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  1. Like
    chikn got a reaction from N0HBDY in New York Americans Press Conference Questions   
    1. Not as great as my last few seasons but im still happy with how i've been doing.
    2. It might make the VHLM a little less exciting, but I don't hate the idea of the new VHLE league.
    3. I think they will most likely have a team from France.
    4. I thought they were all done very well! But the one I voted for as my top pick did not win.
    5. I've been watching most of them but im most happy about the Bruins winning moving on!!
    6. Going to the beach, making sand castles and getting a tan. 😎
  2. Like
    chikn reacted to Beketov in The One about the Third League   
    VHL's Third League
    Hello @Members!
    For awhile now the @BOG have been teasing a more robust option to deal with the roster room issue we have been experiencing lately. Many of you have been assuming this means more expansion, despite us continuing to refute those claims. Well... the expansion claims and us saying they are wrong were both correct in a sense. Today the VHL is announcing that the VHL and VHLM will no longer be the only leagues contained within our Community, we are adding a third, the Victory Hockey League: Europe.
    Be design the VHLE will fit between the VHLM and VHL so that players are not stuck at the VHLM level passed when they should be there, making the M as a true developmental league, but also not getting pushed to the VHL before they are ready for it. This will open up the rosters of the VHL teams as they will only contain the higher TPE players. Specifically the caps for the individual leagues will be:
    VHLM: 30-199 TPE*
    VHLE: 200-399 TPE*
    VHL: 350+ TPE
    *Of note these limits operate in the same way as the VHLM does now. So you can claim past the TPE limit but you cannot apply past it.
    Obviously there's a bit of weirdness at the bottom there as the VHL starts at 350 while the VHLE doesn't end until 399. This is intentional to allow players above 350 TPE to enter the VHL if they so choose but they are not forced to do so until the 400 TPE mark. This does mean that some players can, or will be forced to, skip the VHLE completely; know that this is not necessarily a guaranteed step in your progression. If you are above 350 TPE by your VHL draft and want to skip the VHLE completely you may do so.
    VHLE Leadership
    Obviously the @Commissioner and @VHLM Commissioner  teams are already quite busy with the VHL and VHLM respectfully so running a whole third league will not fall on them, a new Commissioner team will be added to cover the VHLE. @Acydburn and @Victor have graciously offered to head up this new leadership group. This will of course involve Acyd giving up his current Green team role (which we will be hiring for) to head this new league into the future including hiring the GM's for the new roles, which leads me nicely into the next topic.
    VHLE Teams and Mentality
    In effect the VHLE is not a developmental league like the VHLM. Its purpose is not to recruit and retain members and it's GM's will not be bound to that mantra like the @VHLM GM's are. The job of an VHLE GM is to be competitive within their bracket. It will still have the fast turnarounds of the VHLM given it's small TPE window but teams may use their assets as they please to get the most out of their teams and win.
    Notice I did say VHLE GM's. TheVHLE teams will not be controlled by @VHL GM's or VHLM GM's but rather be new GM opportunities in their own right. But for what teams? Well that's up to you all to decide.
    Seeing that the league has many amazing old European teams that have been left to the sands of time, we will use those teams to make up the VHLE with the league voting on which 6 they want to see. This means that the Vasteras Iron Eagles, for example, could return; and / or the Cologne Express, Stockholm Vikings, and many others. We have the teams, we have the logos, and we see no reason to not use them so they will make up the pool of teams you all can decide on. The poll for this will be going up soon.
    Layout wise with the league being only 6 teams at the moment will be simple: 1 conference with the 4 top teams making the playoffs per season. In addition the VHLE will not be affiliated in any way with the VHL or VHLM so it will be simulated as an entirely separate league, the same way the two are now. Think the KHL rather than the AHL.
    Contract wise the league will be similar to the VHLM with more or less a "free for all" mentality. If a player has been drafted to the VHL they will receive their VHL contract but otherwise all players are signed to $1.5M contracts with no bonuses or salary cap to speak of. This could change in the future if we feel a cap and formal contract structure would improve the VHLE but we want to see if that's necessary first.
     Draft Structure, Career Length, and Depreciation
    Adding a third league will obviously affect how drafts and career lengths operate within the VHL. With the VHLE placed where it is in a player's career, and the expectation that they will spend at least one season there, it would obviously create problems for the career clock if we didn't address it. For that reason player careers will be formally extended to 9 seasons, with draft seasons being set the same as they always have. This means you will be eligible for both the VHL and VHLE draft in the same season; potentially all three if you time it right. If, at the draft, you are at or above 350 TPE and would like to go straight to the VHL you still get the 9 season VHL career, adding a year onto the total you can have now. If you spend a season in the E league, as most will, you don't lose out on a VHL season and still retain the 8 that is currently available.
