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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. I assume you mean Julian Borwinn, you should use player names not usernames. If you don’t mean Borwinn I’ll take him but assuming you do: F - Dan Wilinsky @enigmatic
  2. It’s fine. First sims won’t be until tomorrow or likely Friday anyway.
  3. INDEX Please check over your rosters to make sure they are accurate and let me know ASAP if anything is wrong. Schedule should be set so you should be able to send your lines along to rpower22@gmail.com and vhlsim@outlook.com @VHLM GM
  4. Hey now, I only shot at like 20%
  5. We’ve tried that, still doesn’t fix it. It’s built for much lower stats and much lower minutes. Think full rosters playing realistic time. It’s never really been deemed worth it for the few advantages it offers.
  6. You aren’t a goalie haha. In our tests with V2.1 we’ve seen over 350 points in a season with the top like 30 players shooting over 25%
  7. Shame we don’t use V2
  8. There’s a number of reasons we don’t use V2, this is primary amongst them haha
  9. Thompson with 22 points over the 5 games. Goodnight sweet prince, you have served me well.
  10. Fun Fact, getting all 4 goalies to play turned out to be more difficult than I anticipated. I could just show you the last game where I finally managed it but where’s the fun in that? Instead we have ourselves a 5 game series between our North American All-Stars and our European All-Stars! Keep in mind as well that this was simmed on STHS V2.1 which means absolutely insane scoring and fighting. I am so sorry goalies.... GAME 1 GAME 2 GAME 3 GAME 4 GAME 5
  11. ASG Coming soon. Wound up accidentally doing a 5 game series because getting all 4 goalies to play was a pain.

  12. Moscow is by far the sexiest and then Vancouver IMO. Davos is probably the worst. Just a weird shade of purple.
  13. Let’s see if I can keep my streak of being ridiculously lucky going.
  14. Welcome to the VHL, Ncit3! We're happy to have you. You should have received a PM with some more detailed information, but to get started quickly you will want to head over to the "How to Create a Player" topic. That topic will offer you detailed information about how to use the VHL Portal to create your player and get you started. We also highly recommend joining the VHL Discord where there is a channel dedicated to helping new members with any questions that they may have about the league or improving their player. Once your player is made VHLM General Managers will be in touch with you about joining their teams. In the meantime, please feel free to ask any questions you have here or in your create-a-player thread. We're happy to have you in the community and we hope you stick around!
  15. Welcome to the VHL, Gltichy_17! We're happy to have you. You should have received a PM with some more detailed information, but to get started quickly you will want to head over to the "How to Create a Player" topic. That topic will offer you detailed information about how to use the VHL Portal to create your player and get you started. We also highly recommend joining the VHL Discord where there is a channel dedicated to helping new members with any questions that they may have about the league or improving their player. Once your player is made VHLM General Managers will be in touch with you about joining their teams. In the meantime, please feel free to ask any questions you have here or in your create-a-player thread. We're happy to have you in the community and we hope you stick around!
  16. Welcome to the VHL, Sting29! We're happy to have you. You should have received a PM with some more detailed information, but to get started quickly you will want to head over to the "How to Create a Player" topic. That topic will offer you detailed information about how to use the VHL Portal to create your player and get you started. We also highly recommend joining the VHL Discord where there is a channel dedicated to helping new members with any questions that they may have about the league or improving their player. Once your player is made VHLM General Managers will be in touch with you about joining their teams. In the meantime, please feel free to ask any questions you have here or in your create-a-player thread. We're happy to have you in the community and we hope you stick around!
  17. Welcome to the VHL, Sting29! We're happy to have you. You should have received a PM with some more detailed information, but to get started quickly you will want to head over to the "How to Create a Player" topic. That topic will offer you detailed information about how to use the VHL Portal to create your player and get you started. We also highly recommend joining the VHL Discord where there is a channel dedicated to helping new members with any questions that they may have about the league or improving their player. Once your player is made VHLM General Managers will be in touch with you about joining their teams. In the meantime, please feel free to ask any questions you have here or in your create-a-player thread. We're happy to have you in the community and we hope you stick around!
  18. Welcome to the VHL, Adil! We're happy to have you. You should have received a PM with some more detailed information, but to get started quickly you will want to head over to the "How to Create a Player" topic. That topic will offer you detailed information about how to use the VHL Portal to create your player and get you started. We also highly recommend joining the VHL Discord where there is a channel dedicated to helping new members with any questions that they may have about the league or improving their player. Once your player is made VHLM General Managers will be in touch with you about joining their teams. In the meantime, please feel free to ask any questions you have here or in your create-a-player thread. We're happy to have you in the community and we hope you stick around!
  19. Well, guess that ends my hopes for another gold to end Thompson’s career, oh well. What do you say @Victor, one more final battle between us?
  20. These are all it spat out. @Will?
  21. Couldn’t resist throwing some shade haha. Points for confidence in your team mind you.
  22. Still didn’t get the cup right though
  23. A few quick notes: 1. We did have a bug related to the fact that predictions opened as "Finalist 1 and 2" and were then changed over to the Marta and Fong. This means that some people picked the wrong conference for the trophy. It's being fixed for S69's predictions and didn't affect the predictions of most but Myself and @Matt_O correctly predicted Malmo (but for the Marta) and @FrostBeard correctly predicted Seattle (but for the fong). We will manually add 1 TPE to the affected people. 2. Several people seemed to forget that conferences were a thing and predicted 2 European teams. the worst of whom was @ShawnGlade who predicted Davos for both the Fong and Marta. 3. I'm probably wrong but this is the most zeros in recent memory. 4. Frostbeard was the only person to predict Seattle as a Finalist.
