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Head of PT
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Everything posted by v.2

  1. 1. A month ago. Need to get one again but been so busy. Gonna get a fresh cut before I go to Halifax in sept. 2. Probably Pokemon Blue on Gameboy or Yoshi's Story for N64 3. Yeah he tucks into his shell and rolls down at max speed. The hare stumbles and trips up in its own feet. 4. Saturn, it's the reigning planet of Capricorn which is my astrological sign. 5. Idk my unique talent is kinda my job so I guess I don't really have to show them it. 6. WC baby! Go Team World.
  2. abolish the E
  3. broken image
  4. v.2

    Jaromir Jagr

    Sova - OV
  5. You fucking jinxed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. rigged?
  7. It's giving psychosis at this point.
  8. don’t tell z
  9. Better idea: get rid of the E
  10. z joker arc real af Also, I have zero friends.
  11. Is this a @jRuutu hit piece?
  12. Also I approved a bunch of shit while loaded last night but I sorted by type and didn’t get to pressers. Sorry for bringing minor inconvenience into your life mr ruutu pls don’t h8 me
  13. I’ve been on a bender.
  14. Interesting
  15. #AbolishTheE Problem fucking solved.
  16. Super sad story, glad they were able to make the most of his short life. RIP Ben!
  17. go teams!
  18. Max earners who commit to 8 seasons with an NTC.
  19. In the future try to post the direct link of the image so it embeds into the forum!
  21. Highest score overall. Come at me
  22. Not a bad first attempt at all! Keep at it and you will definitely improve.
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