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The Domino Archives

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Everything posted by The Domino Archives

  1. do you not believe me?
  2. also, when you hear this song think of me-
  3. I am, aren't I
  4. Checking, not going on Like, checking for notifs
  5. When I first started, I didn't want to stay on this for long, and eventually, I just stopped during the draft. I tried getting away from this so many times, but every time it kept failing. I kept coming back. Deleting my account is the only way I can ensure I don't come back. Yes, multiple posts relating to their problems. Not saying that's bad or anything, but like, it made me wonder while I was trying to sleep. Are we all douches to you? I'm sorry if we are, is there anything I can do? Listen, I'm a helpful guy, but I can't go around wishing everybody good luck like the Flash. I then gave up. I stopped being active, because I was trying to get away from the mess that was the VHL. I remember back when I joined, it wasn't like this. I was actually having fun! But now, I just can't help but think and be sad/mad. I would say %2.98 percent.
  6. Low probability of happening. Just saying.
  7. Yep, I'm quitting I'm going to stay here for about a week and then I'm deleting my account. I'm getting addicted to the VHL, checking every half-hour. Feel free to ask me any questions that you have for me to answer on my final week here. Goodbye guys! Take care of them for me @Ledge and @Red. I'll miss you all.
  8. shut the fuck up with these hot takes




    every single time i go on here i see one

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. fishy


      you're not a stupid fucking idiot and i, by no means, hate you

    3. The Domino Archives

      The Domino Archives

      this was my way of saying "sorry guys, i fucked up big time"

    4. Horcrux


      no one hates you :D 

  9. ight guess that means no dom for a week seeya
  10. I guess I can't keep promises, eh? Thing is, I have tons and tons and TONS of work to finish in school, so that's why I can't stay here for a while. Hopefully, in winter break I can see you guys again. Love ya (no homo) -Domino
  11. i thought this was real
  12. hey look at number 2 thats me in a lynx jersey
  13. should've added 8 more words
  14. I think I used to write them out when I worked in Minnesota. Not saying mine were creative. Why do you think they barely chose us?
  15. I'm applying
  16. then F- Robert Bouchard F- Phil The Rock Johnson
  17. F- Christian Mingle @Ledge
  18. i think it used to be 600 at one point
  19. the poll
  20. Hey guys, Domino here. Been a long time since I said that. I've come to reveal what happened to me and why I wasn't posting much. Two things, the first one is... drumroll please... School! You either love it or hate it, and you learn and talk to friends! Oh wait, you can't talk to friends? Well then screw school! Just kidding, I want a good job and life- no wait no don't do the next one dommy please no- Second reason is I feel like the VHL is becoming more of a stupid place than when I joined. I'm not saying it is 100% bona fide stupid, no no no no. It's just, there's been a whole lot of controversy lately and I don't like one bit of it. And I felt like I wanted to scurry away from the league for a while. And that's it. Hopefully I can get to being more active in the future and being friends with all of you Seeya!
  21. cut it short to ledge plz
  22. D- Matty Socks G- Jean Pierre Camus D- Victor Grachev @Ledge and Dairy
  23. just vibing and playing incredibox

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