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Posts posted by Red

  1. Review:

    This aint bad at all my guy especially it being your first. u got an interesting choice of a background but the colors of it blend with the player and the font you choose so it works pretty well. The font is readable and matches the colors of everything else which is good also. 8/10 i luv u

  2. It has taken years but Riga is finally good again thank god. We have been miserably shit the last two seasons when we should have been a lot better than we were when judging the team on paper. As for why were so much better this season compared the last few I don't really know, the obvious reason would maybe be our goaltending as Zamboni driver has been killing it this season leading to us letting in the fewest goals so far in the league. That could also be down to our improved defense this season so who really knows. Despite all the optimism with this team there's still a bit of concern regarding our scoring as were near the bottom of the league in goals for. For now this shouldn't be a huge issue but it could be later on when Driver retires.

  3. On 7/22/2021 at 10:14 PM, youloser1337 said:

    :rig::rig::rig:RIGA REIGN PRESS CONFERENCE:rig::rig::rig:

    Week ending 07/25


    1. The draft is over and we have some new faces to the team. How do you think we did?

    2. What do you think of the draftees, Erlantz Jokinen, Donny Carter, and Jeremy D?

    3. After the draft, how confident are you about making the playoffs with this team?

    4. Who do you think will be the surprise MVP for the team this season?

    5. How are you training for the upcoming season?

    6. What was the last movie you saw in a theater?


    Thanks for letting me host the Presser this week @Ledge and Dairy!

    I Got You Help GIF by The Cooligans

    1.very well, sum very good prospects pretty exicting

    2. Jokinen is gonna be a stud and we got sum good depth layers as well

    3. very confident driver is carrying us

    4. Linus Zetterstrom probably but its looking like driver now

    5. illegal performance enhancing supplements

    6. suicide squad literally last night

  4. Review: i really liked how you did this. the blurred out paint effect you have here is pretty good looking, almost looks as if its hand drawn. The logo swaps on the layers as well as the name put on the back of the jersey is done very cleanly, you even got the logo swap to go behind the players stick which i have no idea how to do yet lol. 9/10

  5. Review:

    did u submit both these banners, cause imo the bottom one looks better than the one that actually won the thing. I love the idea of having the player names displayed on the banner and overall i think the colours and fonts just look better on the bottom one. bottom banner 9/10. top banner 2/10

  6. yus



    # Player GP P
    1 Gunnar Odinsson (MAL) 18 39
    2 Red Lite (NYA) 19 38
    3 John Merrick (LAS) 18 36
    4 Jakob Sosa (MAL) 18 35
    5 Julian Nousiainen (CHI) 18 33
    6 Taro Tsujimoto (DAV) 18 32
    7 Jivere Zolnek (VAN) 19 31
    8 Pistil Stamen (LAS) 18 29
    9 Brendan Telker (MAL) 18 29
    10 Alex Letang (LAS) 18 28


    i guess it wasnt a good idea to shit on odinsson in my free agency article. mans be wildin at 2 points per game somehow, can't relate sadly. Red lite is right behind him with 38 points and is looking like a Hof player allready.



    # Player GP G
    1 Red Lite (NYA) 19 16
    2 Brendan Telker (MAL) 18 15
    3 Jakob Sosa (MAL) 18 15
    4 Dakota Lamb (WAR) 18 14
    5 Muffbeav (MAL) 18 14
    6 Patrik Laine (DAV) 18 13
    7 Addison McLaren (TOR) 18 13
    8 Leo Strauss (WAR) 18 13
    9 Duncan Idaho (MOS) 19 13
    10 Gunnar Odinsson (MAL) 18 12


    Red lite is living by his name this season as he leads everyone in scoring. Brendan Telker is also proving last season was no fluke as he continues to be a big steal for Malmo in the draft. He's joined by 2 other malmo players in the top 10 showing how offensively dominant the nighthawks are.



    # Player GP A
    1 Gunnar Odinsson (MAL) 18 27
    2 John Merrick (LAS) 18 25
    3 Taro Tsujimoto (DAV) 18 25
    4 Julian Nousiainen (CHI) 18 24
    5 Red Lite (NYA) 19 22
    6 Alex Letang (LAS) 18 21
    7 Jakob Sosa (MAL) 18 20
    8 Jivere Zolnek (VAN) 19 20
    9 Pistil Stamen (LAS) 18 20
    10 Lester Green (TOR) 18 19


    Odinsson again leads in the assist category as he's been the main setup man in Malmo. mr drama boi and david are not far behind with 25 goals respectively. Even after leading the league in goal red lite is still 5th in assists which shows how dominant he is.



