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Posts posted by pippo

  1. Born in 1996, Pippo Coca lived in a seedy neighborhood of Rome. His father was a mechanic and he conveied his passion to his son. When Pippo became a teenager he became friend with other teenagers who loved to do illegal races so he started to race with them. When he was eightteen he was arrested during a race.

    At the police station he met the son of a police officer who played hockey. A few years later, when he was freed he tried to play hockey and he discovered he loved the sport and he was a good player, too.

    In 2018 his trainer told him to try to go in a more important championship, the VHLM, so one day, if you are good, you can maybe join also the VHL.

    Pippo said "how should I do it?" and the trainer said "don't worry, just keep playing like now and offers will arrive."

    So it happened and from all the offers he choosed to play for Yukon Rush. In that season he scored nine goals and he made five assists in twenty eight games, proving what the trainer said. 

    The next season he was drafted by San Diego Marlins, for the VHLM, and also by Riga reign for the VHL. 

    In that season he scored nineteen goals and twenty nine assists making fourty eight points, he also made the playoffs and he made four points, a goal and three assists. Unfortunately he didn't won the VHLM championship.

    Now in this season, the season seventy nine, he still plays for the San Diego Marlins and he made seventy eight points, this season he's way better, scoring twenty four goals and fifty four assists. Also in this season he made the playoffs and he made one assists in two games, because as I'm writing this San Diego is still in the playoffs so there is hope to see them winning the cup. 

    I really hope that my player, Pippo Coca, will continue to play as he's doing right now in the VHLM also in the new league, the VHLE also in the VHL. 

    He really also hopes that you readers can enjoy my first ever story and post, if I've made some grammatical errors I'm sorry but english is not my native language. If you have any advise to give me, write in a comment, I'll read it and try to keep better.


    Words: 408, if I'm not wrong.

  2. On 5/24/2021 at 10:08 PM, Eldredman said:

    :sdm:San Diego Marlins Press Conference:sdm:

    Week ending 30 May 2021


    1. How are you feeling about your current 9-4 record?

    2. Do you think San Diego will get a shot at the Cup this season?

    3. Would you be interested in joining our teams Podcast, Inside the Fish Tank?

    4. Do you have a favorite hockey team? 

    5. What are you looking forward to the most this season?

    6. Are you happy with how your player is doing so far?

    1-I feel great for the team

    2-Yes, we are the best, we can do it

    3-no, thank you

    4-Yukon rush, it's a joke, don't worry

    5-The wins

    6-Yes, I'm happy for my player


    On 5/17/2021 at 2:03 PM, thadthrasher said:

    :sdm:San Diego Marlins Press Conference:sdm:

    Week ending 23 May 2021


    1. What are your thoughts on the latest draft?

    2. How do you think San Diego will do this season?

    3. What are you the most excited about?

    4. Is there anything you would like to see in the locker room this season?

    5. What does your player need to work on the most?

    6. Does your player have any beef with anyone else in the league?

    1-I think it's interesting

    2-I hope we will win the championship 

    3-For wins

    4-No, nothing in details

    5-A good trainig in defense


  4. 39 minutes ago, jRuutu said:



    Erlantz Jokinen is coming to VHLM! Or that is the plan right now. Playing in Finland could have been a decent option and we kept that door open as long as possible, but at the end of the day, moving to North America is the smartest thing to do. Especially as I'm hoping to get drafted in the VHL draft after the upcoming season. The scouts don't have to travel as much, and with these weird Covid times, who knows how many scouts would even travel to Finland to watch me play? I have a great agent, and we talked this through. I'm happy that this journey is finally starting.


    I don't know how long it will take before you see me play in a VHLM game, but I'm optimistic that some team out there needs an offensive defenseman. I'm not going to pretend that I'm a finished product, but I think I have clear strengths that could benefit some teams. At the same time, I have weaknesses that I'm hoping to work on during my time in VHLM. In the ideal world, I will find a team and place that is a solid fit for all parties. I get to play a lot and improve as a player. As I hopefully play well, the team that took me in is that much closer to winning games and maybe even the championship!




    The name Jokinen carries some weight in VHL. Many defenders named Jokinen have made this exact same journey. They came over from Finland and made it all the way to VHL. That is what I want to do. Am I related to any of those players? Do I know them? Yes and no, no and yes. Those are both answers that could be used, but I don't know. I'm just a player, who is here to play.


    When I think about the VHL draft. The draft is both scary and exciting. Scary, because a lot is on the draft. Do I get drafted? If I do, to what team? Those are both huge questions and points that can dramatically affect my career. If I don't get drafted, I might have to go back to Finland. If I get drafted by a team that doesn't have space for me, I might not get to play in VHL anytime soon.


    However, the draft is also exciting. The idea of getting drafted and getting into a VHL team gives me the energy and fuel to keep going. When I have a bad day or things are not going as well as they could, all I have to do is think about the price at the end of the hard work.


    Anyways, hopefully, I get signed to a solid VHLM team where I get to play a lot. That is the only way I can show my skills to any scouts watching. Playing a lot is also the only way you can truly improve as a player. Practice and real games are almost like night and day. I'm going to carefully analyze every and any offer that is presented to me in order to minimize any ''what if's'' in the future.


