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Everything posted by Scurvy

  1. Review: In my graphic novice opinion this was an excellent job. The logo swap is awesome (and awesome logo btw). The only thing I would say would be to work on the text by adding some layers maybe. Overall I would say 7/10 and way better then I can do.
  2. San Diego Marlins were hoping to maintain momentum as they returned from a lengthy holiday break this Monday. In a two-game set starting with the Mississauga Hounds, the Marlins struggled to find any kind of offense or defense. Outshot 41 to 23 the Marlins didn’t give much work to Hound’s goalie, Miervaldis Arpa. The shots they did get on goal were stuffed by the hot goalie. Mississauga star, Big Bob led both teams in hits with 8 and along with 2 assists his presence was certainly felt on the ice. In a post-game interview with Marlin defenseman Brian Payne he spoke about Big Bob and the Marlin struggles. “Bob was a beast out there for sure. He plays a nasty game and we struggled to keep him contained tonight. I thought Bob and Tavish Degroot were going to scrap on a few occasions, but the refs jumped in pretty quick. I would have liked to see it. In the end, struggled tonight for sure and felt like all of us had heavy legs being off for the break. We need to chalk it up and learn from it.” In game two against the Mexico City Kings the Marlins struggles continued but looked a damn sight better than their earlier game. The Marlins came out firing and launched 37 high quality shots on King’s goalie, Boris Tsezar but Tsezar was up to the challenge. The first period was great with the Marlin’s top line scoring three against the Kings, two on the power play with a high note of Nikita Eklund tallying his 65th assist of the season. The playmaking D-man has been a true pleasure to watch this season. But the high scoring first was it for the Marlins as Mexico City turned up the pressure. A third period set up by Ronan Lavelle to the always “electric” Benjamin Franklin Chang was the nail in the coffin for the Marlins. In a post-game interview with Marlin’s GM JB123 he spoke about the Marlins difficulty with being consistent. “We need to find a way to stay consistent. We have a great team that can and has beat the top teams in the league. When we want to, we can hang with anyone. We have a 1A and 1B goalie tandem I’d put against anyone, a nasty defensive core, and solid scorers with BGCOS, Xavier, and Young. Maybe we need more grit as we get to the playoffs. Degroot and Payne play nasty games and are both in the top ten in penalty minutes. I have also added a new free agent named Huge Johnson. HJ played in the Western Hockey League and plays a gritty tough game as well. I am hoping he gets off his ass and earns TPE fast so he can be ready for the playoffs.” The Marlins have ten games left in the season to work out the kinks and be ready for what will be a tough playoff series. With the much hated Houston Bulls on deck for tomorrow we will hope to see the Marlins have gotten over the Christmas break blues.
  3. Latest attempt at a graphic. I suck!
  4. Review: I absolutely love the Christmas theme and wish I had the graphic skills to do something similar. Good graphic leading into Xmas week and love the beard as its almost playoff time. All the best this holiday season. 9/10
  5. San Diego Marlins gathered an early Christmas present with the addition of forward Cooper Skambraks. The hulking 6 foot 5-inch youngster brings some needed depth and scoring to the club. With over a point per game average with a propensity to shoot first the youngster has 142 shots in 48 games. We caught up with Marlin’s defenseman Brian Payne who said that he welcomes the addition of Skambraks. “He is a pure goal scorer and he’s only 18. He is deadly on the power play and will help us we try to climb the standings. He could be just what we need in this late season to challenge the top teams in the division. We are close and hungry to catch the Bulls and be ready for the playoffs.” At 173 pounds when this youngster fills out, he will be a force in the VHLM. We are excited to see the Marlin’s already formidable front-end play with this late season addition.
  6. 1. I feel the team has been great. Very tough division and I feel the Marlins have stayed tough throughout. 2. My player has been on and off. I am new and still trying to get TPE as fast as I can to improve. I am defense first minded person so really am not concerned about high numbers but want to improve overall. 3. Best post game meal is a Hot Fudge Sundae and unlimited Big Cup Reeses. 4. I heard those girls were actually looking for Brian Payne and thought Johnny knew where he was at. 5. I cheer for the Edmonton Oilers and after the five game skid I haven't been too happy. 6. Any team that wants me.
