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Everything posted by v.2

  1. Nice change greens. Should keep the M fun and fresh.
  2. Always enjoy your forward thinking Berocka. I agree with changing reviews for sure, they need to be more structured and less "easy" to word vomit. Having a criteria to follow or something similar to how grading used to work to make reviews more structured would be best. For example, I'm writing this post as a review right now and I'm literally just spewing - however make me give 3 likes and 3 improvements for this piece and I'm gonna be forced to comb it over again. Keep up the suggestion pieces! I'm sure one day Bek will eventually side with you on something. Overall 9/10
  3. Amazing stock work, lighting and blending. The text seems to be slightly over sharpened though I do like the jersey texture being included inside of it. I would have liked to see a VHL team logo or team name included to give the viewer a better idea of who the player is, but also it led me to go actually check what team Kendricks player is on so perhaps intentionally abstract? Either way, another consistently great sig from you. Overall 8/10
  4. 1. Pretty good I think the team left off where they started and are showing why they are won it all last season. 2. Hawaiian or deluxe, either way there will be pineapple on it and the haters will remain in shambles. 3. The off-season is more stressful in my opinion, but also the best time to just focus on relaxing and eating healthy. 4. Chicken parm sandwiches or some greek food. 5. UP ALL NIGHT BY YEAT 6. Interested to see how the Sens and Flames will do, both added some nice pieces this off season.
  5. What iffff.... We were harsher towards inactives and kept them off rosters to avoid the bloating.
  6. The E was simply a kneejerk post COVID bandaid due to a member influx. I think we are passed this and agree has already overstayed its welcome. 3 leagues has proven to be discouraging and bad for retention, plus max earners/vet members all strive to skip it and reach the VHL as fast as possible. The VHL cap needs to be fixed, the E has to go, and the M TPE range re-adjusted. Unfortunately however the BoG and commish team won’t change anything soon at the fear of proving they made a mistake with the E implementation.
  7. 2. I think I did pretty well, hoping my final pick Brandt Fuhr was a steal, or Elantz Jokinen. Both poised for large seasons imo. 3. NOT HELSINKI despite what the standings tell us. It now looks like we miiiight have a bot issue (new meta?). I really like what Vancouver did, the early trades made it an enticing FA destination and got them back to having a nice competition roster pretty fast. 5. Name would just be "Sova", steel/ice type, ice beam for move.
  8. 1. Off season was solid, saw the Dragons retool a bit after losing big name guys in Peepants, Mourning and Idaho. I am exciting to see how the team performs during my players final season. Hope we can get it done! 3. My first pick was Hard Markinson. The perfect mix of points and hits and he has been a consistently safe pick each season. 5. Probably deluxe, or Hawaiian. Donair pizza also slaps.
  9. Malmo, Sweden - After recently being announced as captain of the team heading into the VHL's 85th season, Malmo's Igor Molotov @Dom is leading his young squad by example on the ice and reaffirming managements decision to give him the C. Currently, just 10 games into the season Molotov sits atop the VHL stat boards in both points and goals. He has an impressive 18 points, with 12 of those being goals. After a solid rookie season where he notched just over a point per game, Molotov took a slight step back last season seemingly hitting a sophomore slump as we often see happen in the VHL. This year is different however, as we now see a refocused and determined player coming in to lead a young team, with a new GM in @KaleebtheMighty, looking to make the next step and get Malmo back to the top of the standings where the franchise and fans have seen them many times before. The Nighthawks currently sit tied for 2nd in the European division, which is good for 3rd overall in the league. Is this the year the Molotov led Malmo Nighthawks return to form?
  10. @aimkinfeel free to pick whenever as you are the only one that still needs a forward.
  11. @FrostBeardskipped, you can make your pick whenever. @Beketovyou’re up.
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