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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. There are still talks about implementing that already known welfare system to VHL. So this little change in media spot can be a decent alternative (or happy medium, w/e), still writing an article but the requirements are not being so strict.
  2. It's like, yes it should stay only VHL related? Wasn't it possible to cancel your vote if you voted ''no''?
  3. I checked out this article by @BluObieZ and @Beketov's comments about it. He said Robbie can't take these TPE as this wasn't VHL related piece. That's kinda odd, because a lot of members know his King & Mulligan series also aren't VHL related, but nobody had problem with it. Anyway, I hope you already catch my drill. A simple question - should these media spots be only VHL related? I remember we had the similar discussion about it and some members suggested to involve the IRL hockey as well. So that means NHL, KHL, SHL (Swedish Hockey League, ok?) and similar things would have been allowed for the MS. Or we could go even further an allow all sports for an article, idk. Since we're not diversified enough in PT's and TPE opportunities as a whole, it could make a sense to try this. PRO: we don't have to bust our brains to write same old shit week by week; CON: might look kinda weird to see an IRL hockey related article in a virtual sim-league portal; My quote done, thank you for 1 TPE. 1 TPE goes to Krīgars
  4. 196 HC Dynamo 197 Bears 198 Titans 199 Reign
  5. And by special PT's I mean rookie profile and biography. I believe it's @KGR who suggested to get rid of these features and replace them for some random PT's 1-2 times per month. Last time, I was against it - I was interested to keep them WITH these random PT's to have more TPE chances. As always, one pro and one weakness: PRO - 18 TPE for bio+RP isn't a bad number. CON - too boring, nobody reads and reviews them. and total of 1500 words may be too tough and frustrating. So is it worth to keep them? I see league veterans are still doing these things, not sure about rookies though. However, the lack of buzz is frustrating, although I think these special PT's never were popular among members. Heck, even more active SBA doesn't pays much attention to them. So I don't know - I for one was a fan of keeping these features, but at the same time I won't be much sad if the league decides to move on from them. I guess I'm done here. I'm close to 200 words so +1 TPE to a 74 OV player, ok thank you. 1 TPE goes to Krīgars.
  6. fucking trashbag sim this is like what, 5-6th time when we're losing points in that style? fuck off
  7. When Krīgars goes back to VHLM and scores 5 points every game.
  8. This is the first time I've seen this explanation. Which is also true, btw.
  9. 157 Wranglers 158 Reign 159 Titans 160 Bears
  10. It is. Very few people gives a shit about it and the first gen dudes are going inactive cause the league isn't interesting by itself. And by the way, when was the last time the sim happened? On Thursday? Trust me, it is annoying to sit even a day without a sim, let alone more than day hiatus. @Higgins you passed your peak in this league, but you're still hanging on simmer and GM job like it's something very important to you smh. (like we don't know that @boubabi is the real Helsinki GM now)
  11. You're right, I'm the best S57 GM.
  12. 3 = # of cups I won since I joined the VHL (VHLM not included). Good ol' days.
  13. 3 = # of awards Petenis won in S54. Good ol' days.
  14. Let me guess, it's because of Moon having an MVP season so far?
  15. He said Cornerstone is the clear favorite for Scotty Campbell trophy. John Locke still exists.
  16. Is this a joke? 47-15 in shots, only 3-2 OT vs QUE 52-17 in shots, 2-4 vs CAL. This is the third game in a row with a garbage result while outshoting opponents very hard. It's like what, already 5 similar trash ass games which ended in a loss? fuck off
  17. It's weird, but he became more quiet in both SBA and EFL.
  18. I think they had the scale in media section. At least while I was there. I already said we need to implement some extra PT's here and not only me. I agree, min 150 words for 1 TPE is trash. VHL Fantasy zone out now. But anyway, isn't that PT system as much lazy as our welfare thing? Like you said, you can survive without even writing an articles. And I'm not sure how just writing names in AC's and copy+paste in predicitons is much harder than posting a name in the welfare topic. Not even to mention the 50-word PT, that's basically a one sentence lol.
  19. Well, that's more than 25 words. But right now I want to know what's the PT system SHL has to even make a comparing. Like how many words for 1M, how many TPE for a certain amount of M's e.t.c.
  20. I only can explain that with Locke shooting-a-lot and weak second lines by other teams. and STHS, that's a hell of a something that we will never understand
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