  7. San Diego Marlins Defenseman Brian Payne #9 The start of the (81) season has seen some great signings and talent in the VHLM. Today we spotlight San Diego prospect #9 Brian Payne. Payne played his major junior hockey with the Everett Silvertips and shined in his three years there. A bruising defensive defenseman he led the Silvertips to two Memorial Cup appearances but failed to take home the trophy in both years. Name two-time CHL Defenseman of the Year his star was on the rise. He quarterbacked the defensive corps with impressive numbers last year 14 goals 50 assist for 64 points and a whopping 305 minutes in penalties. Missing the season 81 draft to age requirements he was signed as a free agent by the rough and tumble San Diego Marlins. When asked why he signed the hulking 602 225lbs defenseman prior to the next draft year, JB123 held up his two fists. “He can skate, hit, fight, and plays a hard game. He relishes in stopping the other teams’ top forwards. He cares nothing about stats or glory. He wants to win and that is the type of player we want on the Marlins. He has tremendous talent too so if we can get him to play a more disciplined game, I know his skills will shine.” Often compared to former New Jersey defenseman Scott Stevens, Payne certainly can bring much to an already steady defensive corps on the Marlins. Hopefully with the mentorship of Tavish DeGroot and Maxwell Matthius, Payne can learn to temper his aggressive play for a more compete game. In an interview with Payne he talked with us about his signing with the Marlins. “I am pumped to play on this club and am so happy they signed me. First, the City of San Diego is awesome. Coming from the constant rain of Washington State it’s nice to show up to the rink in flip flops. As for the club, I can’t ask for more. JB1123 has treated me like family and the players are no different. Were a family here and I want to do anything I can do help the team win the division. The talent level in the VHLM is a lot better than junior so I need to adjust my game. Every day I am in the gym earning TPE so I know I will improve as the season goes on. I am defenseman first and my job is to stop the other team from scoring. That is my focus. Points will come but I love doing the little things to help us win. I have some great mentors here and I look forward to the season.”
  8. Review: Awesome article. Succinct, well written, and good photographs with interview. I wish I could do the graphics (still learning). I Liked the humble interview that is typical with most hockey players. Plus we are on the same team and so I have to give 10/10 on this.
  9. Review: Great article. Heartwarming and well written bio that covers more then just his hockey IQ and ability. I liked the community coming together to help and for me it gave a Christmassy (not a real word) feel. lol. Great job adding a photo as well. 9/10.
  10. Anyone who watched the San Diego Marlins beat the Houston Bulls today saw the making of a bloody rivalry that has fans and writers alike marking their calendars. Led by an all-star performance by Maxwell Mathias the Marlins were able to edge out the division leading Bulls. However, this was no easy win and every inch earned was fought for. The game’s rough edge showed itself at the 19:10 mark of the first period when Houston tough guy Mikhail Kovalchuk took a roughing penalty on San Diego star, The Board Game Clue on Skates. As they say in the VHLM, “players have long memories.” At the 6:45 mark of the second period, The Board Game Clue on Skates (BGCS) had enough and answered the bell for a spirited and bloody fight with Houston stud, Eldon Escobar. BGCS and Escobar traded some heavy bombs with defense all but forgotten. Both players punched to exhaustion with both taking serious damage but never relenting. For all those out there who dislike fighting in the VHL apparently none were in attendance tonight. The entire building was on their feet screaming as they two pugilists duked it out at center ice for their teams. At the end of the fight both players nodded in respect as they went to the locker room for some much-needed repairs. The rest of the second period continued to be chippy with some roughing penalties and extracurricular shots after every whistle. At one point it looked like even the GM JB123 was going to join in some fisticuff as he was in a heated yelling match with Houston Bulls GM Moon. Kudos to the referees who had their hands full just to keep this game from lasting four hours. This rough stuff seemed to energize both teams but with San Diego getting just a bit more out of the physical play. The Marlins edged the Bulls out 3-2 on the scoreboard with excellent performances from Maxwell Mathias 1-2-3 points and 8 shots on goal, Mashall Maxx 1-2-3, and The Board Game Clue on Skates with the Gordy Howe hat trick 1-1-2, 5 PIM, and a solid 21/39 in the face-off circle. In a post-game interview with blue chip prospect Tavish DeGroot he spoke about the events of tonight’s game. “I think the physical style of play benefits out team. We have a bunch of junk yard dogs who I think get motivated when they stick up for each other. Houston is tough and good so we will need to be ready on out next meeting.” When asked about his top ranking in the draft DeGroot was humble in his response. “I am just focused on playing hard for the Marlins and winning some games with my team. This is an amazing group of players and I love being here. I am not worried about drafts really. I play my game and look to win every game.” We will certainly be looking forward to the next meeting between these two powerhouses.
