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Everything posted by Beowoof

  1. I understand what you are saying, and I obviously don't 100% disagree, but it was the decision we made at the time. You could say it was a rather rash decision, but it's in the past and it's much easier to judge after the fact. So if you were fully in our shoes, I'm curious, but what would you have done differently?
  2. From my perspective, it is cheating the system. The point of stopping intolerant slurs of any kind is so that members affected by said slurs don't feel unwelcome. Saying something akin to "don't be so...oh I can't say that word" still does that because we can obviously fill in the gap of what they were trying to say. And honestly it's even worse to me when SBA was used so frequently instead. I get that the internet is full of memes and jokes in this day and age, but with everything predominantly over text it's extremely difficult to get any connotation. I'm not just speaking from our side either, but from the perspective of a new member seeing something like that. As a hypothetical would you rather drive a member away due to the "cheating"? Or would you rather three people not get a chance to make a joke? Obviously I'm not asking for any change, just offering my own perspective. I think you missed my point about why it was cut off. It's not a punishment. We didn't feel comfortable allowing PTs claimable in our league when the community was the way it was because that diminished how we've moderated things.
  3. I'm so tired of all of SBA vs. VHL nonsense. To be honest, I probably shouldn't even be typing this up, but I'm just so sick of it. For anyone not aware, I'm a member of the BoD (or BoG here). I'm doing this on my own and does not reflect anything "official" by the SBA, so please do not use it out of context. This is my own personal experience. This issue keeps resurfacing, and every time it does I just get so mad for no reason at the amount of misinformation. I understand that this league is the one primarily affected, but I think the original intent behind cutting affiliation has been lost and is now an "us vs. them" or a "holier than thou" mindset. I'd like to give a timeline of what I have experienced in order to hopefully clear some confusion. Some time ago, several leagues decided to allow certain users (mostly admins of each league + simmer + anyone else doing a lot of league work) to automatically claim 12 points in the other leagues in order to increase enjoyment of leagues overall for these users since they dedicate so much time to their primary league. I genuinely don't know too much about hockey, but the other SBA admins were into it, so I tagged along. We joined up on Houston as that team could sign all of us. I was mostly a system player since I don't know the league or the sport very well, but I was still having a good time. We actually made it to the championship, which I guess isn't a huge surprise when a lot of the team were auto claiming 12. Then comes the championship and I'm not going to remind every body of what happened. If you want my opinion on the matter looking back, I think we went about the things the wrong way (especially as admins in a different league). I don't know if the public thread was the best way to go about it, but it's the path we did in the moment. That isn't to say that I personally liked the response from the staff. Regardless, what happened happened. I want to interject here that there is definitely a culture difference between this league and the SBA, and that's fine. We do in fact try monitor language for anything that we consider intolerant of certain things (religion, gender, orientation, etc.). Things here are, or were, a little different, and if that is the way that the league wants to be run, then that's fine. We aren't here to police that, nor do we want to. Again, we aren't saying we are better than you, but that's how it keeps coming off every time this resurfaces. Simply put, we didn't feel comfortable affiliating with a league that had such a community. That's really it. It's unfortunate that members are technically caught in the crossfire, but we aren't trying to punish anyone. It's difficult to try and have a league that monitors tolerance while simultaneously saying "check out this league that has an anything goes policy!" I really want to say one final time that that is in no way trying to say that we are better or whatever. It's just a different way of running things. From this point, since we didn't like the response that we got, we decided to look a bit further into the community here and I think you guys understand most of the rest of it. But we did not ever do this before the conclusion of the finals. We were never keeping a tally on things, it was all after the fact. I keep seeing everywhere that we've just been waiting for a moment to end affiliation, but that just plainly isn't the case. The rest of everything including the back and forth between Bek and E/Mo is not my portion of the story that I want to tell. So like I said, this is my own personal experience, and I hope that at the very least if anyone wants to discuss my experience that it can be approached rationally.
  4. @Beketov forgive me if I'm overstepping my bounds here, but I just want to share something in response to this comment. Feel free to delete this if I am If this is truly how you feel about words in general, I implore you to read what was posted in the SBA. I doubt this will change any opinions, but I hope that it at the very least offers a different perspective on things that probably aren't thought about. We are all here to have fun in sim leagues and watch numbers on a screen, but people shouldn't feel excluded based on words said that brings back any unwelcome feelings.
  5. A lot of damage can be done in 3 words. This is no excuse. Is it really being blown out of proportion? You don't know Doc's life, you don't know what he's been through. You should read the intolerance and ignorance happening in discord then. I have to say, I am shocked at the amount of people defending Josh's behavior. It's literally 2019.
  6. We are literally tagged in this post from our GM as our team beat yours, so not sure how exactly we are coming out of the woodwork here. You are quite literally using the word in a negative connotation, so I'm not sure what platform you are standing on right now.
  7. Malmo Seattle Malmo Malmo 3-2 Points: Matt Thompson Goals: Matt Thompson Assists: Ryan Sullivan Jr. PIM: Jerry Garcia Series-winning goal: John Frostbeard
  8. Player Information Username: Beowoof Player Name: Beo Howe Recruited From: SisterLeague Age: 18 Position: C Height: 80 in. Weight: 250 lbs. Birthplace: Antarctica Player Page @VHLM GM
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