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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. I saw that, you work quick haha. As far as the backup goes, do we know what it gets us yet? Also, might be crashing because they didn't give much bandwidth for it and a bunch of our members are probably trying to download at the same time. I'll try downloading from work where I was getting really good speeds. If it works I'll figure out some way to get it home haha
  2. Feel free to delete this once we get things ready to go. I wanted a topic to discuss what you guys want to see skin wise though. Plus it'll double as a place to test new skin designs. Kora and I were thinking of a clean, lean, professional looking skin. A lot of light / dark grey with some blue hints to keep with our classic colour. Maybe some nice thin font work as well. I'm leaving most of the design aspects up to him but that's what we're thinking. Thoughts?
  3. Well done getting things going really fast on this guys. I've been talking with Kora about getting the GFX done for the site so hopefully it should only take us a few days to have a nice skin setup and ready to go. I don't necessarily need it right now but I will need admin access to get this done, I hope you guys don't mind. On the plus side when I'm home (aka not at work) I'll also be able to help move things over which is good. Are we moving things to a temp forum first so that admins can post everything all official like or what?
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