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diacope 2

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Everything posted by diacope 2

  1. 1. How is your player doing 12 games in? Pretty average in my opinion. 2. This is the hottest start we've had in a few seasons, what do you think is the main difference so far? Sandstrom and DaMoose have been on fire, I think that's the difference maker. 3. Vancouver are 10-1, do you think the meta dragon will be slain this year? I sure hope so. 4. What's your favorite Olympic sport that isn't Ice Hockey - and if you don't watch at all, which one would you choose if you were forced to watch? I don't know to be honest. I don't mind the odd soccer game. I watched Canada win gold in the women's soccer last Olympics. 5. Who is your Mount Rushmore of sports athletes? (I.e. mine is Brady, Tiger, Lebron, Wayne) Brady, Jordan, Gretzky, Ruth 6. Is Discord over moderated? Yeah, I am trying to spend less time on there lately.
  2. Game 93: Chicago Phoenix vs. New York Americans This was the second match between these two bottom dwelling conference rivals. The goal of these games is not to win, as these 2 teams want to lose for better lotto picks. Chicago took home the first important match, with a convincing 5-1 loss. In this one they would once again reign supreme. Chicago's chances of a loss were jeopardized after Sunrise van de Schubbekuteveen scored in the first and Eeli Rantanen scored at 2:20 in the second. Halfway through the second the Americans responded and would go on to score 4 unanswered goals in that period. Neither team would score in the third and the game ended 4-2. Game 90: D.C. Dragons vs. Vancouver Wolves The Vancouver Wolves got off to a bit of a scare in the first. R, (that is not a typo) scored a 8:13 in the first period to lead it off for the Dragons. The Wolves responded in quick succession with goals from Tyler Reinhart, Omi Aberg and Henry Tucker before the end of the first period. Henry Tucker would add another tally in the second period to make the game 4-1. Halfway through the third period R would once again score, but it would not be enough and that's how the game ended, 4-2. The Dragons goalie Barry Taffe performed to the best of his ability, making 57 saves from 61 shots.
  3. The Riga Reign have been off to a very hot start so far this season. Right now they are 8-3-1, which puts them first in the EU conference with 17 points. So far the biggest pieces for the Reign have been Battre Sandstrom and Isau DaMoose. Sandstrom has 5 goals and 17 assists and DaMoose has 10 goals and 11 assists. They currently lead the Reign in points at 22 and 21, respectively. Riga’s goaltender Tobias Reinhart has had a rough go so far however. With a 0.914 SV% and 3.26 GAA, he is outside the top 10 in save percentage and tenth in goals against average. If the Reign want to continue to win his numbers will have to improve a bit. Riga rookies have been solid so far. Alexandre Leduc and Biggie Cheese currently have 10 points, and Yun Chiang trails not far behind with 9. It is unlikely any of them win rookie of the year at this pace however, there are rookies in the league that are far outperforming them currently.
  4. 1. Where do you see the Bulls in the standings after the first week of sims? I'd say in 2nd place. 2. What is your favorite kind of food? I don't know if I have one. Big fan of pizza so I guess that's my answer. 3. Are you building your player after a pro hockey player, if not what is your inspiration for your build? No, my player is a meme player. He's made after a cartoon. 4. What is your favorite TV series? I don't really watch TV but I was a big fan of Squid Game. My only problem with it was how fast it ended. It was short and sweet. 5. What is your go to hype up song? The Last Stand by Sabaton. 6. Who do you think will be the Bulls biggest competition this season? (If you’re brand new, it’s completely fine to say you aren’t sure) Those pesky Reapers. Moon and I pretty much knew that based on last season.
  5. VHL Wordle https://vhl-wordle.herokuapp.com 2 4/6
  6. G - Oskar Lindbergh @Esso2264 remember to pick 2 players
  7. I really hate to do it to you but Kvothe plays defense
  8. @eagle_3450Deathwalker has already been selected
  9. F - Anze Miklavz @NJDevils24 I went through every player to check and Chris Reynolds is also retired by the way, remember to check before you pick them
  10. @eagle_3450Christian Mingle is retired and Olof Samuelsson is a free agent. @Esso2264 Galante Nilsson was already picked
  11. Heading into S82 or whatever it is, game recaps will be a welcome new addition. After this week I will never have to review another media spot again and I’m very content with that. I’m thinking Biggie Cheese will have a very good season in his rookie year. I’m saying that anything short of rookie of the year is a bust. I don’t want another player that’s a solid 1st line option but doesn’t do anything special in his career. I had team success with my last player so I’m definitely shooting for personal success with Cheese. If Cheese is unable to win the Stolzschweiger Trophy I ultimately hope that one of the other Riga rookies, Alexandre Leduc or Yun Chiang are able to win it. Chiang had a huge season with the Oslo Storm and piled up the points so I think he could repeat that in the VHL.
  12. First of all, how do you pronounce Preobrazhensky anyway? That must have been absolute hell for whoever did the draft stream lol. I like how you added the part that all of their dialogue is translated from Russian, adds a bit of world building to the VHL cinematic universe. I think your spelling/grammar was great other than the odd comma splice (used comma when there didn't need to be). For example this sentence: "To do this, he’s teamed up with his childhood coach, Yuri Raspopov, who has personally trained with him since the age of 12." To fix change "he's" to "he" and remove the first two commas. Overall 10/10 article barring a few minor grammar mistakes.
  13. This article is giving me serious first Spongebob movie vibes: If there’s a couple takeaways from this article they are: know when it’s time to stop when you’re gambling, and don’t do drugs kids. It’s a good thing Nasherov was able to get all of his money back or he would’ve been the Evander Kane of the VHL. I like the goofiness of this article, it’s the most entertaining one I’ve read for a while. Didn’t see any issues with it other than the odd minor grammar mistake. 10/10
  14. 1. The season starts Tuesday - what's the expectation for your player? Rookie of the year or bust. 2. What's your advice for the three rookies we have this season? Keep updating, don't make any multis. 3. There has been recent difficulty the past two drafts with GM players falling, and subsequently getting a ban for purposely tanking their player. Do you think a better rule needs to be in place to avoid these situations? Yeah this kind of thing shouldn't be happening. They should know better however 4. Are Riga making the playoffs? What's going to be the biggest difference? I'll say we don't due to the strength of the EU conference. 5. Since the NHL can't go, who is your favorite hockey player that's heading to the Olympics this year? Mason McTavish. 6. Rams/Bengals Superbowel - who you got? I'm cheering for the Rams I think, hope Stafford gets one.
  15. D - Asher Reinhart @Esso2264 Will update the list when I get home in a few hours, don't want to on my phone
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