    So, for example, let's take a player that creates at the S79 deadline. We follow the same rules as now so his VHL draft is S81. In his season and a bit in the VHLM this player earns 200 TPE. This player is drafted to both the VHLE and the VHL. He does not have the minimum TPE to play in the VHL so goes to the VHLE for S81, finishing with 350 TPE or the minimum to play in the VHL. At this point he can choose to either go up to the VHL and play 8 seasons from S82 or he may chose to stay down for a season and would enter the VHL in S83. In either case he retires at the end of S89, having played 7 or 8 seasons.
    An alternative example is a super heavy earning player. Let's assume he creates at the same time and has the same draft date but has a bunch of carryover and gets a very large amount of TPE in the VHLM. He enters the drafts at 350 TPE, the minimum to play in the VHL. He may choose to skip the VHLE completely and go straight to the VHL in S81. He will then play for 9 seasons and retire at the same time in S89.
    Nine seasons does add one caveat however; depreciation. As it stands right now depreciation only hits for 3 seasons, season 6-8 of your career. This holds two problems, one exists currently and one is new. The more obvious one is that having 9 seasons means we need to add a depreciation level. For this the same percentage (7%) from year 8 will be used but we will not be adding an additional depreciation fighter to the store that can be used for this season. That means only the Jagr purchase can help you fight 9th season depreciation, you must take the full 7% hit.
    The second problem, which exists now, is that players can spend extra time in the minor leagues and be hit with depreciation in their "6th" season but that could be, in fact, their 4th VHL season. This does not seem fair to hit lower earners with so quickly, even being percentage based, so we are changing depreciation slightly. Depreciation seasons are now based on VHL seasons played, not seasons since your draft. That means a player who skips the VHLE and plays 9 VHL seasons will be depreciated 4 times. A player that plays 1 VHLE season will be depreciated 3 times, and so on. So if a player takes his time to get to the VHL and only plays 5 VHL seasons he will not face depreciation by the time he is forced into retirement.
    Call-Ups, Send-Downs, and Graduation Bonus
    As all VHLE players will be owned by VHL teams as well the issue of call-ups and send downs must be addressed. Like the cap situation this may change later but to start we will only be allowing call-ups and send-downs during the off-season and, obviously, only if the player in question meets the TPE bracket for the league they are being sent to.
    This means that at no point mid-season can a player be plucked away from their VHLE team to join their VHL team, similarly no player will be pulled from the VHLM to join the VHLE. Whatever league you start the season in is the league you finish the season in.
    In addition the graduation bonus will remain in place where it is, exiting the VHLM. With the VHLM remaining as a "training ground" of sorts it makes the most sense to reward players for graduating from there. The VHLM to the VHL or VHLE is what we are looking at as the "upwards" movement while the VHLE to VHL is more of a lateral move in your career.
     Introduction Timeframe
    Obviously a change this large can't be implemented immediately and start next season. We would not want players who have already created but are undrafted to be left suddenly being told there's an extra league before the VHL that they were unaware of. There's also a matter of dealing with the players who currently sit on VHL rosters that are under 350 TPE and wouldn't be allowed under these rules.
    Therefore, the VHLE first season will be S80 meaning players that retire at this deadline will be the VHLE's first draft class. Players currently on VHL rosters who are under 350 TPE at the start of S80 may remain on the roster if they so choose or they may be placed into the VHLE draft, remaining as prospects for the VHL teams that drafted them. Likewise any players currently drafted who are still in the VHLM will be given the option of going to the VHL or the VHLE at 200 TPE. Their career clock remains unchanged however; only players starting in the S80 draft will be given the 9 season career and new depreciation rules.

    Hi, my name is Beketov, and if you have any questions, please try to direct them here:
  3. Like
    chikn reacted to Ricer13 in S78 - VHFL Group 2   
    @MexicanCow123as our group manager can you make an updated list of all our picks please
  4. Like
    chikn got a reaction from N0HBDY in New York Americans Press Conference Questions   
    New York Americans Press Conference *week ending May 23rd*
    1. The VHL Draft is over, what did you think of this years presentation?
    I think it went ok.
    2. How has your offseason gone so far? Are you excited to be a day closer till the next season?
    I just finished my players build so im super excited to see how i do next season!
    3. The WJC is over, although there's no prediction tpe for it, what team did you think or want to win?
    I didn't really care about what team won really.
    4. How do you think the league's newly enacted cap expansion (with certain requirements) will affect other teams?
    I'm not really sure.
    5. While the WJC is over the Victory ProAm is also going on, are you on a team? If not what team to you think might be the most successful for the ProAm?
    I'm not on a team, but I would want to be on whichever the winning team is.
    6. It's playoff hockey time! Are you excited for any specific series?
    Cheering for the Bruins!
  5. Haha
    chikn got a reaction from Jubis in S78 - VHFL Group 2   
    sorry meant to tag @Ricer13, you're up again.
