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Mr. C.C.

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Everything posted by Mr. C.C.

  1. Adding things like Twitter, Instagram, and other social media for instance as options as it's more relevant in the day-in-age.
  2. The NHL doesn't have arbitrary contact where they say you have to be locked into certain deal. They have what is called guaranteed contracts. For the most part NHL contracts are guaranteed and the player will get the amount of money they sign for. They cannot simply be cut from a team and lose the contract they signed. However, a player can lose a portion of the contract through a buyout, escrow, or, in extreme circumstances, contract termination.
  3. Why would I sign just because it's playoffs? That's stupid. I would sign during the season or off season. Holding out for the right deal is what people do all the time. Plus, I don't want no three year deal just because the league says so. I want a deal that's good for the franchise and myself. He used dispersal draft wrong and didn't bother correcting himself. He said being signed off waivers is pointless. He should really think about how he says think. That would great.
  4. People don't like push back and being challenged on things.  They fall in line and just accept things the way they are.  To them, change is bad when in actuality it's not.  The way certain things are done here should be done differently.  Oh, but that would mean change and people don't like that.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dil
    3. FrostBeard


      We embrace change in VHL. We have made countless changes, from organizational to conduct related issues, from becoming more user friendly and easier for new members to making VHL a huge and open community. Back in 2019, when I joined, this league seemed to be a straight forward thing, now we have numerous opportunities, new leagues, teams, community initiatives. Changes to our rulebook that drastically changed the way our VHLM and VHL relationship works. Now with a completely new league (VHLE) joining the 2, we are striving to make this experience as fun and exiting to everyone as we possibly can. We are also a community from all around the globe that unites people who want to experience hockey simulation at it's finest. 

      That said, we are not NHL, we are not striving to be NHL. We are VHL. We have our own identity and ways how we have organized and perfected our way of running things. We are always interested in hearing your opinion and your ideas but we also want you to give us a chance and then judge, not the other way around. :)


    4. Banackock


      Let me guess, you don’t wear a mask to protect others and you did not get the vaccine because freedoms? 