  24. @Members Please note that you do not need to manually claim prediction points, they have already been added to your account. This is just a reference. S68 Prediction Points Master List Advantage - 2 - [ David Knight Trophy, Kevin Brooks Trophy ] BarzalGoat - 1 - [ Alexander Beketov Trophy ] Beaviss - 0 - [ ] Beketov - 3 - [ David Knight Trophy, Kevin Brooks Trophy, Scotty Campbell Trophy ] bluesfan55 - 0 - [ ] Bruins10 - 0 - [ ] Bushito - 0 - [ ] CowboyinAmerica - 2 - [ David Knight Trophy, Kevin Brooks Trophy ] Cxsquared - 1 - [ Kevin Brooks Trophy ] DangerGolding - 0 - [ ] Devise - 3 - [ David Knight Trophy, Kevin Brooks Trophy, Scotty Campbell Trophy ] DilIsPickle - 1 - [ Kevin Brooks Trophy ] DMaximus - 1 - [ Greg Clegane Trophy ] DollarAndADream - 0 - [ ] Elhandon - 0 - [ ] Enorama - 0 - [ ] Erik Summers - 0 - [ ] fonziGG - 5 - [ David Knight Trophy, Kevin Brooks Trophy, Mike Szatkowski Trophy, Scotty Campbell Trophy, Terence Fong Trophy ] FrostBeard - 1 - [ Kevin Brooks Trophy ] Gaudette - 5 - [ David Knight Trophy, Kevin Brooks Trophy, Mike Szatkowski Trophy, Scotty Campbell Trophy, Terence Fong Trophy ] gorlab - 2 - [ David Knight Trophy, Kevin Brooks Trophy ] Greg_Di - 0 - [ ] GRZ - 0 - [ ] GustavMattias - 1 - [ David Knight Trophy ] hedgehog337 - 4 - [ David Knight Trophy, Greg Clegane Trophy, Aidan Shaw Trophy, Terence Fong Trophy ] HenrikZoiderberg - 0 - [ ] HulkHogan - 0 - [ ] ItsMcLovin - 0 - [ ] Josh - 2 - [ Greg Clegane Trophy, Aidan Shaw Trophy ] jRuutu - 0 - [ ] Jtv123 - 1 - [ Alexander Beketov Trophy ] Jubo07 - 1 - [ Alexander Beketov Trophy ] KC15 - 0 - [ ] Kekzkrieg - 0 - [ ] Kyle - 0 - [ ] Kylrad - 2 - [ David Knight Trophy, Alexander Beketov Trophy ] LattimoreIsland - 0 - [ ] Liberty_Cabbage - 1 - [ Alexander Beketov Trophy ] majesiu - 0 - [ ] Matt_O - 4 - [ Alexander Valiq Trophy, David Knight Trophy, Sterling Labatte Trophy, Kevin Brooks Trophy ] McWolf - 0 - [ ] MexicanCow123 - 1 - [ Mike Szatkowski Trophy ] monkeywrench15 - 1 - [ Alexander Beketov Trophy ] Motzaburger - 1 - [ Kevin Brooks Trophy ] Mr_Hatter - 0 - [ ] Nykonax - 1 - [ Kevin Brooks Trophy ] oilmandan - 1 - [ Alexander Beketov Trophy ] okocha5 - 0 - [ ] omgitshim - 1 - [ Alexander Beketov Trophy ] OrbitingDeath - 3 - [ David Knight Trophy, Kevin Brooks Trophy, Scotty Campbell Trophy ] Patpou22 - 0 - [ ] Peace - 1 - [ Scotty Campbell Trophy ] Phil - 3 - [ David Knight Trophy, Kevin Brooks Trophy, Scotty Campbell Trophy ] Philliefan - 0 - [ ] PotatoKing - 1 - [ Alexander Beketov Trophy ] Quik - 1 - [ Alexander Beketov Trophy ] Rayzor_7 - 0 - [ ] Renomitsu - 0 - [ ] rjfryman - 1 - [ Sterling Labatte Trophy ] R Jubis - 0 - [ ] Sharkstrong - 1 - [ Alexander Beketov Trophy ] ShawnGlade - 2 - [ Greg Clegane Trophy, Aidan Shaw Trophy ] .sniffuM - 3 - [ Kevin Brooks Trophy, Mike Szatkowski Trophy, Scotty Campbell Trophy ] StamkosFan - 1 - [ Kevin Brooks Trophy ] Steve - 1 - [ Dustin Funk Trophy ] stevo - 0 - [ ] studentized - 0 - [ ] STZ - 1 - [ Alexander Beketov Trophy ] Tate - 0 - [ ] TukTukTheGreat - 0 - [ ] uphillmoss - 2 - [ Mike Szatkowski Trophy, Scotty Campbell Trophy ] Velevra - 2 - [ David Knight Trophy, Alexander Beketov Trophy ] wcats - 0 - [ ] Will - 2 - [ David Knight Trophy, Kevin Brooks Trophy ]
  25. Normally I would say yes because we revoked your trivia answers from last week but they appear to be back on your player? I might have messed up and not realized they go back into the queue or something. Stand by. Edit: Yeah, I think that’s what happened. I revoked it but it went back to the queue or something and was re-approved. I went in and revoked again and then denied it so yes, you’re covered.
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