  11. San Diego Marlin’s rookie defenseman, Brian Payne has earned more playing time as of late but still not dazzling the world with his great play. Despite a high motor and outstanding work ethic his skill just isn’t showing up come game time. The Marlins are 12 points behind the division leading Houston Bulls, currently third in the division. General Manager JB123 vehemently defended the rookie defenseman saying, “He has been playing with some nagging injuries and he was sick with a cold for a bit. He never complains and shows up every night. Maybe instead of bashing his play you get all the facts straight.” We tried to get more from JB123 but he stormed off angrily from the press corps. With difficult games against the Halifax 21s and division leading Houston Bulls were anxious to see if Payne and the rest of the Marlins can solve the riddle of consistency against two tough opponents.
  12. 1. What do you think team needs to get to make us more of a contender? We need to have better team scoring. A few guys on the club are consistent but the rest of us need to produce. 2. Are we at the point where we sell for picks next season or go all in for this season to try and turn it around? I think its too early to say. There are some great players on this club and we can hang with other top teams. I'd give it more time. 3. Who is the hardest player to play against in practice? Johnny Xavier. Non stop motor and plays a hard game. 4. GM JB was again spot the San Diego Zoo, this time having was seemed like an urgent conversation with dolphins. Thoughts? He has issues. 5. If JB goes back to the zoo do you have something you want him to tell the seal life there? Yes, "Have you seen Jimmy Hoffa?" 6. Does Pineapple go on pizza? No way.
  13. OK. First go at graphics so be patient!! lol. Let me know what I can do better.
  14. It was a rough day for an inconsistent San Diego Marlins team that seems to still be working out the kinks. With potent offensive talent such as Johnny Xavier and Christopher Young and two great goalie options the team has struggled to find the win column as of late. Bad penalties are only partly to blame as this team shows signs of great play one minute followed by dismal play the next. Granted one loss today was against the dreaded offensive Ottawa team that just seems to be steamrolling the league. A post-game interview with rookie defenseman, Brian Payne shed some light on the team’s recent plight. “Well, I certainly could have done better out there today. Ottawa comes with the heat and is relentless on both sides of the ice. We played with them in shifts but couldn’t put it together for sixty minutes. We fix a few things and I think we can hang with them.” Game 150 is right around the corner and this sportswriter is hoping to see San Diego play to their potential for an exciting rematch.
  15. Wow what a perfect article. Great photographs and a witty and well thought out article. My favorite part is your bio, "Jethro Novacek is an award-winning writer for the MSFL Times, the top source of valuable tidbits for simulation sports. He enjoys a good meatball sandwich, engaging in academic conversations about sexual intercourse in the Mass Effect franchise, and theorizing on how to end the MLB lockout." Probably the best one I have seen in my short time here. I wish I could figure out how to do graphics as well to spice mine up. Awesome job. 10/10
  16. Review: Awesome article. Very Canadian and funny. I do love me some Tim Horton's when I go to Canada so this made me giggle. I really liked the goalie quote and the only thing I would have like to see was maybe a picture of a delicious maple bar. 9/10
  17. 1. I think the team is starting to come together. A focus on team defense and capitalizing on power play and we will see continued success. 2. My season is ok but needs to improve with continued earning of TPE. I need to add to defense and skating to improve and be consistent. 3. Pre-game routine is superstitious. I have to put my hockey socks and skates on left foot first and then right. Everytime 4. YES! After his shutout win goalie Dusty Wilson refuses to shower until he allows a goal. 5. No comment. But I am a decent singer 6. Hell NO. A hotdog is in no way shape or form a sandwich. Go Marlins!!
