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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. It’s not a goalie thing. The creator of the engine has flat out told us the engine isn’t built to have attributes in the 90’s; let alone multiple of them. Why he allows it I have no idea but that’s the way it is. Attributes have less effect than sliders in V1 so we can have things normal for us. But in V2 sliders have very little effect compared to attributes so attributes as high as ours, no matter the goalies, doesn’t end well. As for archetypes; personally I hate them because everyone will just flock to the same ones anyway. They only make sense on paper, not in practice. Scoring, Skating, Puck Handling, Defense: those are the attributes that matter for basically every build. There’s little point to capping scoring at 70 for a playmaker because adding more to passing and won’t get you any more assists than adding nothing to it and maxing scoring. It makes no sense but that’s how it operates. People will just build the same but with random caps; I’d rather just have a flat cap on everything. Either way it’s being discussed and tested but I don’t think V2 has any real weight toward this discussion.
  2. We’re looking into it and testing but it’s not as simple a simple just a harsh update scale. For example, if we allow attributes higher than 90, irregardless of how hard they are to get, it’ll create godlike players so a cap may also be required. Like i said, we’re looking into methods. I just wanted to point out that simply having players get tired won’t fix the issue when they score on every second shot they take. That don’t involve micromanaging every team? I don’t like the idea of telling GM’s the exact amount of each position they need to have. Takes a lot of potential strategy and building out of the job.
  3. If teams actually agree to add the players but some GM’s have already flat out said they’d continue to have 2 lines so because they can win with that.
  4. Is it not better to be prepared for them though? I would rather see emptier third league teams that fill up with new members than having players on VHL teams and being sent down. I guess it depends how we add it though and whether the VHL gets linked to the VHLM or if the VHLM gets linked to the third league.
  5. How does the VHL having more teams mean there are more people to fill the third league teams? Theoretically you’d dump the VHLM inactives and any new guys onto them (they are linked to VHLM teams so they still have an active LR and such) and some of the people who would otherwise come up this season would stay in the VHLM longer. If anything because of having to have them linked to VHLM or VHL teams (depending which way we go with it) the more teams we add the harder it’ll be to fill third league teams because we need to add the same number. So if we linked them to the VHL teams for example we’d have to add 10 next season. If we expand by 2 more teams (for example) we compound the issue by needing 2 further third league teams.
  6. I actually proposed something similar to this "third league" idea in the BOG but we can discuss it here as well. Only difference being that I would keep the VHLM as more or less the CHL like it is now rather than making it the AHL and have the third league enter underneath it as like a minor hockey step. We can call it NCAA if we want but that's barely a thing with hockey so its a bit odd. Anyway, instead of using the VHL's farm system and linking VHLM teams it would link minor league teams to VHLM teams. Since most VHLM teams already have an AGM anyway the AGM would be in control of the farm minor league team which is where all new players would start. They can be sent down / called up from there as needed and fill out teams at that level while still being apart of the larger VHLM team in a sense. Most active guys wouldn't have to live at this level long but at least it would be there if needed. The VHLM cap would also go up and we'd have to adjust career lengths and update scale accordingly but once all that's done the theory would be that players would spend a few seasons in the VHLM / minor league instead of just 1. This would result in fewer going up in mass and offering more teams for players to play for without needing to expand the league further or have a third simmer. Would also result in ice time remaining where people expect and no one needed to waste half their career with 4th line minutes. Regardless of if we did it this way or how you suggest with VHLM linked to VHL and the "third league" separate (which I think that link is key no matter what, keep 2 simmers) I would think this would add a more interesting dynamic and keep ice tie what VHL players have come to expect better than micromanaging GM's and forcing a certain number of players on them resulting in those players having shit minutes and getting discouraged.
  7. 1. V3 is just the sim version, we already use that. You’re thinking the engine which is V2. 2. Fatigue and Injuries alone would most certainly not fix our stat issues with V2 without any further changes. We’re talking top players scoring over 450 points a season with 50% shooting percentages. Even if they are playing half their current minutes it’s safe to assume we’d still have players will over 200 points a season. Attributes are simply too high for V2 right now, period. Fatigue won’t fix that.
