edmonton 3. I'd love an iguana. Questions: 1. What's the song you want played at your funeral? 2. If you had one celebrity to spend the rest of your life with, who is it? 3. Name three cities you'd live in other than the one you currently do.
  5. 1. Basketball I think. Lower risk of concussion. 2. I went to the Grand Canyon with my girlfriend and lord that was amazing. 3. I am watching, and I really think it'll come to a Boston and Edmonton Final, with Boston outlasting in a game 7. 1. Favorite meal to cook when guests come over? 2. What was the closest to a paranormal event you've ever experienced? 3. You have to get a face tattoo. What are you getting?
  6. Answers: 1. I think August would be good. Here in the states we've got July 4th, and I feel like something extra in August would be nice for summer vacations. 2. A capybara. They're so weird. 3. The Capitals used to play Unleash the Fury by Darkest Hour. That shit was sick Q's: 1. IF you could move anywhere in the world, where would you move and why? 2. What's one hobby you wish you could be a master of? 3. You find $1 million in a chest. What do you do with it?
  7. Had some family in town but I’m trying to be more active here! Da Bears are off to an absolutely absurd start. I never imagined we would be this good this year, but I can’t say I’m exactly surprised. I just hope I don’t fuck up my build by adding too much into him. Speaking of fucking up, my team in the NHL can no longer reach the playoffs. Feels bad man. I wonder how these playoffs are gonna shake out. I REALLY wonder if anyone can even come close to beating Boston. Been working on a lot of music. That has been a CHORE. It’s been fun but god damn, we’ve had like three guitar players quit because they don’t want to do any of the promo work. What is it with people? There’s serious money to be made; you can’t just show up and expect to play guitar and nothing else. IDK man, life is hard. Hope everyone here is doing great!
  8. 21. First of all, that's ridiculous. Second, a shit ton of shots 22. Not surprising at all. We've been hot for like 20 seasons now. I think we just have a great GM! 23. I like how Chip has started! It's made me want to contribute more! 24. Fur Coat by Bear Skin Cologne 26. Too early to tell in my opinion. 27. "Stone me, Chip daddy".
  9. BERRZ
  10. 42. Good return, I think! Interested to see where this leads! 43. Vasile Lamb is an absolute beast, so I'm happy 44. Absolutely more confident in the team, yeah 45. I think you fleeced em, chief 46. I think we'll do very well and have a great shot in the playoffs. 47. Moscow, I think. They're just so good.
  11. @Hogan @Berocka @dlamb For being three stars, your next donation is on me. Let me know when you want it.
  12. Putting this here: The owners of whatever players are the 3 stars of the VHL all star game will have a max donation made by me for them whenever they choose.
  13. A1. New York builds a team that's unreal and wins it all A2. Incredibly biased, but that's because I don't always know who's in the league. A3. Okie Dokie Q1. If you had to learn a language you don't already know, what would it be? Q2. Sausage or Bacon? Q3. Climb a mountain or deep sea diving?
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