    Nice job mate. I like what you did. Good luck with your carreer.

    In the end this will get a solid 8\10.

  5. 9 hours ago, Juice said:



    :yuk:Yukon Rush Press Conference :yuk:

    (for week ending in 5/16)


    1. With the off-season starting, we had to drop all the pending free agents as well as everyone we picked up off of waivers during the season. Where do you think our biggest weakness is currently that we should address?


    2. I'd love to make a tradition after every win. What is the ceremonial object to give out to the player of the game in the locker room?


    3. Are you entering the VHL Fantasy League that recently started having the openings for S78?


    4. Would you rather stick with a team your entire career with the chance you might not win a cup, or go to a contender in free agency?


    5. What's your favourite classic videogame?


    6. Controversial Opinion of the Week: I prefer to go to the movie theaters alone compared to with someone else or in a group. Agree or disagree?




    4-the second one



  6. 10 hours ago, Juice said:



    :yuk:Yukon Rush Press Conference :yuk:

    (for week ending in 5/2)


    1. The off-season has finally begun, and with that we won't have much action for awhile. With the season ending, how did you find it went? Did your player live up to your expectations?


    2. Thankfully, even though it means our season is over, the off-season does bring a few fun things including separate tournaments like the Worlds tournament and the World Juniors. Are you looking forward to these/interested in these?


    3. With next season being our true test of our capabilities and with a core finally built with some big names like @Émile Clouet, @JB123, and @hockeyis66 to name a few, I would love to bring back the captaincy and alternate captaincy. Would you rather have a team vote, or would you rather another way for it to be done (i.e. Management Pick, Random Wheel, etc.)?


    4. If you could give a 'Rush MVP' award to a single player on our team this season, who would it be and why?


    5. Mexico recently re-branded themselves with a new logo, and it had me thinking, are you a fan of the Yukon Rush logo? If not, what would you have it changed to look like?


    6. Controversial Opinion: White chocolate is the best type of chocolate. Do you agree or disagree?

    1-yes, obviusly, he's the best

    2-yes, I am

    3-Team vote


    5-I like this logo

    6-No, white chocolate is bad 

  7. On 4/14/2021 at 12:34 AM, Juice said:



    :yuk:Yukon Rush Press Conference :yuk:

    (for week ending in 4/18)


    1. The team is finally starting to fully fill up, as we now have several more defenseman, 3 full forward lines, and 2 goalies. However, we are getting closer to the end of the season. Do you think we still have it in the tank to make a final playoff push?


    2. The draft is slowly approaching us. (For the undrafted players) Are you excited for the draft? Have any teams approached you with interviews as of yet? (For the drafted players) How prepped are you to eventually make it to the VHL?


    3. The seasonal theme week has come out! Do you have any plans on participating for that sweet, sweet extra TPE?


    4. What is your go-to ice cream flavour?


    5. What is your hometown most known for?


    6. The NHL Trade Deadline just passed the other day, did your favourite team make any trades before it ended? And if so, how did you feel they made out?

    1-Yes, we can do it. JUST DO IT

    2-I'm still waiting for some interviews

    3-No, I don't like writing


    5-For the castle.

    6-yes, they did it.

  8. On 5/4/2021 at 19:25, Juice said:



    :che schiffo:Conferenza stampa di Yukon Rush :che schiffo:

    (per la settimana che termina il 4/11)


    1. Attualmente siamo al quinto posto della Western Conference, dietro di San Diego (con il loro terribile manager @thadthrasheral timone) per il 4 ° posto e un posto di playoff. Sembra che il problema principale sia tenere il disco fuori dalla rete rispetto a metterlo in rete. Preferiresti mantenere l'approccio offensivo o provare a passare a una tattica più orientata alla difesa?


    2. Abbiamo recentemente dichiarato guerra ai San Diego Marlins per i loro sinistri atti di ... esistere. Al momento siamo 0 a 1 nella nostra serie stagionale contro di loro su 7. Come stai contribuendo allo sforzo bellico e quali parole hai per i Mar-lames?


    3. Altri lavori di Assistente GM stanno lentamente iniziando ad aprirsi, vedi di voler essere un AGM (o anche un GM) nel VHL?


    4. Com'è stato il tuo weekend di Pasqua (se lo hai celebrato)?


    5. Qual è il tuo dolce preferito?


    6. Hai una canzone preferita per il tuo giocatore quando taglia un gol? Se è così, sentiti libero di condividere!

    1-the second one

    2-I don't know, I'm new


    4-it was nice

    5-sacher cake

    6-no, I don't.

  9. 15 hours ago, fromtheinside said:


    Hey @pippo


    A very warm welcome to the league! My name is fromtheinside and I am the Assistant General Manager for the Yukon Rush, and we are highly interested in having you added to be apart of the team!


    We here at the Rush pride ourselves on developing our players to the best they can be, so whatever help you need both myself and the General Manager will take as much time as you need to help show you the ropes and to help make your player a star!


    We can offer you 4th Line Minutes to start out with, but depending on your activity and development we can guarantee you moving up the lineup!


    If you like the sound of joining us, quote this with a comment saying "#feeltherush" :)


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