I needed something to talk about so I figured I'd just go with this:
Boom: every time I log in
d3vilsfire: You are Harley
Da Trifecta: Trifectas are nearly impossible to get in horser racing
flyersfan: It's difficult carrying you on my back on the first line
frescoelmo: I actually don't think I know much about you besides you being a Bears fan?
FueledByRamen: I don't think I've ever talked to you either. My step brother loves ramen noodles though
Sherifflobo: Pink stars are falling
Svoboda_3: Your nickname is Slobo and Saskatoon is gucci
Diamond_face: For some I never think of you as your username but instead by Jason.
Doomsday: Dallas sucks lol Jerruh Jone
fever95: I remember when you asked me who I was drafting first overall for like a month straight
InstantStarRock: You should have stuck with Blade another season to be with Riga :3
KitRas: Your name makes me think of Kit Kats
Narconis: Your name makes me think of Narnia
Ninetyfourgoalie: I am guessing you were born in 94?
Nuka: Nuke
Riggsy: You decided to become active again after you just won 2 cups with yukon
tfong: Help me with my math homework?
Jamie: I feel like every time I chat with you I upset you without trying to
Frankenstein: I've been waiting for the longest time to use your username to make a pun with the word frankly
Kesler: Fat
1) Congrats on getting married! Any funny/interesting wedding stories?
2) Favorite dessert?
3) Having been in the league so long, what are some ways you keep things fresh and exciting. It's a shame seeing a lot of league veterans leave after they have been here so long.
4) What is your opinion on the physicality setting under strategies?
5) Tell me something I don't know
1) Do you eat mashed potatoes with a spoon, fork, or spork?
2) Have you ever used the words cologne or express in a pun before?
3) Who on Cologne would you consider 2 gud?