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About LuluSalesAway

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    The Loch Ness Monster
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  1. Accept, lover boy
  2. Claimed and claimed. THE day I deliver our child, I’m still over here collecting all that TPE
  3. PRESS CONFERENCE For week ending 17 Oct 2021 1. We have been a little hot stretch recently, what do you think the main reason is that we have been able to start winning more games? I think everyone is working hard to get that TPE and management is working hard to make good lines. 2. Does your player have any pregame rituals? If so, what are they? Nessie loves to eat her sushi and listen to bag pipe metal. 3. Is your VHL character inspired by any NHL players’ playstyle? If so, who? Nope. She is one of a kind. 4. What VHLE team do you think have the best and worst logo? The Vikings are clearly the best, and I’m not sure I have a team I think is the worst logo. 5. Do you feel like there is a teammate you have developed some line chemistry with this season? No one player is particular. 6. If you did Halloween when you were younger, what was your favourite costume? If you didn’t do Halloween, what is your favourite candy? I was obsessed with Mulan. I think I was her for two or three years.
  4. Great first graphic! I like how you used the logo and the player. I do think that with the logo blurred and then the effect you put on the player is just a lot going on. Just choose one effect or make the logo transparent instead of blurred if you want it to blend in more. Oh and great touch adding logo to the jersey. 7/10.
  5. 1. How does it feel to be playing for Stockholm for this inaugural VHLE season? Getting to be a Viking… I’m really feeling the effects of masculinity right now! I wanna go to war. 2. What are you looking forward to this season? Getting to know some new teammates and continuing to work with old teammates like @Eldredman 3. How do you think your player will adjust to their move to Stockholm? I think Nessie will become a bigger better beast. 4. What are your expectations for this season? I expect to win. New league needs new champions and those champions will be the Vikings. 5. Is there anything you want me to know? I have the hots for you. 6. If you could have picked your own team, where would you have wanted to go in the VHLE? Right here baby!
  6. San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week ending 30 May 2021 1. How are you feeling about your current 9-4 record? Not a bad start! The season could go any which way, but we have a hard working team. 2. Do you think San Diego will get a shot at the Cup this season? I think it’s VERY possible. 3. Would you be interested in joining our teams Podcast, Inside the Fish Tank? Yes! As long as I don’t have to interact with Elderman. 4. Do you have a favorite hockey team? PENS. If I said anything else my husband would divorce me. 5. What are you looking forward to the most this season? Looking forward to another season of team bonding and hype. 6. Are you happy with how your player is doing so far? Yes? But I would like to start earning max amount of TPE again to help my player do even better.
  7. AMAZING and hilarious article lady! So excited to have you on the team
  8. You’re one to talk
  9. Whoa! A graphic of ME?? I feel so honored and it looks SO good
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