  5. AIM hasn't been a thing for years. Why is that in the contact section of one's profile? That should be removed.
  6. Just because that's the way the league "works" doesn't mean it's good. Things can and should change, but you're clearly opposed to that. You don't have to fall in line and except things as they are. Don't be scared of push back. If nobody pushed back, things throughout history wouldn't have changed for the better. Not having to be stuck in a three year contract is a good thing. Being in a dispersal draft is pointless when teams haven't folded or merged with another. Not playing a game till the next season is generally how hockey works when picked up in the off season. In fact, that's how it works in the NBA, NFL, MLB, NLL (National Lacrosse League), WNBA, etc.. when picked up in the off season. All this wasn't clearly thought through.
  7. The business of sports also applies to major junior and minor pro leagues. They can negotiate how they see fit. Not sure why that's hard to understand.
  8. Naturally, you want your favourite team to win the Stanley Cup. The Toronto Maple Leafs are my team. But with how good the Tampa Bay Lightning are, they could threepeat and be a dynasty. It's my actual name. The first name are my initials.
  9. You keep making it sound worse. You don't know how signings work? You don't sign to a certain contract because the league wants you to. That's not up to the league. It's up to the franchise and the player to negotiate a deal for four seasons, eight seasons, or whatever. If you are drafted to a team and things are not working out, it's pointless to be in a contract and not be able to be traded because of this stupid rule. It's basic business of sports.
  10. Signing people off waivers is not pointless. It's done all the time in hockey. People are claimed off waivers and given whatever contract is agreed to on both sides. Only playing for a team for one season is pointless. When you get drafted to a team, you don't get drafted over and over unless it's an expansion draft, or in the case of a dispersal draft, when a team ceases to exist or merges with another. Clearly Yukon Rush still exist. That effectively renders a dispersal draft pointless. What should be had is an entry draft. People play in leagues without being drafted as well. This needs to be rethought.
  11. Um, do they not know how hockey works? Being eliminated from the playoffs has no bearing on being able to make transactions. That is a stupid rule to have. Signing players and working on your roster is what you do to make what you think is the best possible team. I don't want to wait a season to be signed.
  12. That's a little overdramatic...
  13. You'll have to send me an invite.
  14. The Canadiens fans are shitting on Kotkaniemi for $6.1 million for a one-year deal and saying he isn't worth it. Others say the Canadiens screwed up by drafting Kotkaniemi not Brady Tkachuk. I can see what they are saying. Should the Canadiens let Kotkaniemi walk and offer sheet Tkachuk? Seems like the best option. If you look at articles, most if not all are in agreance that passing on Tkachuk in the draft was a stupid thing to do. Jack Eichel needs to be dealt. He needs to go somewhere where he won't be treated like absolute shit. The Sabres screw up big time. One tweet talking about things we've learn this off-season is "noplayer should willingly go to Buffalo after how they've treated Eichel." They've been screwing around and need to stop this bullshit. Eichel needs to be dealt and dealt now. This off-season has been nuts with all these big money deals and talk of who should go where.
  15. It's not so much that I screw up. It's just staying focused to finish a piece.
  16. Make graphics? Good one. I'm a total shit at that. I can write. But I need to stay focused on finishing what I write. That's a problem. Haha.
  17. Toppings: Meat, meat, and more meat - Bacon, salami, pepperoni, ham, sausage, ground beef, prosciutto, steak, and others. I have thought that if I ever owned a wrestling themed restaurant, I would have a pizza called the Big Show. It would consist of ten meats such as Bacon, salami, pepperoni, ham, sausage, ground beef, steak, farmer's sausage. Cheese, cheese, and more cheese - Mozzarella, goat cheese, Parmesan, and others. Fellow Canadians might think this is sacrilegious, but pineapple does not belong on pizza. Sauces: Butter chicken - The first time I had it, it was so good. Domino's took it off as a choice. Alfredo - With ham and sausage is so good. BBQ Traditional pizza sauce is good and all, but I like trying other sauces on pizza. Don't knock these sauces on pizza till you try it. I tried ranch in place of pizza sauce, but wasn't into it.
  18. English folk singer-songwriter Sam Kelly. First seen years ago when he auditioned for Britain's Got Talent. He audition with one of my favourite songs "To Make You Feel My Love." He released a new album this month. Going through his other releases. I need to finish binging King's X discography. Waiting on Dream Theater's new album A View from the Top of the World to drop. The first single "The Alien" is so good. I also just discovered "Love Keeps" from Edmonton band Scenic Route to Alaska. So good. May check out the rest of their discography. Aside from binging discographies, I listen to whatever. I am eclectic and listen to a variety of genres.
  19. I've had Russell Peter's book Call Me Russell for almost nine years (got it signed by Russell himself) and I only started reading it in 2019 and 2020 (can't remember). Have continued reading it in awhile. Only part way through the book. If you don't know who Russell Peters is, he is one of my all-time favourite comedians.
  20. I need to work on getting points to up my abilities.
  21. Currently waiting for the fifth season of The Good Doctor which starts in September. Also waiting on the second season of The Witcher. It's release is on December 17th. They left season one on a cliffhanger. It will be interesting to see what they do with Geralt and Dandelion. Currently binging The Wonder Years in which I'm on season four. I like to binge TV shows whether I've seen them before or not. I am also slowly working my through The Simpsons. I am on season 13, but take breaks from it. The following is a list of shows I've binged or seen every episode from the start of the series. The Big Bang Theory Home Improvement - It aged pretty well. Full House Fuller House The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Blossom Family Matters Seinfeld Corner Gas (Canadian sitcom that was produced in Saskatchewan) The Golden Girls The Drew Carey Show - The first number of seasons were the best of the series. Got weird as the series progressed. That '70s Show - Season eight wasn't good. The rest of the series was great. Disney seasons of Doug - I haven't watched much of the Nickelodeon episodes. From what I have seen, comparatively, the Disney seasons are better. I should give the Nickelodeon episodes more of a chance though. Dark - German Netflix series. The first season was great. But you have to really pay attention to the second and third seasons. I guess you can see a trend. I watch a lot of sitcoms. I was totally into the original Melrose Place, but it's not on the list as I missed some episodes in the first season or so. It's unfortunate it was cancelled without a proper ending. But that's how TV goes lots of times. I always ask for suggestions for shows to binge. But I never actually watch what's recommended. If you do suggest shows, keep in mind that it's a hard no on The Ranch (didn't care for it), Game of Thrones, or Walking Dead.
  22. Player Information Username: Mr. C.C. Player Name: CC Sheldon Recruited From: Other (Sponsored a video on a YouTube channel I am subscribed to) Age: 38 Position: C Height: 69 in. Weight: 200 lbs. Birthplace: Canada Player Page @VHLM GM
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