    Also can you update the list for whos been picked if its possible? I got confused during this shit show lol
  6. Like
    chikn reacted to Ricer13 in S78 - VHFL Group 2   
    1. MexicanCow123 (Group Manager)
    F- Groovy Dood
    2. Ricer13
    F- Andrew Su
    F- Aloe Dear
    3. chikn
    F- Jim Bob
    F-Taro Tsujimoto
    4. Seabass
    F- Thomas Landry II
    D-Roque Davis
    5. gorlab
    F-Christian Mingle
    D- Erik Killinger
    6. Rjdixon01
    F- Onde Sandstorm
    D- Tyler walker
  7. Haha
    chikn got a reaction from Ricer13 in S78 - VHFL Group 2   
    sorry meant to tag @Ricer13, you're up again.
    Also can you update the list for whos been picked if its possible? I got confused during this shit show lol
  8. Haha
    chikn got a reaction from gorlab in S78 - VHFL Group 2   
    sorry meant to tag @Ricer13, you're up again.
    Also can you update the list for whos been picked if its possible? I got confused during this shit show lol
  9. Cheers
    chikn got a reaction from Seabass in S78 - VHFL Group 2   
    Yikes so sorry guys! 
    F- Jim Bob
    I promise it will never take me this long to pick again. pls forgive me 
  10. Like
    chikn reacted to Ricer13 in S78 - VHFL Group 2   
    No worries  Good pick!
  11. Love
    chikn got a reaction from Ricer13 in S78 - VHFL Group 2   
    Yikes so sorry guys! 
    F- Jim Bob
    I promise it will never take me this long to pick again. pls forgive me 
  12. Like
    chikn reacted to Seabass in S78 - VHFL Group 2   
    Don't worry @chiknI got you man. 
    Fuck what they say we be doing our own thing here in Group 2. 
  13. Like
    chikn reacted to gorlab in S78 - VHFL Group 2   
    The GENTLEMEN'S GROUP will not be derailed
    @chikn we will wait for you  o7
  14. Like
    chikn got a reaction from N0HBDY in New York Americans Press Conference Questions   
    1. Nope, i was hoping for Warsaw to win.
    2. Just catching up on my sleep.
    3. I'm hoping for us to make it to the finals.
    4. Maybe team worlds? idk lol
    5. Ya I think ill eventually make it up there. 
    6. One could probably build a nest on its own lol
  15. Haha
    chikn reacted to N0HBDY in New York Americans Press Conference Questions   
    Moscow because I like pestering @Spartanlol
  16. Like
    chikn got a reaction from N0HBDY in New York Americans Press Conference Questions   
    1. If you could be the AGM for any other team then which team would you choose?
    2. I don't really think Yukon will win, but i guess we will just have to wait and see.
    3. I am definitely very proud of New York and excited for the upcoming season! 
    4. Nope! I still believe in Warsaw!
    5. No i haven't been following the WJC event.
    6. Nothing specific but I usually enjoy trying new things and going on new adventures. 
  17. Fire
    chikn got a reaction from diacope in Chicken Wing Hockey Card   
  18. Like
    chikn got a reaction from Jubis in Chicken Wing Hockey Card   
  19. Like
    chikn got a reaction from Fire Tortorella in VHL sign up page   
  20. Like
    chikn reacted to Rhynex Entertainment in VHL Alternative Reality S77 Theme Week   
    VHL Alternative Reality S77 Theme Week
    Let us turn back time to S76. The New York Americans are once again having an undesirable season, looking to miss another year of the playoffs. The rebuild is on its way, nearing the trade deadline of the second season of the rebuilt. The young Americans' rookies are having a fantastic season in learning the major league VHL games, and New York Americans rookie defenseman Cowboy Prout @Prout remains quite happy with his progress and the direction of the New York Americans. This time around Cowboy Prout did not ask to be traded.
    S76 ends for the New York Americans in a similar situation as our familiar timeline. New York falls short of a playoff spot as the Calgary Wranglers slightly steals the last spot in the North American Conference with the same 70 point season. New York falls short, but this time with a miserable 69 points as opposed to 63, such a close call for the young team. With Cowboy Prout remaining on the Americans' roster and line up, New York's defense remained relatively stable and incredibly offensive and lethal, with an edge of toughness that Cowboy Prout provides. Cowboy Prout finishes his rookie VHL season with a better productive season then our familiar timeline, maintaining his productivity and ending with 13 goals and 45 assists for 58 points in 72 games (this is one more goal than our timeline and five more assists as well, giving a final productivity of 6 more points in this alternative universe as compared to our universe).
