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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. Bring back Team Mercenary!
  2. It's pronounced cheky kent. -3 helstinky
  3. I like your profile picture
  4. Actually Jala, Draper, and Devilsfire are all my minions So technically I am taking over the VHLM
  5. that's why i said at least silly
  6. no mike?
  7. rigged
  8. Yukon 2 gud
  9. congrats both of you! #yukon represent
  10. rigged schedule
  11. Grats on your cup New York
  12. Congrats on winning the Gow Founder's Cup Ottawa!
  13. you forgot Yukon 2 gud!
  14. you think its more or less?
  15. Thank you for the work all you head honchos do (Victor, Sterling, Jardy Higgings, etc.) You guys have are running an awesome league that I spend at least an hour a day on probably
  16. Jardy will be back to amp up the comeback settings
  17. Storm see the Light
  18. its all part of the riggery
  19. This was awesome, I never heard of most of these people I am glad you could share the league's early history. Also when did you get banned
  20. I vote for Jalador too. Super active guy and fun to chat with. #yukon represent
  21. storm keeping it close
  22. Oslo keeping things close
  23. robot you need to control your earthlings better
  24. yay I get some rep
  25. I like taking a loof at how the season is
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