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Everything posted by Berocka

  1. Rory also said he was going to jail Hatty why would the escort go on Hatty please explain
  2. Let's vote Hatty and see what happens
  3. VOTE HATTY Please give me a reason not to vote you
  4. Fuck it everyone what's your wills please let's end this shit Adv will die tonight so we need a win on the board
  5. You tell me who's a vamp and I'll stab them
  6. Cartripp was mafioso I think all maf are dead it's most likely vamps vs town and maybe a pest or jester
  7. So 8 left with potentially 4 vamps fun fun fun
  8. Who should we vote then
  9. @Adrest245 @Advantage @Alex @Berocka @Doomsday @GoodLeftUndone @jacobaa19 @jhatty8 @rory @woog See Above lets get a vote going please
  10. Yeah nothing from Jhatty yet lets jump on them VOTE JHATTY
  11. @GoodLeftUndone & @Alex do you have any wills you want to share?
  12. @Doomsday Can you throw in your full will please to help me locate any vamps
  13. 2x TOWN PROTECTIVE - Lookout & Sherrif 2x TOWN SUPPORT - Medium & Escort? 2x TOWN INVESTIGATIVE - Doctor??? - Trapper? 1x TOWN KILLING - Jailor 3x RANDOM TOWN - Vigilante & Vampire Hunter 1x GODFATHER - Dead 1x MAFIOSO - Dead 2x RANDOM MAFIA - Dead 1x NEUTRAL KILLING - Arsonist - Dead 2x RANDOM NEUTRAL - 1 x Vamp, 1 x Unknown 3x ANY OF THE ABOVE - One Mafia - Dead - 2 x Unknown Dead Roles so far Lookout Arsonist (Doctor) Godfather (Executioner) Consort Lookout Forger Mafioso Disguiser Have I missed anything?
  14. Please don't do this it ruins the spirit of the game, there are no other roles that can be confirmed by individual knowledge of one another
  15. What if omg was the starting vamp and is trying to throw us off the chase. Woog I can confirm wasn't a vamp last night but he might have been just transformed. Odd night to all of a sudden come out with info
  16. I'm not a VHL GM I don't usually look at the lottery. Not my circus not my monkeys.
  17. Green Man doing a Blue Man's job what has this site come to
  18. Vote NSG Rory do you want me to go after any one in particular or just wing it. Also I know we believe Dadam was forged but I can confirm he wasn't the OG Vamp, he could have been bit though
  19. Can we have pirate claim that way we can help our odds finding the evils
  20. Yeah he usually does, cause all roles but coven are available roght. Like pirate doesn't have pre coven expansion results
  21. So I'm going to come out now as n3 is a big one. I am vampire hunter which means that there is possibly up to three vamps now. The forger is going to be a real problem knowing how many there could be though
  22. ROry has still voted for Ricer so VOTE RICER
  23. Hatty was strange in jail and there was no mafia kill whilst he was in there, do we go Hatty. @rory I will follow you my jailor
  24. Lets go who got pirated, @rory Mr. jailor what is the plan seeing the stakes are so high here we need to get rid of some evils
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