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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. Ily kendy
  2. Look how much FORUM activity this post is generating i love it
  3. You have no idea how excited that made me you trickster bring back chat
  4. @Spartan come play with us friend @Ahma give it a try!
  5. when I saw this score I thought our backup was in net
  6. @Higgins used to be a major player on here, but ever since he brought Boubabi back he has been AWOL. What is going on Higgly, now that your life dream of bringing Boubabi has come to fruition your life has no purpose? I don't find it surprising that Higgins disappears around the same time that Will is much less active. At least Will does portal stuff and chimes in on the odd discussion on discord, Higgins never makes his prescience felt to us. This has me thinking I should make my top 5 VHL members ever list because Higgins and Will are definitely two players who would be on it in my book. Speaking of greatest VHL members ever Flyersfan signed up to write my hall of fame article like 3 years ago and it still has yet to be written. I wonder what will come out first- the new game of thrones book or my hall of fame article?
  7. How many stats can you really track in soccer?
  8. 1) Leading the league in save percentage and shutouts has been pretty cool 2) Be able to accommodate 50,000 people to fit all of Malone's adoring fans 4) Think of the Braveheart speech before the big battle - awesome scene 5) Definitely Kevin Malone's world famous chili 6) Why use many word when little word do trick? 7) Winning London's first ever cup and going down in history
  9. @Josh why are we back to posting trivia answers early again I hate you
  10. Does victor ever write an article that doesn't include himself in some way
  11. In Town Of Salem, when someone asks for your will they are asking for a log of your nightly actions. In addition, in your discord thread for your role, you can leave a last will that will say anything you want the morning after you die. If you are a member of town it is vital that you update your will every night, as it lets everyone know what your night action was in case you die. For example, if you are a transporter who transported Gustav with Eaglesfan, but then you die without updating your will no one knows they were transported. This can cause confusion if Eaglesfan were to die, as people would think he was attacked when it was actually Gustav. If you are not a member of town it does not matter what you put in your real will in your discord thread, but be sure to have a fake will of your night actions ready in case you are questioned. Below are town will examples. I usually like to abbreviate mine, so N1 = Night one, and so forth. Note that this is just my shorthand I would use for the will, and if someone asks you for your exact wording in your message from Gustav make sure to copy it from the Wiki. BodyGuard N1 - Guarded Tfong N2 - Guarded Tfong (target was jailed) N3 - Self Vested Crusader N1 - Guarded Gustav N2 - Guarded Gustav N3 - Guarded Gustav, Killed Berocka Doctor N1 - Healed Eaglesfan N2 - Healed Eaglesfan (target was jailed) N3 - Self Healed Escort: N1 - Roleblocked Berocka for being racist N2 - Roleblocked Tfong N3 - Roleblocked Gustav but failed because target was in jail Investigator: N1 - Gustav - Vigilante, Veteran, Mafioso, Pirate, or Ambusher. N2 - Eaglesfan - Medium, Janitor, Retributionist, Necromancer, or Trapper. N3 - Berocka - Failed because target was jailed Jailor: N1 - Berocka - claims sheriff N2 - Eaglesfan - claims veteran N3 - Executed Gustav Lookout: N1 - Eaglesfan - visited by Gustav N2 - Eaglesfan - visited by Gustav and Berocka N3 - Gustav - failed because target was jailed Mayor: You have no night actions, so put whatever you like in your will. Maybe your thoughts on who is or isn't town. Medium - You also have no night actions, but you could log a quick summary of who you talked to every night: N1 - No one daed N2 - Berocka says he is racist and also that he visited OMG N3 - Mike is mafia but he wanted to say FU to the vet who killed him Psychic