  8. Contrary to popular belief not everything can be blamed on the “old boys club” as easily as you like to make it out. Even if that were the case it’s easy to say “just do it” when you don’t but have 12 years of seeing how the VHL operates. Let’s consider your content or just forcing teams to ice 3 lines. First off, what kind of punishment do you suggest when they don’t because let’s face it, not every team will. Second, does it need to be every game? Just a certain number of games? A percentage? Third, what about goalies? Gonna run out of teams, we forcing teams to have backups? If so how many games do they need to play to be fair? It just becomes a lot of micromanaging if the teams at best and even then it completely ignores the problem that it’s easy to SAY you want more realism and more lines but how many people would actually want to play barely any? Explain it all you want, you still have active guys wasting half their careers on lower lines doing next to nothing. Sure, you could extend careers to counter this a bit, but those top earners get extended too so you don’t really create any higher openings. All you end up doing is punishing those who have less time to dedicate by telling them they’ll never be a top 2 line player or have any real chance in the league. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t love the idea of having to expand every 2 seasons. I think realistically that’s not sustainable. However I also don’t think it’s sustainable to push players onto lower lines. Even if all the GM’s comply and have more lines (which multiple have already stated they won’t, they’ll just stack their team with more star power because that’s what wins) a lot of the younger players will inevitably get annoyed that their careers are wasted away. In a sim where 2 lines can easily dominate over depth there is no real incentive to add that depth. This isn’t an old man yelling to get off his lawn or the “old boys club standing in the way” this is legitimately how the league is structured. The sim won’t change just because we say teams have room for 3 lines now. Those third line guys will just suffer and the best teams will continue to have 2 lines. Parity will decrease and members will be bored of watching their players rot.
  9. 7 goals, I get 1 point. God I hate how random and streaky my scoring can be. Oh well, at least we won.
  10. Discord pretty much made sure of that. It has its uses but board activity isn’t one of them.
  11. Welcome to the VHL, Psanchez55! We're happy to have you. You should have received a PM with some more detailed information, but to get started quickly you will want to head over to the "How to Create a Player" topic. That topic will offer you detailed information about how to use the VHL Portal to create your player and get you started. We also highly recommend joining the VHL Discord where there is a channel dedicated to helping new members with any questions that they may have about the league or improving their player. Once your player is made VHLM General Managers will be in touch with you about joining their teams. In the meantime, please feel free to ask any questions you have here or in your create-a-player thread. We're happy to have you in the community and we hope you stick around!
  12. For what it’s worth I always forget which way is the Canadian vs. American spelling on that one.
  13. Gotta love our ability to be consistent ?
  14. Welcome to the VHL, adrag63! We're happy to have you. You should have received a PM with some more detailed information, but to get started quickly you will want to head over to the "How to Create a Player" topic. That topic will offer you detailed information about how to use the VHL Portal to create your player and get you started. We also highly recommend joining the VHL Discord where there is a channel dedicated to helping new members with any questions that they may have about the league or improving their player. Once your player is made VHLM General Managers will be in touch with you about joining their teams. In the meantime, please feel free to ask any questions you have here or in your create-a-player thread. We're happy to have you in the community and we hope you stick around!
  15. Welcome to the VHL, Jayhawk! We're happy to have you. You should have received a PM with some more detailed information, but to get started quickly you will want to head over to the "How to Create a Player" topic. That topic will offer you detailed information about how to use the VHL Portal to create your player and get you started. We also highly recommend joining the VHL Discord where there is a channel dedicated to helping new members with any questions that they may have about the league or improving their player. Once your player is made VHLM General Managers will be in touch with you about joining their teams. In the meantime, please feel free to ask any questions you have here or in your create-a-player thread. We're happy to have you in the community and we hope you stick around!
  16. It’s poor timing, that’s all it is. I get that it’s annoying but I can’t work with something I don’t have. If it helps, though I can’t guarantee anything, sims during the week will generally be done around 11:30am EST. On the weekend they’ll usually be done at night around 6-7pm EST. It will vary a bit by day mind you. When in doubt the best time to send lines irs right after a sim.
  17. The board not showing exact times just makes it appear closer. As you can see the sims were posted 4 hours ago; that’s 1pm my time; 45 minutes before your new lines came in.
  18. Those were received after I simmed. I just set the time zone properly on the email to make sure. Received them at 1:47pm my time. Sim lines were downloaded around an hour before that. Even if you account for me doing transactions and stuff those lines were not present when I simmed. They’ll be in tomorrow but that’s not a mistake, it’s a simple timing issue. You happened to send them slightly after I had already simmed.
  19. Mind you time zone could be wonky since it says 5:44 on some new ones and that’s an hour from now. Either way when I Simmer these were the most recent lines I had received from you. Didn’t have any others.
  20. I never received lines at that time. I received lines at 4:15am and just now. This is Atlantic time I assume since I’m guessing it goes off of my time zone. The lines from 4:15 this morning were the most recent I had so I used them.
  21. I put your lines in as I received them.
  22. I would prefer if you remained in that funk thanks
  23. Not sure what happened result wise but unfortunately individual games can’t be re-Simmed so even teams that weren’t involved needed to be re-done as well.
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