    The offseason remains quite similar to our reality as New York Americans GM @Esso2264once again drafts stud defenseman Zeedayno Chara @Jubis with the team's first pick in the draft. With the progress of the core players in the New York Americans' locker room, GM Esso2264 decided to pull the trigger early and traded for Calgary's Defenseman Kosmo Kramerev @Mongoose87 ahead of schedule, building a very solid and young top 4 in Kosmo Kramerev, Cowboy Prout, Zeedayno Chara, and Chicken Wing @chikn. With the backend core looking the ever more bright, and add in the ever improving Swiss Cheese Goaltender, Thadius Sales @thadthrasher, the New York Americans are prime for a strong S77 and a fight for their first playoffs birth in quite some time. The teams' forwards remain pretty similar to the offense that finished S76, with a couple new additions, along with a familiar face returning in Centre Brian Strong Jr @Wheaties who did not leave in free agency.
    This alternative reality New York Americans enters S77 of the VHL with a heavier and tougher team. A team with only 6 forwards, 4 defensemen, and 2 goalies, which provided a more balanced and simpler line combinations than that from our universe. This New York Americans begins S77 with only 2 rookies, one forward and one defenseman, and quickly climbs the power rankings with their steady and exciting play. New York forwards Rhynex Entertainment @Rhynex Entertainment and Gary Rush @G_Rush, along with S76 Rookie of the Year, Red Lite @Tate(yes, Red Lite wins the Christian Stolzschweiger Trophy in this alternative reality as well) continues to improve their productions from S76 into S77 as their game time remains the same (since the number of forwards on the team did not increase to 9 players), add in a much more offensive and defensive back-end, goaltender Thadius Sales, shows off a mighty display of saves and wins, and the flashes of brilliance displayed in S76 becomes reality in S77.
    [word count 589]
  21. Like
    chikn got a reaction from Jubis in What If...   
  22. Like
    chikn reacted to Bobo in Around the VHL: Week of April 11th, 2021   
    Around the VHL: Week of April 11th, 2021 (Season 77, Edition 2)
    Welcome back to the next installment of Around the VHL. As the season begins to wind down, many teams are in the tightly-contested playoff race, with some teams such as the Warsaw Predators, Helsinki Titans, and the Chicago Phoenix leading the pack. On the other side, some teams such as the Los Angeles Stars, New York Americans, and the Toronto Legion try to shake off their old losing ways, and adopt a winning culture. With many trades occurring, many storylines developing, and the playoff picture becoming ever-so-clear, let’s dive straight into what happened around the Victory Hockey League (VHL) this week. 

    VHL Standings (European and North American Conferences):

    One of the top teams in the North American Conference, the Chicago Phoenix, has again proven to be a top contender in the league, with a record of 3-1-1 over this week, and an overall record of 25-14-2 over this season so far. Phoenix star defenseman Matty Socks was third in player scoring this week, with six goals and 11 points. Socks also leads all defensemen in scoring, with 19 goals and 54 points so far. Phoenix left-wing superstar Robin Winter leads the team in scoring with 19 goals and 60 points total. Winter had one goal and nine points this week, making him fourth in scoring for the Phoenix this week alone. Another top-tier team on a tear is the Warsaw Predators, and their 6-0-0 record this week. Several Predators forwards, including superstar left-winger Aloe Dear with 17 points, and superstar center Dakota Lamb and star right-winger Lexi Glass with 10 points. Each are having career seasons, especially Dear, who is on pace to break his previous record for most points in a season (currently 78 points from S76) by a whopping 48 points. Glass is on point for 107 points this season, and Lamb is projected to put up 115 points this season. Those three players are the top three scorers on the Predators roster currently. Both of the teams I mentioned are at the top of their conference, and for good reasons. But one team farther down in the standings is looking to fix their record, and turn their season around, starting this week.
    Featured Stories of the Week:
    That team is the Calgary Wranglers, who sit at the bottom of their conference with a 15-18-5 record. Despite their losing record, the squad still has some life left in the tank–with a 4-1-1 record this week–second best in the league. Wranglers left-wingers Nathan Perry and Jonas Stormsson both have six points this week, with fellow left-winger Luke Thorton following behind with four points. The Wranglers, along with the Riga Reign, both are bottom-dwellers in the VHL standings but still put up impressive records (the Reign putting up a 4-2-0 record). Riga’s young cast of talents are slowly rising the ranks to help the team become a Continental Cup contender again. Some of these talents include centerman Cabe McJake, defenseman Linus Zetterstrom, centerman Isau Damoose, left-wing Addison McLaren, and many more. This week, McJake had seven points, Zetterstrom had two points, and McLaren only had one point. While that doesn’t seem like much, these players are young and developing. They share a similar status to the Wranglers: rebuilding and full of young, upcoming talent. 
