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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. Robert Gow III is retiring. I have decided to retire because of how awful of a player he has been. Stats wise, I am having possibly the most awful career possible. I had 2 awful years in the VHLM, this season I was awful, and the other two I was mediocre at best. It's time to start over
  2. We do have the I believe we will win chant
  3. I never thought I'd really get excited as soccer, but those last 15 minutes felt like the third period of game 7 for flyers
  4. Backup? I've never once talked to anyone on Riga to "back me up" in any thread.
  5. I've said some silly trash talk things, and you take them really personally for some reason. I have nothing personally against you and have never personally attacked either you or your player (unlike you who has personally attacked me multiple times). While you call me a child because I am 17, I am not the one acting like a child in this situation.
  6. Riga 2 gud! I like how no goals were scored with all the powerplays in the third period.
  7. Username: birdman Team Name: Going Great Heidt's Why You Should Be Picked: Seems like something that would be really fun and another good learning experience for me as a VHLM GM. Also I have like nothing to do this summer so this could fill up my time Availability from July 4th - 12th - I have work some days but I should mostly be good.
  8. Nykvist 2 gud
  9. sorry, didn't hear you from the golf course
  10. Well I am glad you are back you are a funny guy Just stop being a cowboys fan
  11. If you were without internet access you couldnt go on vhl anyway?
  12. why were you not responding to anyone's messages on the football sim?
  13. stuck in a cage cause I'd get tired of hearing about Seth's client If a wild Kendrick appeared, would you rather: Use headbutt, dealing 30 damage to kill the wild kendrick or Use a pokeball, catching the wild Kendrick
  14. USA going all the way! I believe I believe that I believe that we I believe that we will win I believe that we will win I believe that we will win I believe that we will win I believe that we will win I believe that we will win I believe that we will win I believe that we will win
  15. I scored a goal! But more important Riga won
  16. Lynx have a really gud offense
  17. And the Red Wolves win the series.
  18. Fluent in every language cause music is boring. Would you rather have a pet giraffe or a pet Mike?
  19. seires will go to 7
  20. The better team won
  21. happy birthday
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