Everyone thank @Frank he encourages me to put these bad boys up and i think that is an example of a team player who is looking out for the organization. (Look frank you get a chance to tank your self lol )
@BladeMaiden Deserves the real thanks for taking the time each week to put these great press conferences together, with quality questions and more then enough for us to chose from. So you da real MVP, probably the best FA signing I've ever seen.
April 22nd is Earth day, did you do anything special to commemorate the day?
Separated my recyclables and put most of my waste in the compost. Unfortunately I'm making a tiny difference in the grand scheme of things.
Have you ever played hockey on a pond, or skated outdoors?
Yes, it's a completely different feeling then playing in an arena. The ice is never perfect and your subject to frigid winds, nothing like it.
What team has surprised you most and has come together to have an incredible season thus far?
I would have to say the Legion, I thought for sure Chicago had NA in the bag. But Toronto deserves credit and we probably shouldn't have overlooked them as a contender.
In the end all we have is each other, tell me something nice you did for a teammate.
I'm in the process of making @MMFLEX a sig for another league. Even though he's been waiting a while for it.
If you had a dream or a goal for the end of this season, what is it? Has it changed ? If so why?
Win a cup with the squad. No it hasn't changed, that's always the goal above all else. If we can't do it this season then in the near future I hope.