    Over the course of this week, many trades have happened. Some small, some larger. One trade from this week that stands out is the deal between the New York Americans and the Calgary Wranglers on Saturday. The transaction sees the Americans trading away their S77 first and third round picks and defenseman Shawn Andrei Zyuzin, for defenseman Kosmo Kramerev and an S78 DC Dragons fourth round pick. Zyuzin, the inactive defenseman, is joining his second team as a result of the trade. While in the big apple, he scored 11 goals and had 50 points in 183 total games. The first and third round picks traded to Calgary will help them on their rebuild, which they have entered this season. Considering the Americans’ losing record, that pick will most likely result in a high-quality prospect for Calgary, and that third will help alongside the first to further build their prospect pool. Now, the Wranglers give up a top-tier veteran defenseman in Kramerev, who put up 61 goals and 249 total points with the Wranglers in 325 games. He’s been a part of their organization for four full seasons, and part of another. Calgary also gave up a fourth round pick, originally belonging to the DC Dragons–which will be used by the Americans to further build up their prospect pool. The Americans, which are gearing up for a big playoff run, needed a top-tier defenseman to play alongside Chicken Wing, which Kramerev provides. The Wranglers needed picks badly, and they got two in this deal (coming in the S77 NYA first and third rounders). They now have five picks total for this draft, four for the next. Great trade overall for both parties. 
    And that's it for this (last) week's edition of "Around the VHL". Sorry if this is a bit late, I had to crunch for my finals, and had barely any time to write. All of the players mentioned are tagged below, along with the word count. Enjoy your week!
  23. Fire
    chikn reacted to Rhynex Entertainment in VHL S77 Week 2 Featured Game New York Americans @ Riga Reign   
    VHL S77 Week 2 Featured Game New York Americans @ Riga Reign
    Happy Easter everyone! We have our featured game of the week in Game 231 of the VHL S77. Game 231 shows an extended match between 11 - 15 - 2 Riga Reign and the 12 - 13 - 4 visiting New York Americans. This was a match that Riga wanted to win tremendously! We saw Riga shower New York with what seems like a gazillion shots, from every possible angles, only to hit what could only be said as a super human, Thadius Sales @thadthrasher. Both teams' goaltenders had remarkable games, it was definitely a battle of the tenders tonight as we saw not only Overtime, but also Shootout as well in order to find a winner! It was a game with plenty of back and forth action, short lived leads, little catch ups, and extended periods of nail biting pressure and tied game play.
    We began the game with instant intense pressure by Riga Reign against New York Americans. It only took half a minute for the young Americans to be caught for their lack of discipline. Lead New York Defence Chicken Wing @chikn gets called for Tripping at 0:30 into the game, and Riga ends up with 4 minutes of early power play time when New York's Captain Red Lite @Tate swings his stick wildly just as Chicken Wing steps back onto the ice. Red Lite goes off for High Sticking at 2:32 into the first period. Red Lite must had a good time reflecting in the penalty box, as he watches a wonderful display of defence and saves by the Americans and then later assisting in on the first goal of the game, a tad over 2 minutes after leaving the penalty box at 6:38 of the first period. In fact, the first trouble maker also assisted on the goal by Gary Rush @G_Rush! Isau DaMoose @Eynhallow of the Riga Reign quickly tied the game less than a minute half later at 8:01. We don't see another goal until late in the first period as New York's Gabriel Johnson @GeckoeyGecko scores at 16:17, a lead that lasts for less than half a minute. Artair McCloud @Hoopydog ties it for Riga at 16:46, and we go into the first intermission with a 2 - 2 tie, with Riga out shooting New York 25 to 15, a heavy shooting first period.
    1st period
    1. New York Americans , Gary Rush 12 (Red Lite 19, Chicken Wing 12) at 6:38
    2. Riga Reign , Isau DaMoose 13 (Addison McLaren 9, Cabe McJake 14) at 8:01
    3. New York Americans , Gabriel Johnson 4 (Adam Syreck 22, RJ Thatcher 16) at 16:17
    4. Riga Reign , Artair McCloud 7 (James Rose 19, Ray Sheilds 15) at 16:46
    Penalties :
    Chicken Wing (NYA) for Tripping (Minor) at 0:30, Red Lite (NYA) for High sticking (Minor) at 2:32, Brussels Sprout (NYA) for Roughing (Minor) at 11:16, Ray Sheilds (RIG) for Hooking (Minor) at 13:51, Rhynex Entertainment (NYA) for High sticking (Minor) at 17:00    
    The Second Period was another high shooting affair for both teams, as both goaltenders showed incredible poise, making saves after saves. New York's Chicken Wing scores her team leading 17th goal of the season 4 minutes into the period on the power play, a league leading 9th power play goal of the season! Cabe McJake @RedSus ties it up for Riga shortly after at 6:21 into the Second. And this actually end up being the final goal scored in the game until the shootout, 40 minutes gameplay later. The Second Period ended with a 3 - 3 tie with Riga outshooting New York 42 to 34 after 40 (minutes).