N1: Doomsday, Berocka, or Mike is evil! N2: Berocka or Eaglesfan is good! N3: Mike, OMG, or Gustav is evil! Retributionist: N1 - No One Dead N2 - Used OMG who was sheriff to look at Gustav (not suspect) N3 - Used eaglesfan who was vigilante to shoot Berocka Sheriff: N1 - Eaglesfan - not suspect N2 - Berocka - suspicious and racist N3 - Omg - failed because target was jailed Spy: N1 - visited Eaglesfan - Mafia visited OMG, Berocka N2 - visited Berocka, Mafia visited Eaglesfan, Gustav N3 - visited Mike, Mafia visited OMG, Beketov Tracker: N1 - Eaglesfan - no visits N2 - Berocka - visited Gustav N3 - Mike - Target was in jail Transporter: N1 - Transported Eaglesfan and Mike N2 - Transported Berocka and Gustav N3 - Transported OMG and Gustav failed because target was in jail Veteran: N1 - No Alert N2 - No Alert N3 - Alert Vigilante: N1 - Did not Shoot N2 - Did not shoot N3 - Shot Berocka for being racist *Berocka is not actually racist and is a nice guy
  12. While that could work with an experienced player, I think that tactic would be too confusing for a new player to pull off. Thanks for the idea though I will keep that in mind for myself
  13. So you have been assigned a role that is not town - either mafia, neutral, or coven. You may be a new player who wants to blend in with town, but has no idea what is going on. My best advice is not to just stay silent and hope you won't be noticed, because someone tries this every game and winds up being hung around day 3 or 4. Below is my simplistic solution to helping you blend in as town. As you become more familiar with the game there are a lot of different routes you can take, but if you have no idea where to start this will help. Step One: Look up the investigator results for your role (make sure to look at the Coven Expansion DLC mode as that is the one we usually use). You will want to pretend to be a town role that is listed among your possible roles if an investigator looks at you. For example, if you are a mafioso and the investigator looks at you night one, he will see that you could be any of the following roles - Vigilante, Veteran, Mafioso, Pirate, or Ambusher. You will want to pick one of the town roles to blend in as (in this case vigilante or veteran). This way if you are later questioned and claim to be something else (say a medium), the investigator can call you out and say his results don't match. Step Two: Create a fake will for the role you picked, with the easiest way to do it being creating your fake night action the morning after the night period. Try to follow the game thread to make sure your fake night actions cannot easily be shown false. For example, if you are crafting a fake will as a veteran, you want to try and make the nights you "alerted" make sense with the flow of the game. If you roleblocked on night one and jailed on night two, you should not pretend you alerted either of those nights, as that would easily call you out as a liar. Step Three: Be adaptable. If you follow steps one and two it helps you avoid suspicious for at least the first few nights. However, let's revisit the scenario where you are mafioso. Let's pretend you have yet to claim a role, and someone announces they were the veteran who killed someone who visited them last night (how rude!). While you might have originally been planning to blend in as a veteran, you will probably not be successful doing that as veteran is a unique role that only one person can be. If you hadn't claimed a role up to this point, you could switch your claim to a vigilante as that is on your investigative results list, or be bold and pick a different role hoping the investigator doesn't look at you. Step Four: If after a few days it appears there is no investigator, or the investigator died early on day one, you can freely pretend to be any role without fear of being called out by the investigator. Just make sure to have a good defense for why you were quiet if you had yet to reveal up to this point. Hope this helps our new members blend in better as evils! Remember when in doubt, blend in as a town role on your investigative results and make a fake will!
