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jacobcarson877 last won the day on January 22

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About jacobcarson877

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    Jillian Woods
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  1. LW felt correct to me, so I went with that, enjoy!
  2. ... the left one or the right one?
  3. @eaglesfan036 which specific F position would you like?
  4. HOUSTON BULLS PRESSER! Hello and welcome to this week's Houston Bulls Presser! Answer three questions for 1 capped TPE or six questions for 2 capped TPE! For the Week Ending February 16th, here are your questions! 1. Well, that was certainly a Super Bowl? Did you watch it? Thoughts? 2. We survived the opening round, and now we're fighting to take a lead from Halifax! Best of 3 now, which games do we win? 3. What is your player's favourite NHL team? Why? 4. I had a super expensive day yesterday picking up a million essential things that I needed all at the same time. Is your player a big spender, or do they tend to use their money wisely? 5. Does your player have any friends or family in their lore? Perhaps a partner or some kids? 6. Does your player general go for a fork or a spoon? Big or small utensil? To claim TPE: Go to the portal > Manage Player > Claim Capped > Type > Press Conference
  5. It was bound to happen someday! Part of me feels like I owe you all some grand explanation here, but I probably don’t. But hey, when have I passed on an opportunity to write a few more words than needed. Well, it’s a new year, and my second round of post-secondary education is coming to a close. I am not less settled in what my further-than-a-week life looks like, and well, that isn’t exactly a way of life that allows for much consistency and structured activity. There are a lot of unpredictable elements, from the ever-tumultuous job landscape, the inconsistency of output from an ADHD-raddled brain, and the general expectations of being a somewhat independent adult. Every day there are more things I wish I was doing than can be done. There are a lot more things that need to be done than I’ve been able to sustainably do. Gone are the days when I had more time than I could find ways to fill it. And so, instead of giving a half-hearted effort for nostalgia’s sake, I want to take the high road and not waste anyone else’s hard-fought time, that they have graciously offered our community. With that being said, here’s what you can all expect from me going forward: - @Spartan , I plan on max-earning for the remainder of this career. Maybe the odd pension here or there, but I have no intentions of letting Woods fall flat. - @Josh , I’m happy to do some store stuff every now and then as needed, but I don’t plan on doing enough work to warrant the weekly pay. So if you want me to stay on as a 1B to someone else’s 1A, or even just pass my knowledge on to the next generation, I’m happy to do so. I’ll at least stick around in full capacity through the offseason busy time. - @v.2 essentially the same thing goes for Updater. I don’t mind staying on the roster, but I won’t be claiming the Job Pay weekly. - @Spartan and @Gustav , I’m thrilled to have gotten a second round in the VHLM, and the folks in Houston have been fantastic. I had hoped that this would be a longer-term gig, and I had hoped that I would have been able to match my excitement from a couple of years ago, but I’ll be passing the mantle on to someone else, whenever a suitable candidate can be hired. This is not an easy decision, but as I look forward to the things I hope to achieve, my time will hopefully be best spent elsewhere on a consistent basis. And I hope that taking off the pressure to be a leader in this community will allow me to enjoy simply being a member more. And who knows, maybe once I get this next chapter of life settled and a new status quo established, I might be able to introduce more sim league into my schedule. And of course, to all the people that surely know how much they’ve positively impacted my time in the spotlight, all the thanks to you once more.
  6. HOUSTON BULLS PRESSER! Hello and welcome to this week's Houston Bulls Presser! Answer three questions for 1 capped TPE or six questions for 2 capped TPE! For the Week Ending February 9th, here are your questions! 1. It's playoff time! We're taking on the Ottawa Lynx in the first round. What's our secret weapon? 2. Happy February! What was the best part of January, and what are you looking forward to in February? 3. What's one piece of general advice that you feel like tossing out into the void for us here today? 4. I've started listening to podcasts again. What are some of your favourites? 5. There's been a great competition among our goaltenders this season, and it ended neck and neck! So who gets the start this series? 6. We ended up finishing the season in 2nd, losing the tie-breaker to the San Diego Marlins in the final sim. Are you happy that we're playing the Lynx, or would you have rather played the Aces? To claim TPE: Go to the portal > Manage Player > Claim Capped > Type > Press Conference
  7. One more season winding down, and one more final build almost accomplished, at least the depreciable part! This season Woods gave way, and didn’t put up much of a fight when Bocage wanted to be the top dog. It was only fair that the one who started it all would be the one to lead the way for the time being. So for Woods, as much as it has been about offense, it has been a lot more about ensuring positive impact, and reducing negative impact. She’s playing much more boring hockey, but this season isn’t about winning 7-5, it’s about winning 3-2. There’s definitely still some work to be done on that front after some major fumbles against other contenders this week, but it has overall been much better than last season in close games. Still hoping to chase down some modern D-scoring records, and a point per game season is still a helpful campaign in that pursuit, but after some final rounding out of the accessory attributes, it’ll be time to just lock in and trust the process.
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