    2nd period
    5. New York Americans , Chicken Wing 17 (Adam Syreck 23) at 4:00 (PP)
    6. Riga Reign , Cabe McJake 8 (General Zod 29, Linus Zetterstrom 19) at 6:21
    Penalties :
    Isau DaMoose (RIG) for Tripping (Minor) at 2:14, James Rose (RIG) for Hooking (Minor) at 9:55, Isau DaMoose (RIG) for Roughing (Minor) at 14:07, Chicken Wing (NYA) for High sticking (Minor) at 19:35  
    The rest of regulations and later Overtime were quite uneventful on the score sheet. Not to say we did not get to see a lot of action in play. Plenty of penalties, including a marvellous fight between New York's (Nathan) Steele @73MPL4R and Riga's (Matt) thunder @Matt thunder, and lots and lots of intense pressure and shots by Riga on netminder (Thadius) Sales. Riga outshoots New York 22 to 7 in the Third and then 8 to 2 in sudden death, but was foiled by (Thadius) Sales who was brilliant and in the zone.
    3rd period
    No Goal
    Penalties :
    Addison McLaren (RIG) for Hooking (Minor) at 1:57, Matt thunder (RIG) for Fighting (Major) at 10:21, Nathan Steele (NYA) for Fighting (Major) at 10:21, Clinton Giftopoulos (NYA) for Interference (Minor) at 13:23, Shawn Andrei Zyuzin (NYA) for Interference (Minor) at 18:34, Chicken Wing (NYA) for Holding (Minor) at 19:14 Overtime #1
    No Goal
    Penalties :
    No Penalty  
    Since Overtime solved nothing, the two teams faced off against each other in the shootout, where New York solves Riga's Calvin Harvey @Mrpenguin30 twice. Kaladin Kvothe @DangerGolding scored as the first shooter and (Chicken) Wing ends it with the game winner as the third shooter for New York. Only Justin Lose @youloser1337 managed to solve (Thadius) Sales for Riga as Riga ultimately falls short to New York 3 - 4 at home.
    New York Americans, Kaladin Kvothe - Goal!
    Riga Reign, Rocket - Shot Misses the Net
    New York Americans, Gary Rush - Stopped by Calvin Harvey
    Riga Reign, Justin Lose - Goal!
    New York Americans, Chicken Wing - Goal!
    Riga Reign, Isau DaMoose - Stopped by Thadius Sales  
    Thadius Sales earns First Star of the Game with an amazing (and ironically maybe comical?) 69 saves on 72 shots. Calvin Harvey made 40 saves on 43 shots for Riga. Cabe McJake gets Second Star of the Game with a goal,  an assist, and a tremendous 14 shots! Artair McCloud claims Third Star of the Game with a goal and 6 shots. An honourable mention goes to Chicken Wing who had a goal and assist for New York, along with the eventual shootout winner.
    3 Stars
    1 - Thadius Sales (NYA)
    2 - Cabe McJake (RIG)
    3 - Artair McCloud (RIG)  
    [Word Count 763]
    Goalie Stats
    Thadius Sales (NYA), 69 saves from 72 shots - (0.958), W, 10-10-4, 65:00 minutes Calvin Harvey (RIG), 40 saves from 43 shots - (0.930), OTL, 9-10-2, 65:00 minutes Players Stats for New York Americans
    Player Name G A P +/- PIM S H SB GA TA FO MP PP MP PK MP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Adam Syreck 0 2 2 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 2/6 23:00 4:52 4:06 Brussels Sprout 0 0 0 -1 2 1 0 0 0 0 3/14 17:17 0:00 5:22 Chicken Wing 1 1 2 -1 6 3 2 5 0 0 0/0 30:20 4:52 3:53 Clinton Giftopoulos 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 5 0 0 0/0 29:49 4:50 6:21 Gabriel Johnson 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0/0 21:28 0:00 5:22 Gary Rush 1 0 1 0 0 6 1 1 0 0 1/3 17:57 4:52 0:00 Kaladin Kvothe 0 0 0 -1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0/2 16:46 4:50 0:00 Michael Hall 0 0 0 -1 0 1 1 0 0 0 2/3 11:56 0:00 0:00 Nathan Steele 0 0 0 0 5 1 0 1 0 0 15/34 25:47 4:50 6:21 Red Lite 0 1 1 0 2 4 3 2 0 0 0/2 22:32 4:52 4:58 Rhynex Entertainment 0 0 0 0 2 7 4 2 0 0 23/50 24:43 4:52 6:17 RJ Thatcher 0 1 1 0 0 6 4 0 0 0 4/4 18:52 4:50 0:00 Shawn Andrei Zyuzin 0 0 0 -1 2 1 7 1 0 0 0/0 18:17 0:00 6:22 Zeedayno Chara 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 0/0 24:50 4:50 6:48  
    Players Stats for Riga Reign
