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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. In theory if we open up a temporary SMF forum and import the backup there (since it's designed for SMF it should work there) we should be able to access what we need. I just hope it actually contains actual posts and not just forum system info.
  2. I'm on it, give me a few minutes. Edit: All groups should now have an unlimited number of storable PM's
  3. I'll hide it for now (assuming that will hide the entire thread, we'll see I guess haha, so that we can just re-open it after.
  4. You had messed up a bracket so it became a broken link instead of an images. I edited it to a normal img tag. 1. Good 2. That makes absolutely no sense. I've had photoshop as far back as CS2 and ALL of them allow you to save it as any image type you want. Even cheap, shitty Elements should allow things other than gif which is by far one of the worst for quality.
  5. Yes?
  6. Fix the link for you. Although two things: 1) I think we should worry about getting things setup before worrying about CnC on sigs. 2) Why the fuck would you EVER save a non-animated sig as a gif?
  7. Should work for everyone now
  8. I just realized I forgot to set it so non-admins have access. Give me a minute and I'll change it over.
  9. http://vhlsim.invisionzone.com/index.php?/user/14-victor/ right there
  10. Click on the drop down next to your name in the top right corner and select "My Settings". Look to the left in the page that appears and a tab should say "Signature." From there it's no different than any other forum.
  11. That's likely a good idea. If I recall the chat we were using can definitely work on this site. Other (better) options likely do as well but we already paid for ours so we should use it when everything is set to work.
  12. Sorry, only just got on haha. I wouldn't worry about it too much, we're bound to need more images for something else anyway. If there are any other settings you, or anyone else, needs changed let me know here or via PM and I'll get them. I'm at work transcoding anyway so I have time.
  13. I just increased the limit from 10 to 100. That should be more than enough I would imagine.
  14. I have uploaded a free skin we downloaded to sorta have an idea of what is doable with this editor and get a feel for it. If you guys want to access this skin to check it out select "change theme" at the bottom of the page and choose the "WT-Blue: Test Skin" option. This isn't going to be our final skin but should give an idea of the clean style look we're going for.
  15. Chances are that we'll eventually have multiple options, both light and dark, although light is definitely the priority. Especially so that the site images look best on all and as well as font colors. Also possible at a later date obviously. I like the concept though. P.S Multi-Quote is kinda cool
  16. Yeah, bonus stuff is secondary. The skin is technically secondary, might just take a bit to do so I'm looking into it now. Extra bonuses (banner, mods, etc) are all a later time kinda thing.
  17. Chances are there won't be a ton of color in the skin anyway. Keep in mind too, skin chooser is built in and coding is easy so we should have plenty of options.
  18. Ah, weird. It seems like the file should be corrupt if it's not fully downloading.
  19. I'm already at 700mb in under 5 minutes so maybe I'll get lucky and my speed will win out haha. No idea how to get it off the work computer and home but that's a problem for later. Edit: Mine just jumped from 1.2 to 2.8 and finished. I almost wonder if it's wrapped in something that's making it appear as over 6GB when, in fact, it's only 2.8. If it were the download crashing why would it crash at the same spot for everyone? Plus, why would it have a complete file? If it were crashing we'd have a partial file or something corrupt at least.
  20. Kora did up pretty much all our logos right? I'm sure he has them somewhere. And yeah, the built in skin tools are definitely much better than SMF. They code like Invisionfree which is great because I know it and the skin chooser is built in so it should be easy for us to make multiple skins. Possibly even per team skins as you mentioned.
  21. I saw that, you work quick haha. As far as the backup goes, do we know what it gets us yet? Also, might be crashing because they didn't give much bandwidth for it and a bunch of our members are probably trying to download at the same time. I'll try downloading from work where I was getting really good speeds. If it works I'll figure out some way to get it home haha
  22. Feel free to delete this once we get things ready to go. I wanted a topic to discuss what you guys want to see skin wise though. Plus it'll double as a place to test new skin designs. Kora and I were thinking of a clean, lean, professional looking skin. A lot of light / dark grey with some blue hints to keep with our classic colour. Maybe some nice thin font work as well. I'm leaving most of the design aspects up to him but that's what we're thinking. Thoughts?
  23. Well done getting things going really fast on this guys. I've been talking with Kora about getting the GFX done for the site so hopefully it should only take us a few days to have a nice skin setup and ready to go. I don't necessarily need it right now but I will need admin access to get this done, I hope you guys don't mind. On the plus side when I'm home (aka not at work) I'll also be able to help move things over which is good. Are we moving things to a temp forum first so that admins can post everything all official like or what?
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