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diacope 2

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Everything posted by diacope 2

  1. The Houston Bulls have been involved in a couple of three way trades with the Philadelphia Reapers and Saskatoon Wild in the hopes of making a push for the Founder’s Cup this season. The first of two trades saw the Bulls receive Frederic Salo from Philadelphia, as well as Connor Johnson and Alessio Simeoni from the Wild. Salo is a winger that is nearly capped at 180 TPE, and should be able to be quite close to being capped by playoffs. The biggest piece in the trade was Connor Johnson, a capped defenseman who will be able to anchor the blueline during the playoffs. Also adding some depth at the centre position is Simeoni, who is currently sitting at 158 TPE. In the second of two trades the Wild added Adora Happysmile Rainbowfist. Although Rainbowfist is only at 83 TPE currently, they do play defense which raises their importance to their team a bit. With their addition the Bulls also now have a complete roster of 12 forwards, 6 defense and 2 goalies for the playoffs.
  2. Damn Berocka has a sick voice. Also the a_Fork thing is because Rocket League hates my fucking username for some reason and censors it, so it's a band aid on that. Probably won't stick for long edit: fuck it I'm changing it back
  3. Hello @ForeTwenty My name is a_Ferk and I am the AGM of the Houston Bulls. In Houston we would be able to offer you 3rd pair minutes. Houston isn’t the favorite but we still have a good chance to be a top 4 team and make a run in the playoffs. You could be huge in helping us make that push! We have plenty of people to help you learn and grow as a player! In Houston, we believe in a person’s first experience so much, as we want you to update as much as possible. We also understand life can get in the way sometimes! We want the people behind the screen to have an amazing experience. I'd love to see you in a Houston uniform! To join Houston quote this with #HORNS UP!
  4. actually you're wrong, when muted the voice channels lock also
  5. I've been a huge fan of falafel since discovering it at college this fall
  6. I misread and voted once. Hard to pick just one tbh, but I voted for American food
  7. To me this signature looks very simple, though not as simple as something I would have accomplished. I am not a fan of the "Vasile" text going over the player's body, it is hard to pick up on it; my brain didn't even register the text until I looked at it for a while. Your logo swap is quite good and it's hardly even noticeable. Rating 5/10 so the 6/10 rating doesn't seem as bad in comparison.
  8. I am in university and I have an exam for microeconomics too, but not until the 18th. Good luck. It's absolutely easier to make a forward for your first player in the league, I agree. I was a RW and even one of the players in my first gen class that found success at defense was a winger first. Regarding fighting, I think you have it opposite. It doesn't increase fighting skill, it increases frequency. So you just get into more fights I'm pretty sure. I agree, players mostly don't want to be a defenseman because their stats aren't as flashy. (Unless you're Biggie Cheese/the best player on your team). Defensive players only get points if they're the star. Absolutely agree that forwards have more name recognition, you only become a household name as a d man if you're an extremely good offensive defenseman. Most fans don't care too much about defense. I think Miami's biggest problem right now is that you only have 3 defense. That means a bot defenseman has to play quite a large portion of the game. Your team is also quite top heavy. Outside the stars, most players have lower TPE. I agree about the VHLE. I've started to care about it a bit more lately just because my player is doing quite well, but generally it's pretty inactive. Your opinion on it also might be more of a popular opinion than you think. Next season in Riga should be fun. Damn right one of us will win roty. 9/10
  9. My favourite book is the Minecraft Survival Guide
  10. correct Sorry, it's who you model your player after/have for graphics. Ex. I have Darnell Nurse as my render in my signature
  11. Houston Bulls Press Conference: Jim Benning has been fired edition 1. We are currently in third, do you think this is meeting, above or below expectations? 2. Who is your prediction for Founder's Cup champions? 3. What attribute are you currently working on? 4. Who is your favorite NHL player? 5. Who is your player render? 6. How has the weather been lately? Here it's been extremely cold
  12. you're a minion so probably hufflepuff
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