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samx last won the day on August 28

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  1. Don't draft me if you don't scout me👍

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    2. samx


      @Gustavit's more a thing of.... if you don't wanna take 5 minutes to talk to me before drafting me why would I wanna play for you. To me it just says the gm doesn't care. I'm on the team for 3 seasons if you aren't gonna reach out before than like why would I wanna play for you. Literally all I want is a hey we may draft you thoughts? Truthfully there are some teams I'm not super interested in playing for. 


      I don't expect gms to reach out to everyone. But if you have a draft board of 20 people for 3 picks or something like that... than talk to those people cause if you want them and they don't wanna be there it's not gonna be the smartest idea to draft them.

    3. BOOM


      It's just good GM'ing in my worthless opinion.

    4. Alex


      Good thing I already did, or at least tried to...

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