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Status Replies posted by Lemorse7

  1. Seems like the GMs are much less hyped about the drafts than the prospects are :sadpanda:

  2. What should I write my .com article on?

  3. I'm back peoples! Felt like my time away would never end. 

  4. each week something I post stirs up a conversation this week it was the end of the Lachlan Summers drama that's got 15 replies lol!

    1. Lemorse7


      best trio right here ^^^^ with the mcdo trio both are close 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. Looks like I'll be heading to the E with 300 TPE!

  6. @Frozen Block III Z Zack 16Z 16 why are you frozen 


  7. I wonder who's gonna reply to this


  8. Has anybody heard from @Dil? He hasn't made a trade in ~24 hours, so I'm starting to worry a bit.

  9. Does the VHLM training camp not exist, or open at a different time than the VHL one?

    1. Lemorse7


      the training camp is only when your player is draft in the VHL

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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