  14. The part where Wingate made the Hall of Fame and you didn't
  15. As the Wranglers S44 GM this was a really fun read for me. Awesome read, one thing you wouldn't have known unless you were there though was there was a pretty good rivalry between Calgary and Quebec in S44, as Quebec (mainly Kesler and DT) pretty much always initiated trash talk and ate their own words when they lost to Calgary Check out the awesome game thread after CGY won
  16. Tfong and Discord Ruined Forums Forum locker rooms are unfortunately going the way of the horse and buggy, with Moscow and Riga holding out as the last hope for our once great tradition. This article will be creating my dream team of members who have historically had a great player at their position (forward, defense, or goalie), but would also make up the most fun and active VHL forum locker room. Forward 1 - Victor While Victor has made outstanding players at every position in his career, in my 30 second opinion his best performers have been at forward. Considering he is the man who created the Glorious Union of Moscow and Riga, he 100% needs to be included on this list. When me and Flyersfan were in Moscow we revived forum locker rooms for a few seasons, and overcame the devil that is discord. Forward 2 - Boom When Boom was active he was one of the most awesome members to have in your VHL locker room. He was consistently posting in there every day, you just always had to make sure you were in a NSFW location before looking. Outside of his appreciation for watermelons, Boom also has a great sense of humor and was a really fun locker room presence. Forward 3 - Phil @Philis probably the nicest guy on the VHL, which says a lot because we have lots of nice people? But where has he been lately, I feel like I never see him on here? I didn't often get the pleasure of playing on his team, and instead messaged him on chat frequently saying, "Phil Nye the Science Guy." Defense 1 - Flyersfan While Flyersfan was never the most active locker room talker, he is my brother so I had to include him or he would be mad. Also, he is a big supporter of the boomer anti discord yes locker room revolution, so he is definitely a worthy addition to this list. Now hurry up and write my hall of fame article. Also I made him a defensemen because Smitty obviously is the best defender of all time. Defense 2 - Munk Munk never really made great position players as far as I can remember, but he was definitely the funniest VHL member when he was active. He seemed very hit or miss with his humor with some people loving it and other having no idea what made him so funny. @Munk is the best and I miss him. Goalie - CowboyinAmerica This goes back to my Hans Wingate days and man what great times they were. Cowboy was part of an extremely active Calgary Wranglers locker room in addition to being an outstanding goalie, and my times with Wingate were probably the peak of my VHL activity. Dishonorable Mentions: Dil pretty much never posts on forums and is only on discord. I don't think I was ever even invited to a Halifax forum locker room, if it even exists. I am also adding Tfong to this list because he seems like he rarely posts on forums, yet he is always on discord moderating people for the silliest little things. Same thing with Beaviss. Honorable Mention: @GrittyIsKing09 seems like an outstanding VHL forum locker room supporter in my short time with him, he just wasn't included because he only has a short history of supporting said locker rooms instead of years like these other gentlemen. Still love him and Gritty though.
  17. The Thunderdome used to be the place where there was no rules, and people could go at each other like a good pack of 14 year olds on 4chan. Unfortunately this is no longer the case as today's generation is too much about having their safe space. What if we make the Thunderdome into it's own version of a safe space, but only for degens such as @gorlab? Currently the Thunderdome is considered an extension of the forums, which it isn't supposed to be. Anything is supposed to go in the Thunderdome but that is not the case. And the only thing the VHL discord Thunderdome is good for is people spamming weird pokemon things, people telling mods to unmute them, and people occasionally getting into a pissing match with each other. As is tradition, I will use the remaining words of this article to talk about how great of a member Victor is. He makes some of the greatest VHL players ever and is the #1 preserver of our glorious history.
  18. 1) @Dil has a habit of speaking.sentences.like.this. 2) On the very rare occasion that Malone loses a game he makes some of his world famous chili to cheer himself up 3) Philadelphia because then the party could be located in Philly, the best city on Earth 4) I would want Malone to play forward so he can learn what's it's like to score instead of be scored upon 5) Absolutely no toppings, toppings on pizza masks the taste of a good pizza 6) I couldn't tell you a single equipment company name so idk
  19. I would agree with this nice article. Also Tebowgow was a center and he was indeed my GM player
  21. Maybe I am saying this wrong because so many people seem to not understand the idea: Teams keep NOTHING from one season to the next. All of their players who remain in the VHLM get redrafted
  22. @Mr_Hatter there would be no trading of future draft picks. Teams carry nothing over from one year to the next. So there is 0 incentive to tank. Only trades would be teams trading up or down in the draft with the current years picks, or player for player trades during the regular season
  23. 1) Snake draft negates that point. Teams with 1st pick doesn’t pick until pick 24 then. Team with the 12th pick also picks 13. So i dont think i would even want 1st overall as a gm. 2) Maybe im just a boomer but i hit view new content every day and just check game threads that way. Maybe if we had a system where teams or people could opt in and the portal notifies them when there is a sim
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