    Player Name G A P +/- PIM S H SB GA TA FO MP PP MP PK MP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Addison McLaren 0 1 1 0 2 7 5 0 0 0 0/2 18:49 6:15 3:12 Andy Nexber 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 9:01 0:00 0:25 Artair McCloud 1 0 1 1 0 6 0 0 0 0 1/4 20:09 7:38 0:00 Cabe McJake 1 1 2 0 0 14 0 1 0 0 39/56 31:20 6:32 5:08 General Zod 0 1 1 0 0 5 4 4 0 0 0/0 31:53 6:15 6:16 Isau DaMoose 1 0 1 0 4 4 0 1 0 0 9/18 24:19 6:15 0:00 James Rose 0 1 1 1 2 5 2 1 0 0 0/0 33:21 7:38 5:11 Jared Carter 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0/0 10:26 1:06 2:37 Joseph Sharkton 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/1 8:36 0:00 0:00 Justin Lose 0 0 0 1 0 8 1 1 0 0 1/1 26:08 6:15 5:08 Linus Zetterstrom 0 1 1 0 0 5 0 3 0 0 0/0 32:17 6:15 5:08 Matt thunder 0 0 0 1 5 4 1 1 0 0 0/0 21:39 6:10 0:12 Ray Sheilds 0 1 1 1 2 11 1 1 0 0 15/33 32:24 7:38 3:35 Rocket 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 2/2 10:02 1:06 1:56  
  24. Fire
    chikn reacted to Rhynex Entertainment in VHL New York Americans S77 First Win   
    VHL New York Americans S77 First Win
    Once again, similarly to Season 76, the New York Americans get their first win of the season in S77 against the Calgary Wranglers. After receiving a 7 - 2 beat down loss to the Toronto Legion, the New York Americans came back strong in their second game of S77, beating the Wranglers 6 - 4.
    As most games between Calgary and New York are, game 14 of the VHL S77 was a back and forth blazing affair between the two teams. The Wranglers were dominated in the shot count in the first period, but not the score board as they capitalized quickly and efficiently scoring 3 goals on 15 shots against New York Americans Goaltender Thadius Sales @thadthrasher, who started S77 like S76 earning the nickname "basically swiss cheese goalie".
    Nathan Perry @tinafrombobsburgers opened the scoring for Calgary 4:16 into the first, and Steve Eso @Eso followed suit 40 seconds later to make it 2 Nothing Wranglers. New York cut the lead in half with @DangerGolding Kaladin Kvothe's first VHL career goal, only to fall back behind by two from @Mongoose87 Kosmo Kramerev's second goal of the season, 33 seconds later. Chicken Wing @chikn does cut the deficit back to one for the Americans with her first goal of the season with 5:05 remaining in the first period. The first period ended 3 - 2 in favour of Calgary, with multiple players already having a multi-points game.
    1st period
    1. Calgary Wranglers , Nathan Perry 1 (Steve Eso 1, Tom Eagles 1) at 4:16
    2. Calgary Wranglers , Steve Eso 1 (Rolf Fizzlebeef Jr 1, Tom Eagles 2) at 4:56
    3. New York Americans , Kaladin Kvothe 1 (Chicken Wing 1, Michael Hall 1) at 12:06
    4. Calgary Wranglers , Kosmo Kramerev 2 (Sheldon Juniper 1, Nathan Perry 1) at 12:39
    5. New York Americans , Chicken Wing 1 (Brussels Sprout 1, Michael Hall 2) at 14:55    
    Both teams' defensive game tighten up as the game resumed. Rhynex Entertainment @Rhynex Entertainment ties up the game for New York 9:04 into the second period, and Steve Eso gives Calgary the lead again with his second of the night at 13:56 of the second. New York once again evens the game late in the second period, with @Thranduil Clinton Giftopoulos's first VHL career goal. New York outshoots Calgary, 42 to 31, after 40 to tie the game 4 - 4.
    2nd period
    6. New York Americans , Rhynex Entertainment 1 (Red Lite 1, Zeedayno Chara 2) at 9:04
    7. Calgary Wranglers , Steve Eso 2 (Rolf Fizzlebeef Jr 2, Jonas Stormsson 1) at 13:56
    8. New York Americans , Clinton Giftopoulos 1 (Gary Rush 1, Rhynex Entertainment 1) at 17:32  
    Thadius Sales had one of his best performances in the third period as Calgary outplays New York for much of the third only to be hit by a brick wall of Sales (and here I thought he was basically swiss cheese?) The Wranglers outshot the Americans 24 to 11 in the closing 20 minutes to finish the game outshooting the Americans 55 to 53, however the Americans end up being the only team to score in the third period to take the victory.
