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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. Full Name: Pavel KomarovPosition: CAge: 18Handedness: Right Jersey Number: 7Height (inches): 6'2Weight (lbs.): 210Birthplace: Moscow, Russia Komarov's strengths. Pavel Komarov has 3 major strengths, his biggest of them all is his ability to win draws in every zone, in almost every way. He is a very strong man on the dot, he studies up on his opponents learns their respective strengths and weaknesses. He currently sits among the leagues best with over 57 percent of all draws won, he plays in all situations for Oslo and his strength in the face off circle is a big reason why. He models his game off Patrice Bergeron, a guy whose constantly among the league best face off men in the NHL. not a bad guy to try to play like if you ask me. Komarov's second strength is much like his fathers, well its two things defense, and checking. He does the little things right, hes never not in the right position not afraid to get his hands dirty to help his team. He knows how to use his frame, skating, and stick to get him and his team out of sticky situation he wants to do everything he can to help his team win. Right now his defensive play is far from lacking, but its not as developed as his fathers was. However with his father being who he is, we can count on that improving 10 fold,we as mentioned he wants to be like Bergeron which means this will be a big area for him. Pavel's last strength would be something his father never really became anymore than a decent player. His passing is much more advanced, his hockey IQ is much higher than his father he certainly has more natural ability. His ability to put the puck on his teammates stick has been put on full display this season, sitting 3rd on his team scoring. This is another aspect that he plans on improving throughout the season, and his career. He puts in the work, like his father hes seen at the gym. Working hard, hopefully his life does not befall the tragedy his father did during his career. Komarov's Weaknesses No player is perfect, especially when they are young they all have wholes in their respective games. Komarov's biggest weakness is much like his fathers, his shot well he can find the net on occasion he certainly wont ever wow anyone. He stated he is working on it, but he has yet to really show any major improvement he may never be a true sniper, but he may be a better shot than his dad one day. His next weakness is something he has already shown a willingness to improve, his strength many of his face offs he loses he gets out muscled something he knows he has to improve for the bigger tougher opponents in the VHL. He has hit the weights hard, and with his father owning a personal gym he doesn't even have to leave the house, his willingness to improve has got scouts talking. His last big weakness is puck control, another aspect he plans on improving well not that weak, he knows he needs to have softer hands going forward. His play making ability would improve ten fold with better puck control. A scout who watched his between the puck drill saw he was driven to improve, despite his obvious short comings in that area.
  2. With Davos fire sale, Komarovs cup hopes are done. He will retire in Davos after 8 season with no cups. It was expected when long time GM disappeared. However Komarov still held hope, they worked there ass off and led the league. As expected they fell off, and the fire sale began. 10 points out, and trade deadline passed Komarovs swan song will be that of a sinking ship. It's disappointing to say the least, so many key players leaving with the GM missing in action. That turned Davos from contender to pretender, with such a strong FA crop they could have improved sent the fan favourite who gave everything him with a cup. Unfortunately, he is now bound to go down with a sinking ship. We know he was never put on the block. Some wonder if he'd want to go, but the option or chasing a cup might have been nice. The next chapter will be his son, see if he can create his own legacy and maybe capture what his father never could.
  3. Given the other 2 Pavel's I haven't seen around and are dropping I'd guess me but who knows maybe they come back with a vengeance
  4. The lack of Komarov in this episode
  5. Gooningitup

    DAV/CGY ; S47

    Let's be honest here Davos traded for this first to draft prodigal son Pavel Komarov
  6. Wow Komarov shafted for guys with like 11-19 points LOL
  7. Komarov's father was a shut down defender. His son Pavel is much like his father, however he has already shown more offensive flare than his father. With 55 points in 50 games given the VHLM scoring isnt that exciting. However it's his other stats that stand out the most, +15 on a very weak plus minus team shows just how adapt to the defensive game he is already at a young age. His faceoff percentage is among the best in the league at 57, showing his skill in the dot. Last but not least he showed he's willing to get down and dirty with 31 shots blocked, and 116 hit he does the little things to help his team win. He likely won't win any major awards. However given his stats he should atleast be a top candidate for two way of the year. He will continue to grow, many look at Patrice Bergeron as his upside, well others think Tomas Plekanec is more his speed.
