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Everything posted by Ricer13

  1. After thinking about this I feel I am more opposed to this idea than anything. Discord in my opinion has caused this league to thrive. The social interaction is a lot more fun and at real time. I understand the need to create more activity in the forum but I can’t see how turning off game notifications will make much of a difference in this regard. Just my opinion, doesn’t mean it’s right.
  2. Press conference week ending Oct 25 2020 1. Miami is in a tight race with Philly for that last spot. Both teams have a fairly tough schedule. Who has the better shot of pulling it off? 2. Which team do you think will win the title this season? 3. What is more important to you, personal stats or team success? Why? 4. If Miami misses out on the playoffs will this season have been a failure? 5. A lot of you players are waiver players so after this season is over you will be released from Miami and then drafted by a VHLM team. Which team would you like to be drafted by? If you already are a drafted player by Miami which other team would you like to play for? 6. Favourite pizza? (Toppings, sauce, etc.)
  3. You are amazing for keeping track of these. How did you do it?
  4. I am Bored. Maybe I will play some chel 21 with da boyz

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Doomsday
    3. Banackock


      PC don’t do NHL21 and Bana telling him to buy an Xbox



    4. Ricer13


      PlayStation Nation

  5. I apologize too! Miami would love to have you. You’ll also be starting on the fourth line but we have one of the most engaging locker rooms in the league that will help you learn the game! Quote this offer and I will get you on to the roster right away! Miami Marauders GM
  6. Hey @SofaKing I am the GM of the Miami Marauders and we have a spot in our D core for you for the remainder of the season. We are looking to take a run at playoffs and think you would make an excellent addition to the squad. Quote this offer if you would like to join in on the fun. Good luck Ricer13 Miami GM
  7. Greatest Comedy! Love the choice of name. We would love to have you for the remainder of the season playing for the Miami Marauders. We must have the greatest drummer of all time on our roster. Quote this offer cuz it’s the fucking Catalina wine mixer of offers. Ricer13 Miami GM
  8. Welcome to Miami Hogan Jr. 1. Let’s get the important stuff out of the way first. Why do you have such a garbage name? 2. How do you feel about joining Miami for the remainder of the season? 3. Do you think you can help Miami push themselves into the playoffs? 4. Where would you like to end up being drafted in the VHLM draft? 5. Does your career in the M matter to you much or are you more concerned about your players career in the VHL? 6. Other than your name, who is the VHL has the worst name?
  9. Hey Acyd, I have a top 4 spot in Miami that you could fill! We are looking at taking a run at the playoffs but we are just sitting on the outside looking in. You would definitely be a if boost for us and our shot at making the playoffs would improve drastically. Good luck wherever you end up! Ricer13 Miami Marauders GM
  10. We have a spot open for you in Miami! Top 4 minutes, pp and pk time. Currently sitting on the outside looking in but we are very close to pushing for a playoff spot. I hope you’ll consider riding the rest of the season out in Miami. Good Luck Hogan! Ricer13 Miami Marauder’s GM
  11. Welcome to the VHL @Dwayne Gretzly! I am the GM of the Miami Marauders and we just had a spot on defense open up. We are looking for new and active members to join our roster for the remainder of the season to help push us into a playoff spot. We have climbed all the way back into the race and are only a few points back of that final spot. We think with your help it will push us into a playoff position. You will be starting on our third pairing but have the opportunity to quickly move up in the lineup. An added bonus is our active locker room where our knowledgeable members will be able to help you navigate your way through the start of your VHL career answering any questions you may have about the league. So if Miami is a place you want to start your career then quote this offer and "accept" and I will get you into the line up right away! Good luck Ricer13 Miami Marauder's GM
  12. Press conference for week ending oct 18 2020. 1. The Marauders are knocking on the door of a playoff spot. Can we take that last spot and secure our position in the playoffs? 2. Which new additions in Miami show the most promise for a bright future in the VHL? 3. If you could recreate your player what position would you choose? 4. Miami had a pretty bad ass team name being the “Marauders”, if you could rebrand the franchise what would you change the name too? Get to know ya questions 5. What is the most boring sport to watch and why? 6. Are you a dog or cat person? Do you have any pets?
  13. OMFG you and Big Phil are hilarious. Give this guy all the TPE's
  14. @fyrefly Amazing job! 1000 words would have gotten you 2 weeks of TPE. Nice to see you putting in the work
  15. Just at work right now but I’ll ship you an contract ASAP
  16. Welcome to the league! I am the GM of the Miami Marauder‘s and we have a centre position open on our roster for you. We are looking to make a push to the playoffs this season and we think you could be a big help in us achieving that goal. Our locker room is as good as anybody’s and full of members will help you learn the ropes of the league. If Miami is a place you’d like to start your career then quote this offer and accept. Good luck in the VHL Ricer13 Miami GM
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