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Posts posted by Edgar

  1. Hey look at that, I finally got in, hehe.. Hey everyone! :P

    Welcome to the Bratislava Watchmen locker room.  We will begin with a 30 tour of the facilities.  This portion will be led by Ahma.  Following the tour, we snacks and hotcakes set up in the lobby, and this will be your chance to network with senior management.


    Once again, welcome and please enjoy your stay!

  2. As my goodbye, I just want to say that it was fun being on a team with all of you, and the watchmen is a creepy concept. I mean, if we were talking about spies, sure, that is a business and they are getting paid for their work. I have heard no indication that watchmen are paid. It just sounds like a classier name for stalker. Now, there is a difference. Stalkers tend to have an emotional attachment to a person they are watching. My understanding is that watchmen do not, but rather just watch people because they enjoy doing so. I guess what I'm trying to say is, if you are going to watch people, don't do it hiding behind a bush, and make sure you are wearing pants at all times.

    I feel like this post is an adequate goodbye. I will see you all around (unless I'm not kicked out of the locker room, in which case, I am never leaving)


  3. Imo, huge deal for us. Sixers is looking to deal them and wants em to come to a good team. All depends on the goalie we're dealing. Hopefully he helps out Davidson and Valmount and gives Sixers the green light. He's not fucking over me as much as his current teammates.  :)  I can just bench him if he fucks me, haha. I have 2 goalies.  :ph34r:

    You know that none of your player have a NTC, right?


    Fuck respect, trade everyone as you please!

  4. Shouldn't we give Lenny Face some ice time??

    Well, my player is 0TPE right now because Kendrick didn't trust my update thread (I don't entirely blame him).  Ill update next week, but right now, the other goalie is the better option

  5. for next week




    You underestimated the power of Lenny Face.  The adequately skilled goaltender was drafted with the very last pick of the Season 44 VHLM draft, an indicated that GMs believed he would not develop into a legitimate prospect for their respective teams.  While this is probably true, the potential upside, however small it is, should have resulted in a late 2nd to mid 3rd round pick.

    Now the real issue arises, the legitimacy of the draft selection.  Lenny Face was indicated as the last pick, however the general manager of the Bratislava Watchmen did not step up on the stage to make his announcement.  Furthermore, he did not have a representative for the team draft Lenny Face, nor did the commissioner make an announcement.  In its current state, Lenny Face is rightfully an undrafted goaltender.


    Now, the issue arises, who will Lenny Face sign with as an undrafted goaltender with (TO BE DETERMINED) TPE?  There are many, many options.  Actually, there are only eight.  Well… the Saskatoon Wild already have Ariel Weinstein, so they probably aren’t too interested in Face, so there are only seven teams.  The Oslo Storm also have a pretty good goaltender, and a pretty decent back-up, so they probably don’t want another one.  Down to six.  I guess if I’m refusing to acknowledge Bratislava’s claim as legitimate, they aren’t a real option.  Five possible teams.  But… this media spot is more about the process of the draft and the abuse of power by the commissioners, not about Bratislava not wanting me, so I suppose they could still be considered an option.


    So let’s do a ranking of the possible teams, because that seems to be what people do in these situations:


    First(A) – Brampton Blades

    The Brampton Blades are a very legitimate choice for Lenny Face.  Why you ask?  There acronym is BB, which is pretty close to ‘Bae’.  That is as legitimate of a reason as someone could have, and might be enough to make Lenny Face sign, because surely an awesome sig would follow.


    First( B) – Ottawa Lynx

    The lynx is the sexist sounding animal in the animal kingdom (and for the record, CLAMS! is the second most erotic sounding).  For anyone who saw Lenny Face’s name prior to Victor being an asshole and ruining my fun, you may know that Lenny Face is all about that sex appeal.


    First© – Yukon Rush

    Gold.  It is in their name (or at least it should be) and Lenny Face wants to become rich.  While he may have to show up to practice and games, surely he can spend the rest of his time digging for gold.  If that doesn’t work, well… I’ll be upset.  Also, Sarah Palin.


    First(D) – Bern Royals

    There colour scheme is purple and gold.  There is a very famous gang in L.A. that I am quite envious of and want to join one day.  Ideally, this team will provide me with many opportunities to get free jerseys that I can wear, and avoid purchasing the expensive L.A. Lakers jerseys.  A brilliant plan, no?


    First(E) – Bratislava Watchmen

    They drafted me.


    Sixth – Moscow Red Wolves

    Just as I don’t acknowledge the legitimacy of the last draft pick in the Season 44 VHLM draft, I also don’t recognize the legitimacy of the Moscow Red Wolves.  They will forever be the Vasteras IK J20, the greatest team to ever grace the VHLM.  Until the move back, this team will not be an option.


    Also, fuck Putin!

  6. So, it is no secret that my activity has been tapering off lately.  As much as I enjoyed being a GM, it is not fair for me to subject the Legion players to an inactive GM, and as such, I'll be stepping down.


    With that said, I'd like to welcome Jaladolar as the new GM of the Toronto Legion.


    He obviously has a little bit of work ahead of him, but I have faith that he will be able to take this team to a cup in the near future.  Jaladolar will take ownership of the team immediately at the end of the post.


    As my last action as the GM, I would like to announce that we are hanging Remy LeBeau's jersey in the rafters.  It seemed important to him, so... there ya go.  Thanks for leading us to that cup against Davos.


    Anyway, yay Jala

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