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About Lenny

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  • Player
    Jack Harkness
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    New York
  • Interests
    League of Legends - Jfried
    CS: GO - JFried
    Civ 5 - ILikeyobutt

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  1. I got surgery last week sorry i havnt been around
  2. Canada Sweden and Switzerland stockpiling nukes
  3. Agreed. I think hes the NUMBER 1 player in the world. Everytime I watch him he does something I didn't think was possible. He makes everyone around him better. His defensive game is MASSIVLY underrated, using strength to win most battles against the boards and always knowing where the puck is going to go. His nact for putting the puck in the net is better then anyone. John Tavares is the Number 1 hockey player I the world.
  4. I didn't say top 5. I said the best, numero uno
  5. Other then the Vanek deal (which he was put under a lot of pressure to pull off) he has had a very good track record in terms of prospects we've picked up (Hammer, De Haan, Okposo, Bailey , Grabner etc etc) and the blue chips he was able to add. Hard to call them blue chips since they haven't yet played in a uniform but I'm feeling confident this season. We have the best player in the league healthy again and this team is starting to get a lot of respect
  6. Cassandra creeps me out MOISTERIZE MEEEEEEEEE
  7. why does it look like hes sticking his dick in a bathroom stall hole
  8. With only 2 weeks of practice and no actual lines, the Brampton Blades were actually able to come out without a regelation time loss. "Feels great, especially considering I was able to contribute right off the bat." Jack Harkness first year defenseman and fourth round draft also commented after the game on his GM; "He really showed interest in drafting me right away. As soon as I declared myself for the draft, Mr. Fong was already calling me." Terence Fong , manager and owner of the Brampton Blades for 3 seasons now was very happy with the win but knows its a long season and they have many more to play: "Listen its two games, yeah I'm happy for the guys but we still have a lot more hockey to play." As for Harkness he also added, "I see him staying for at least another year as he's a big bodied defenseman without the big body. He's still growing and we cant wait to see his potential." Other notes: Blades coach Howie Mandell has decided to step down from his part ownership of the Dominican Republic stating he wants more time to focus on Hockey. Mandell bought the Dominican Republic only 72 days ago but was able to receive a more then fair offer. The Face of Boe Bobbleheads will be given out to the first 100 fans to walk through the door. Any fans that do not receive a Face of Boe Bobblehead can get them on our website at BramptonBlades.gov
  9. Hahaha you guys demanded blue side too??!? Haha no wonder they dobt want to rematch you guys
  10. Harknesss!!
  11. best of 7 way to long best of 3 and stream it
  12. TSM!!!!!! BAY-LIEVE!!!!!!
  13. Lol are you actually proud of that win? Kind of a asterisk Sort of win not pausing tho right?
  14. Marvel re-made a bunch of famous covers from the past 75 years for their anniversary with deadpool pohotboming them. I thought they were pretty funny. http://imgur.com/a/lDUB4
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