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Everything posted by jacobcarson877

  1. Ayyyyyye welcome back buddy!
  2. DAY 6 Rush - Steel https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-38.php Warriors - Royals https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-39.php Brigade - Warriors https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-40.php Steel - Rush https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-41.php Royals - Brigade https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-42.php Rush - Steel https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-43.php Rush - Warriors https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-44.php Brigade - Royals https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-45.php
  3. applied
  4. Well, I got a couple claims here of JST Simmer pay, and it bought me some time to avoid writing a new Media Spot. It feels very strange seeing someone else’s name on the team you ran for a long time, and not having anything to prepare for in this offseason beyond plotting my build for Woods. It’ll be good to get some alone time with Woods, as I really haven’t gotten the opportunity to bond with her much in the M and E. I’ll be joining a star-studded Menace group that is fresh off a Continental Cup victory, with loads of assets in the tank and plenty of youth to take this for term. Gaining that longevity however has cost the Moscow team Axle Gunner and Leif Reingaard so far, with some options for wiggling still available. Leandro and I do not planning on coming in cheap either, so we’ll need to earn our spots, and our pay on this roster with good, consistent play. When it comes to GMing, I’m hoping to take a step back and really evaluate what I can bring to the table, and where I can bring the most value at this stage in my VHL and beyond life. I’m not in front of the forums or Discord as much as I used to be. I’m very active at least once a day, but it’s not 8+ hours of the day anymore. Will I be again? Who knows! I start school again in September. I’m set to be unemployed once again at the end of September, and I’ll have plenty of productive reasons to be sat in front of my computer again. I’d love to find myself in a position to be a great, long-term VHLM GM again. I was at my happiest when I was there, I was feeling the most fulfilled as a VHL member when I was there, and I built the best connections while I was there. Being a first point of contact, a font of knowledge, and an inspirer of the masses, that’s my skillset. Am I happy with the current VHLM setup? More so than I was when I first started GMing, but there is so much I wish fit my vision of the VHLM, and I sense some serious barriers between what our goal is for VHL-ready players, and the processes we put them through to achieve that. So one of my goals this season is to really follow along the stories of the VHLM and VHLE, to build a first-hand model of the situation, and come up with a plan on how I can best use my skills to get more players ready for the VHL. Something I’m considering doing, and which I’ll need to land some final details on, is running a side-by-side season with the VHLM/E implementing my changes and playing all of the GMs. Then, I would do my best to report my findings and make any changes for my testing next season! Obviously I can’t accurately simulate LR dynamics and root causes of activity and inactivity, but I can simulate a season of real-time events and see how the fluctuations of season, and some format changes could affect us directly. Anyways, that’s all for hypotheticals, and I’ll try to bring some concrete evidence to y’all soon!
  5. DAY 5 Brigade - Steel https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-32.php Royals - Rush https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-33.php Brigade - Warriors https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-34.php Steel - Royals https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-35.php Warriors - Rush https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-36.php Steel - Brigade https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-37.php
  6. DAY 4 Warriors - Royals https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-25.php Steel - Rush https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-26.php Warriors - Brigade https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-27.php Rush - Royals https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-28.php Warriors - Steel https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-29.php Royals - Warriors https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-30.php Rush - Brigade https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-31.php
  7. DAY 3 Warriors - Steel https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-17.php Royals - Brigade https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-18.php Steel - Warriors https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-19.php Rush - Royals https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-20.php Brigade - Rush https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-21.php Steel - Warriors https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-22.php Royals - Brigade https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-23.php Rush - Steel https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-24.php
  8. DAY 2 Brigade - Royals https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-8.php Rush - Warriors https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-9.php Royals - Steel https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-10.php Brigade - Rush https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-11.php Steel - Warriors https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-12.php Royals - Brigade https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-13.php Rush - Steel https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-14.php Warriors - Royals https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-15.php Brigade - Rush https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-16.php
  9. Time to get back to being just a good old-fashioned member for a bit!

    1. Gustav


      brb going to go remove your BoG access

    2. Banackock


      Don’t even know what that feels like but enjoy it. 

    3. twists


      Says the BoG

  10. S95 Donation START Transaction ID: 3UU37725R4371941B 5 Uncapped Doubles Week (claimed week of July 28th, can't mix with Triples Week!) 1M Player Store
  11. Eagerly anticipating round 2 when life allows! Will miss having you around my LRs!
  12. JST just had their first sims today, and I'd love to offer you a spot on the Rush, for which I am the AGM and @ethanjaeda is the GM! We're off to a fantastic start and would love to have you round out our forward group! Reply to this if you're interested and we'll get you added to the roster ASAP! @K4L3B
  13. JST just had their first sims today, and I'd love to offer you a spot on the Rush, for which I am the AGM and @ethanjaeda is the GM! We're off to a fantastic start and would love to have you round out our D-Core! Reply to this if you're interested and we'll get you added to the roster ASAP! @Dabnad
  14. Welcome back!
  15. DAY 1 Steel - Brigade https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-1.php Warriors - Royals https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-2.php Steel - Rush https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-3.php Royals - Warriors https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-4.php Brigade - Steel https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-5.php Royals - Rush https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-6.php Warriors - Brigade https://vhlportal.com/vhlm/JS/94/JST94-7.php
  16. Well it was just recently my 4th VHL anniversary, and now the VHL turns 17. So ignoring the 3 days difference, I’ve been around for just over 23.5% of the VHL’s lifespan. I’m sure some of the oldies will still think of me as a newbie, and many of the newbies think I’ve been around forever. It’s a weird stage to be at, 600+ TPE into my 3rd career, just about at that Pension mark. This VHL career hasn’t even started either! I’ve been rather apathetic about Woods so far, just haven’t really found my drive yet, and it probably doesn’t help that I’ve been capped for the last 2 seasons. Nothing has changed for my player in months, and I’ve been very good but not the best the whole time. Depending on what moves Moscow makes I’ll either be the 2nd or 3rd D on the team, and that’s a pretty major difference for a player coming in around 700TPE. With such a strong forward group, I could be in for a prime spot as the quarterback of the 2nd unit, or buried behind a stronger defender until I can out-earn them. We’ll see what happens and either way, I’m thrilled to be joining such an active, dominant, and inspiring group!
  17. From beginning to end my friend! I'll make sure to get you to recreate once I get myself back in a long-term GMing position!
  18. one more year until the regency ends and the VHL can take the throne for itself!
  19. Forum Content is making moves! Long and difficult run from Baozi here, really pulled us out of some pickles throughout the COVID bubble, much appreciated! Best to you!
  20. Soon my beloved VHLM, soon. (But not this time, best of luck to all the applicants!)
  21. Spartan wins this one just before I arrive
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