    S76 Rookie of the Year, Red Lite @Tate scores his first of the season, and the eventual game winner, 4:04 into the third period to give New York their first lead of the game. New York doubles the lead with @jhatty8 RJ Thatcher's second goal of the season. After a solid team and defensive effort, New York wins the game 6 - 4.
    3rd period
    9. New York Americans , Red Lite 1 (Rhynex Entertainment 2, Zeedayno Chara 3) at 4:04
    10. New York Americans , RJ Thatcher 2 (Adam Syreck 1, Nathan Steele 2) at 6:37    
    Steve Eso was given the honours of 1st Star of the Game for his efforts in the game, scoring twice and adding a helper to finish the game with 3 points. Rhynex Entertainment was 2nd Star of the Game, he too had a 3 point night with a goal and two assists. Kaladin Kvothe claimed 3rd Starts of the Game. To be honest, I'm not sure how the system determines the 3 Stars as there are many players who had a fantastic night. My honourable mention goes to Thadius Sales, saving 51 out of 55 shots with a 92.7 Saves % for the Win. Quick note that both teams failed to capitalize on the power play, as New York came up short on 5 attempts and Calgary ended with nothing on 3.
    3 Stars
    1 - Steve Eso (CGY)
    2 - Rhynex Entertainment (NYA)
    3 - Kaladin Kvothe (NYA)   Goalie Stats
    Thadius Sales (NYA), 51 saves from 55 shots - (0.927), W, 1-1-0, 60:00 minutes Vsevolod Askarov (CGY), 47 saves from 53 shots - (0.887), L, 0-2-0, 60:00 minutes   Players Stats for New York Americans
    Player Name G A P +/- PIM S H SB GA TA FO MP PP MP PK MP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Adam Syreck 0 1 1 -2 2 8 4 0 0 0 0/0 20:55 4:44 0:00 Brussels Sprout 0 1 1 2 0 2 3 0 0 0 5/16 13:55 0:00 2:14 Chicken Wing 1 1 2 2 2 11 0 3 0 0 0/0 30:20 4:43 2:06 Clinton Giftopoulos 1 0 1 -1 2 4 3 3 0 0 0/0 27:29 4:31 1:22 Gabriel Johnson 0 0 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0/0 18:35 0:00 1:33 Gary Rush 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 2/3 21:16 4:44 0:00 Kaladin Kvothe 1 0 1 2 0 1 3 0 0 0 0/2 16:12 4:31 0:00 Michael Hall 0 2 2 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1/1 11:41 0:00 0:00 Nathan Steele 0 1 1 -2 0 4 3 1 0 0 19/35 23:27 4:31 2:14 Red Lite 1 1 2 2 2 4 2 0 0 0 1/6 23:35 4:44 3:03 Rhynex Entertainment 1 2 3 2 0 8 1 0 0 0 33/48 24:52 4:44 3:03 RJ Thatcher 1 0 1 -2 0 7 2 0 0 0 0/3 20:10 4:31 0:00 Shawn Andrei Zyuzin 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0/0 13:55 0:00 2:14 Zeedayno Chara 0 2 2 2 0 1 1 4 0 0 0/0 24:39 4:31 3:03  
    Players Stats for Calgary Wranglers
    Player Name G A P +/- PIM S H SB GA TA FO MP PP MP PK MP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ chris foley 0 0 0 -2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 8:50 0:00 0:00 Cowboy Prout 0 0 0 -2 0 1 4 5 0 0 0/0 31:31 2:32 7:00 Green Gaming 0 0 0 -2 0 1 1 1 0 0 6/13 11:35 2:45 0:00 Jonas Stormsson 0 1 1 1 0 10 1 0 0 0 0/3 25:49 2:45 4:59 Keith Krestanovich 0 0 0 -2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0/0 8:50 0:00 0:00 Kosmo Kramerev 1 0 1 -3 0 8 0 6 0 0 0/0 29:51 2:32 5:07 Luke Thornton 0 0 0 -1 0 10 5 1 0 0 1/2 24:41 2:32 4:16 Mikey Harris 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 2/4 19:00 0:00 0:55 Nathan Perry 1 1 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 1/2 19:06 2:32 0:00 Rolf Fizzlebeef Jr 0 2 2 1 2 0 2 1 0 0 0/0 30:05 2:45 4:05 Sheldon Juniper 0 1 1 -1 0 6 0 0 0 0 19/46 20:23 2:45 4:16 Steve Eso 2 1 3 1 2 9 6 2 0 0 24/43 29:51 2:32 4:04 Tom Eagles 0 2 2 1 8 6 3 4 0 0 0/0 27:06 2:45 1:49  
    [Total word count 603]
  25. Like
    chikn reacted to Jubis in Games: 105-120   
    2 wins . Huuuuuge 
    @chikn  a modern Bobby orr ❤❤
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