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Posts posted by Kisslinger

  1. Press conference

    Season 1 Vikings GIF by HISTORY

    For week ending August 21 2022


    1. What does your player do in the off-season?


    2. What was your overall experience as a

    Stockholm Viking player like?


    3. Does your player have any fun hobbies they do?


    4. What is the best moment of your players career to date?


    5. What do you think the VHL should do to make the off-season more fun ?


    6. If you could have any player as a line mate, who would it be and why?

  2. Press conference

    Season 1 Vikings GIF by HISTORY

    For week ending July 24 2022

    1. Have you formed any friendships with anyone on the team this season? If so who?


    2. What is your players work out routine?


    3. As we are approaching the Trade deadline, is there anything you want to see done to the team?


    4. If you could take the team out to eat anywhere, where would it be and why?


    5. Does your player have any pre game rituals? If so what are they


    6. what is your players best skill? 

  3. Press conference

    Season 1 Vikings GIF by HISTORY

    For week ending July 17 2022


    1. Who on the team has impressed you this season? 


    2. Has your player been traveling around Stockholm? Any favourite places?


    3. What motivates your player to play hockey? 


    4. What are some of your irl hobbies?


    5. What is your players favourite tv show and why?


    6. Does your player prefer day practice or night practice? What are the benefits to them? 

  4. Press conference

    Season 1 Vikings GIF by HISTORY

    For week ending July 10 2022

    1. How do you think your player is playing this far? 
    2. what has been the most surprising part of the season so far?

    3. What do you think about playing in the E? Was it something you were looking forward to?

    4. What is your favourite nhl team?

    5. Who do you think has the best logo in the E? Why do you think that?

    6. does your player model their game after any other player? If so who if not who are they like?



  5. Press conference

    Season 1 Vikings GIF by HISTORY

    For week ending July 3rd 2022

    1. What are your expectations for our team this season? 
    2. What are your personal goals for this season?

    3. What type of player is your player? Playmaker? sniper?

    4. What does it mean to be a Stockholm Viking to you?

    5. Who is your favourite nhl player? Current or past?

    6.what is your ideal sandwhich?

  6. Press conference

    Season 1 Vikings GIF by HISTORY

    For week ending June 5 2022.

    1. This is the first time Stockholm missed the playoffs, what do you think went wrong this season? 

    2. Do you participate in any of the offseason tournaments? Do you think they make you a better player?

    3. Is your player an early riser or a night owl? Does this affect your playing at all?

    4. Have you learned any Swedish while being in Stockholm?

    5. What are your plans for the off-season? Are you staying in Stockholm to train or are you going to take a break and go on a vacation?

    6. What are three words you can use to describe this season?

  7. Press conference

    Season 1 Vikings GIF by HISTORY

    For week ending May 22 2022.

    1. what is one experience from this season that you will remember for the rest of your career?

    2. Are you looking forward to your player being in the VHL?

    3. Does your player have a favourite video game? What is it if so?

    4. How does Stockholm compare to the other cities you have played for? 
    5. Are you proud of your season so far?

    6. What is your favourite snack of all time 

  8. Press conference

    Season 1 Vikings GIF by HISTORY

    For week ending May 15 2022.

    1. What is your players favourite activity to do other than hockey?

    2. Does your player have a favourite dish they have tried while in Stockholm? if so what is it?

    3. Has your player been dealing with any injuries this season? if so what are they?

    4. What has been your favourite part about living in Stockholm?

    5. Have you met any fans or attended any meet and greets?

    6. What is your players jersey number? does that number have any meaning to you? 

  9. Press conference

    Season 1 Vikings GIF by HISTORY

    For week ending May 8 2022.

    1. What has the season so far taught you about your player?

    2. What is your favourite drill in practice and why?

    3. If you could use three words to describe how your player is feeling about this season what would they be?

    4. Is your players family happy that they are a professional hockey player?

    5. What do you do to keep focused on the season?

    6. Has your player received any sponsorships? If so what are they?

  10. Press conference

    Season 1 Vikings GIF by HISTORY

    For week ending May 1st 2022.

    1. We have been off to a nice start of the season!! What do you think the main reason is?

    2. Do you have any season goals for your player?

    3. If you could describe your players play style, what would it be?

    4. What is more important to you, individual success or team success? 
    5. How has the city of Stockholm treated your player?

    6. What is your players ideal breakfast?

  11. Press conference

    Season 1 Vikings GIF by HISTORY

    For week ending April 24 2022.

    1. Preseason is starting, how are you feeling finally getting some hockey in?

    2. Do you feel like preseason standings are an important indicator on how the teams will perform this season? why or why not?

    3. Are there any players you have a rivalry with? if not is there anyone you would want to start one with? 

    4. We have a super young team, do you think this is a big advantage during the second half of the season?

    5. What are three words to describe your play style?

    6. Do you want to become a fan favourite here in Stockholm or would you rather be a lowkey type of player? Explain?

  12. Review 9/10!


    Great job on this article! I like the introduction because it sets the tone of the article. Grammar and spelling seem well done. The format of the article is nice.You could center it to make it look a little cleaner. I like that you used italics to separate the questions and the answers. I feel like if you put a title and a picture in this article it would pop out more.  I really like all the detail you put into answering the questions, it shows you put effort into the article which is always nice. Congrats on getting drafted and good luck this season.

  13. Today I just wanted to run through and talk about some of the expectations for my player Zach Kisslinger II this season. With the new hybrid attributes, i think i will still be alright with goal scoring, so i want at least 25 this season. I will probably break this as my player is getting better and better and I’ve beat it every season but that was with meta. I want to get at least 55 assists this season as well. I don’t have my passing upgraded but I’m fairly certain Warsaw will be a high scoring team so this is possible as well. I would love to keep above a point per game for the next little bit of my career because i feel like this season and next season is my prime. I have my strength and body checking out so hopefully i will throw the body around this season and get above 50 hits, put this big frame to use lol!

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