  18. Review: Great article and summary of your team. I am still new here but love to follow along with articles that describe or define a team's strengths and/or weaknesses. Just based on this article I found myself searching your teams past few games and looking at the stats, etc. I look forward to more of these types of articles from you. Only criticism I would say is maybe at some pictures or graphics. I have no idea how to do it but it would make it pop. 8/10.
  19. That is bad ass!!!!!! I am a self admitted graphic NOOB but I have to say that looks great. The emblems look sharp but the gloves seem a bit off to me. I would have like to see the background faded out a bit with some smoke colored graphics in the background instead of the rink. Overall that is a remarkable job and I give you 8.5/10.
  20. San Diego Marlins have had some ups and downs in the start of the season, but their outlook is promising. With a 4-0 shutout win versus the deadly Saskatoon Wild in game 41 we saw the emergence of some great players finding their way. Led by the deadly offensive duo of Christopher Young and phenom Nikita Eklund, and always reliable stud goaltender Dusty Wilson we saw this team of youngsters rise to the next level. Wilson stopped 19 of 19 shots in a stellar effort to earn his first shutout of the season and certainly not his last. Undisciplined play saw the Saskatoon team in trouble with the often-deadly Marlins capitalizing, going 3 for 8 with the man advantage. Nikita Eklund found the net twice with a helper to go with it giving him three points on the night. Tavis DeGroot led the defense with 8 hits and along with a young defensive core limited the Wild to just 19 shots. In a post-game interview with Marlins goalie, Dusty Wilson he said that team defense led his club to victory. “We have had some rough games this year with glimpses of the type of team we can be. Were all really close and tonight the team earned this shutout.” To cap the week off the Marlins played their division rival, Las Vegas Aces. The Aces got the better the Marlins in their first meeting this year. Game 46 showed the league just what the Marlins are capable of. Again, led by an outstanding offensive output by Christopher Young with 5 points, Nikita Eklund with 6 points, and Johnny Xavier with 5 points the team dominated the deadly Las Vegas team that got into some penalty trouble and couldn’t recover their formidable offense. We caught up with team GM, JB123 who said he was happy with the way the team played tonight. “The power play was working, and Johnny Xavier was excellent in the faceoff circle with 29/44. It’s the little things like that can equal a victory and not always noticed by the fans. Eklund, Young, and Xavier are hot right now and were hoping to keep them going. It was a physical game and Las Vegas took some penalties in the second period that helped get us going. I couldn’t be happier we beat them tonight, but we need to keep our foot on the gas. It’s a long season.” With the series tied 1 and 1 now we know that the first place Las Vegas Aces will not easily forget this loss and plan to be back with a vengeance. Aces goaltender Thomas Price was not happy with the loss and took responsibility. “I needed to be better tonight, and I will be next time. They played hard and got quality chances and capitalized. Hats off to them tonight and I can’t wait until we play them again.” Fans for both clubs will have game 76 marked on their calendars and I am certain we will be in for an epic clash of two top teams.
  21. Excitement brews as the undefeated high scoring Las Vegas Aces and the rough and tumble Sand Diego Marlins game approaches. Game 37 is marked on fans calendars as these two division rivals clash in a game that will no doubt set the stage for the top spot in the division. The Vegas team led by, Adeline Donne and playmaker Alex the Great with tough netminder Thomas Price will be faced off against Marlins greats The Board game Clue on skates (the greatest name ever), defensive great Tavish DeGroot, with a steady and always prepared netminder Bubbles Utonium. This matchup has the potential to be an ugly with both teams hungry to be on top of the division. Look for a physical and brutal game with neither team giving up space and lots of scrums after the whistle. In short, they just don’t like each other this year. With tough newcomers Brian Payne and Daniel Burke on Defense we look for a fun and hopefully violent matchup.
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