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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. First star and first career 2 goal game now tied for 2nd in goals for defensemen. Who am I? Not in Hits leaderboard barely in SB, losing my hold on PIMs. Scoring more than ever I think I'm broken
  2. He's happy with his team play so he keeps his mouth shut and plays, well he happy with his points he wants to pick up his physical play, I want to retire with my name in Davos history book. As it stands right now Komarov is on pace to end his career in the top 5 Hits, shots blocked, and PIMs, considering how great the history is with this club that is an impressive feat. For Komarov its not enough and we have seen him keep pushing himself harder every day to improve. You can see it in his eyes he doesn't just want top 5 he wants number 1, and with the pace he has been on its not out of reach. If he can continue to hit at over 200 and 130 SB he will retire with 1400+hits, 910 shots blocked, which puts him 3rd, and 1st. His PIM pace places him in 2nd. Now its likely as his career goes on his PIMs will increase putting him first, as he's just under pace to beat it; However to beat the 1st place in hit he will need to increase his pace about 100 hits a year. He will likely finish 2nd on this list but he's got his eyes set on number one. The biggest question he asks himself however is well he cracks Davos history books, will that be enough to slot him in the HOF or will he be overlooked as he likely never posts godly numbers in his career.
  3. I'll be retiring with 1 player who won't do anything and won't make a new one. I don't like coasting I want to be a stud defender
  4. There's like Johnny baseball or basketball now too lol
  5. Eh we can't have every game perfect, I mean what is that like maybe the 2nd time all year we've allowed 3, only 1 more than 3.
  6. Sinclair 1st in SV an GAA still Seattle got lucky that's all
  7. I'm rooting for Calgary because I love underdog stories. Shame about my caps hopefully we can capture game 7!!
  8. Come on Caps close out the series tonight boys!!! Bring the cup home
  9. Or is it Davos and Cologne are just that much better
  10. I've been that good this year that they might as well Clone me
  11. End of the day the better team was the one that capitalized not the one with more chances and lost.
  12. Its far to early to say Komarov is on pace for a potential defender of the year award. However he is on pace to oblidarate his best season. As it stand right now Komarov has half his best offensive seasons numbers and will likely hit 200+ hits and 130+ shots blockesif he can keep his offensive pace,he may be in line to compete for an award. This is something he never imagined he always played the quiet game and never got the headlines, its a game he has love to play. This season however it is no suprise to see him do more of the same, with some offensive flair. Maybe Bringing in highly regarded Richardson was the wake up call he needed to bring his game to to next level. As he's actually out pacing Richardson but its to early to tell if this will last. The Davos fans for one are very happy to see this, and hope it is a sign of things to come with Richardson and Komarov being a deadly one two punch. Komarov hopes its a sign of things to come as he grows as a young player.
  13. Who am I lol 3points barely any hits or sb
  14. No A on my uni first time in my career so I'll just have to lead on the ice a couple cups
  15. Komarov shock connection too much to handle 3 point nights both players #toomuchforhelsinki
  16. I came into a fight then a hockey game started so I just dominated that too
  17. Komarov has been quiet from the media for a long time, well he does not forget to train it has not been as many hoped. This season seems different to start, Komarov made huge strides this off season. His defensive game might be the best you see in the VHL, he has somehow managed to get bigger and meaner. What does this mean for opponents facing off against Komarov and Davos, well we saw a glimpse last year of the beast that was expected. We expect to see his name this year among the top of the hits, and blocked shots. His biggest improvement, however may have to be his shot. Komarov seems to have learned how to shoot and with his big frame this may not be good for opponents. He is expected to pick up his offense a bit this season. This has Davos fans very excited to see with the addition of Richardson seeing to almost wake up the Russian beast. He was seen saying after the trade "They brought him in to aid me, and to push me to be my best." "They know I'm highly competitive and when I heard they brought in a big name defender I knew I had to work harder to earn my ice". I won't quit easily I may not become what many thought, however I still aim to be a great defender than Davos can be proud of.
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