    # Player GP P
    1 Alex Letang (LAS) 18 28
    2 Kristof Welch (DCD) 18 26
    3 Robin Galante Nilsson (VAN) 19 23
    4 R (CHI) 18 22
    5 Scotty Kaberle (TOR) 18 21
    6 Reylynn Reinhart (DAV) 18 21
    7 Jeffrey Pines (LAS) 18 20
    8 Chris Hylands (WAR) 18 20
    9 Jiggly Gumballs (DCD) 18 20
    10 Victor Grachev (WAR) 18 20


    Letang looks as if he will finish career off strong with a big start to this season. with 28 point he leads all defense men in scoring. not far behind him is kristof welch with 26 proving DC made the right choice in trading for him.



    # Player GP P
    1 Jerome Reinhart (VAN) 19 24
    2 Jaromir Lemiuex (MOS) 19 18
    3 Tyler Reinhart (VAN) 19 17
    4 Zeljko Ranogajec (MAL) 18 11
    5 Anze Miklavz (RIG) 18 10
    6 Damien Salducci (HSK) 18 9
    7 Nicholas Mariani (PRG) 18 9
    8 Nathan Powers (PRG) 18 9
    9 Declan Wolf (HSK) 18 8
    10 Arvid Johansson (LAS) 18 8


    Jerome Reinhart is showing pretty quickly that he is something else. he leads all rookies by a considerable margin with 24 points in 19 games. not far behind him is his brother or cousin tyler Reinhart with 17 points in 19 games played. big shoutout to mah boi miklavz in 5th leggo.



    # Player GP HIT
    1 Duncan Idaho (MOS) 19 106
    2 Groovy Dood (DCD) 18 101
    3 Addison McLaren (TOR) 18 99
    4 Taro Tsujimoto (DAV) 18 84
    5 Red Lite (NYA) 19 82
    6 Luke Thornton (CGY) 19 81
    7 Grapes (MOS) 19 81
    8 That Dude (LDN) 18 78
    9 Cabe McJake (RIG) 18 77
    10 Jared Carter (RIG) 18 75


    duncan idaho is a beast and my fantasy team thanks you. also i have no idea how i made it on this list



    # Player GP W
    1 Zamboni Driver (RIG) 18 12
    2 Artem Tretiak (MAL) 14 10
    3 Markus Emerson Jr (VAN) 14 9
    4 Doug Dimmadome (LAS) 15 9
    5 Kunibuni UnGuri (DAV) 16 9
    6 Jean Pierre Camus (CHI) 18 9
    7 Thadius Sales (NYA) 19 9
    8 Ajay Krishna (WAR) 18 8
    9 Grekkark Gyrfalcon (PRG) 16 8
    10 Vsevolod Askarov (CGY) 15 8


    Driver is love, Driver is life

    Save %

    # Player GP SV%
    1 Zamboni Driver (RIG) 18 0.935
    2 Kevin Malone (DCD) 14 0.933
    3 Aike van Giersbergen (VAN) 5 0.925
    4 Grekkark Gyrfalcon (PRG) 16 0.924
    5 Michael Olson (DCD) 4 0.921
    6 Rara Rasputin (SEA) 15 0.921
    7 Ajay Krishna (WAR) 18 0.918
    8 Markus Emerson Jr (VAN) 14 0.918
    9 Thadius Sales (NYA) 19 0.918
    10 Trent Gibson (HSK) 18 0.915


    jfc Driver is so good



    # Player GP GAA
    1 Zamboni Driver (RIG) 18 2.09
    2 Jacob Carson (MAL) 4 2.51
    3 Kevin Malone (DCD) 14 2.81
    4 Grekkark Gyrfalcon (PRG) 16 2.92
    5 Vsevolod Askarov (CGY) 15 2.92
    6 Rara Rasputin (SEA) 15 3.0
    7 Jurgis Kalvelis Blazevicius (DAV) 2 3.0
    8 Artem Tretiak (MAL) 14 3.14
    9 Doug Dimmadome (LAS) 15 3.18
    10 ClapbombsRUs (CGY) 4 3.23


    this mans insane





  7. On 7/31/2021 at 9:32 AM, Ledge and Dairy said:



    Week ending 08/01 


    1. It's finally happening! The Reign are first in the league! What are your thoughts?

    2. What has been the key to our success? Is it depth or a locker room factor or what?

    3. We all know that Driver has been an absolute force between the pipes, but is there anyone else who sticks out with their performance?

    4. What is your favourite kind of sugary cereal?

    5. if you follow the NHL, what was the best free agent signing from the past few days?

    6. What is your favourite breed of dog? 

    1. Finnaly, Thank the lord for Driver leggo

    2. The key is zamboni Driver

    3. lose has been bagging in a ton of goals so id say him

    4. cinnamon toast crunch or honey nut cherios but the chocolate version

    5. uhhhh, corey perry??? idk i haven't been following

    6. yorkie or bichon

  8. this is hot af bruv u cant miss. The paint swab font looks really good in green and blends in really well with the background. The fuzzy water effect things and the lighting are also used really well. I also like how you mad the players skin tone grey as it puts more attention to the font and the colors of the graphic. The only thing the isn't perfect about this graphic is that "Malmo Nighthawks" is a little hard to see with the dark font. 9.5/10

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