  8. 3 point night for the Komabeast
  9. Whose this Komarov kid seems pretty good to me
  10. In Komarovs last season, in the VHL its clear he has one thing in mind. His goal is to leave it all on the ice, either he wins it all or he goes down trying. With 44 hits, and 27 shots blocked already to go along with 9 points, Komarov is having a career year. It's unknown if he and Davos can maintain this pace, buts it clear the Davos defender won't go down without a fight. This city has been so great to me, I just want to pay them back for everything. I want to win a title, even if it means going out black and blue. Blood could pour down my face, and ill still give it my all. Davos gave me a chance and a home, now its my turn to pay it back. If the Davos defender can maintain this pace, its a wonder if he could even contend for defender of the year in his last season. He doesn't care about that though, as he has his eyes in the prize
  11. That moment when the only goalie that's beat us is a computer lol
  12. Happy to wear and A, honestly coach did not need to give up his letter. But I'm honored that he would
  13. (disclaimer for those who forgot english is my second language) Vladamir Komarov one of Davos history's best? It is safe to say, that if you asked Davos fans who Komarov is they would all give you a long story about their franchise defender; However if you asked fans around the league who he was not many would be able to name him. That is because he was never a flashy superstar, he was a nose to the grindstone hard-nosed defensive defender. He was rarely seen on highlight reels but when he was it was thanks to bone crushing hits. He stayed away from the spot light, he put his team first, and never questioned any decisions made by his coaches, he left is all on the ice every game. When he announced his son would be joining the ranks of the VHLM it shocked many, he was expected to be the only one to lace up the skates in the VHL; However son Pavel a defensive minded center, is expected to now join his father as the family tree continues. This article isn't about his son however, this is about appreciating a player that only his teammates ever got to enjoy his company. Komarov was a leader even in the years he never wore a letter, he didn't care what his jersey showed, he cared about helping his team. You ask any of Komarovs teammates former, or current they would all give you glowing reviews about the Russian, he was known as the class clown in the locker room never sad always trying to make people laugh. On the ice he made his team mates feel comfortable that they would never be pushed around, glad they never had to suffer a body check from the big Russian. He would drop the gloves at any moment to stick up for his teammates, he lost a lot of blood and a few teeth from laying his body on the line every game, but that is what he enjoyed doing. Set to play his last season in Davos,fans have come out in floods supporting the guy who gave everything to the franchise, likely never to win a cup. "I think if you asked Komarov what he would rather do, win a cup for Davos or have been moved to a place he had a better chance he would tell you win here". "Not only do i know he is a loyal player, but i think hes more disappointed he didn't give Davos fans a cup, than he is about not winning one for himself" Komarovs coach stated. Its very obvious that his presence will be missed in Davos, a fan favorite his jerseys flew off the shelves, one of the highest selling in Davos history. Here is a brief look at what the defender accomplished in his career, and where he will most likely sit in the Davos record books for each stat. Komarov was never much of an offensive producer, but he still put up decent numbers throughout his career for his style. His 49 goals so far with more to come this year, he is likely set to finish around 40th to 42nd not bad for a guy who isnt paid to score. His 173 assists and counting he is set to finish in the top 20 around 17-18, and his 225points will leave his just outside the top 20 around 22-23. Impressive for a guy built to defend, his plus minus is the only stat that wont stand out playing for a bad team for 2 years destroyed the stat and he never fully recovered finishing so far minus 26 after being minus 130+ his first few years. Now we are on to the best stats, With 737 penalty minutes unless he goes on a huge goon spree, the defender is set to finish 2nd in the history book not exactly where he expected, but he had a few years where he avoided the box more than usual. With 1136 hits and counting he looks set to finish likely in the top 3,unless he breaks hit record in a season, this is the most surprising stat, which got hurt last year in his down season he has rebounded, but likely not enough to finish second. Last but not least, the two records Komarov will own by year end is games played for the franchise,and shots blocked assuming he does not miss a game to injury he will tie the record with 504 games played, he already owns the shot blocked record with 721 and counting. There is no doubt, that Komarov's name will hang from Davos rafters, but the question is will he ever get recognized by the rest of the league? Likely not, but he is very happy to have accomplished what, he has with the franchise. To him all that he wants it to be remembered by the franchise he gave everything too, of that we have no doubt he will.
  14. Not bad still performing like a shut down C
  15. I start playing an results start coming
  16. Pavel Komarov, son of Vladamir Komarov Davos legend isn't happy. He will never publicly force his way out of any team. His father played for 2 teams his whole career. In juniors he was a legend in Oslo, for two seasons he wore the C almost helping them capture a cup. In Davos he was a quiet leader, never questioning his ice time, just always leaving it all on the ice. Which is why its shocking, how Oslo legend son is being mismanged. Sure he is not an offensive super star, but the fact he is playing the lowest ice time of any forward?. Like his father, he is known for his physical defensive style; However he has been seen working hard in the offseason on his play making ability to help him become a better two way player. The fact he is barely playing is a disgrace to his father's name.
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